Full of Regrets

A Collection of Kyumin One Shots

A/N:  I’m terribly sorry that this was heavily delayed.  I didn’t have the time to type it in and I found some time today.  However, I do feel that it was a bit rushed.  I still hope that you guys enjoy it nonetheless.


            I had just ordered a fresh cup of hot coffee and was waiting for my order in my usual chair near the front of the café.  The sunlight drizzles in, reflecting off of the glass table and causing the freshly cut flowers to glitter.  The smell of newly brewed coffee flew through the air as the sound of light, classical music weaved throughout the store.

            “Here you go sir,” the barista said, setting down my cup of coffee with a smile.  “Are you sure you don’t want any pastries with that coffee?”

            I thought about it for a moment, wondering if I really wanted that brownie that was practically screaming at me to get it.  “Maybe later,” I concluded, smiling back.  “Thank you though.”

            She gave me a small bow before walking back behind the counter. I stared at the hot cup of coffee, watching the steam flow off.  I blew on it before sipping it carefully and sighing.  I looked at my phone and glanced at the date.

            November 6, 2035

            I can’t believe it’s already been five years since Super Junior ended as a group.  We really had gone our separate ways.  I mean, we met up every once in a while, but we’ve become quite distant as those meetings became even more rare as time passed.  Sure we broke our promises, but never our bonds, luckily.

            Suddenly, something recognizable came on, on the radio.  It was ‘Islands’, from our Mamacita album.  God, that album 15 years old.  I closed my eyes and reminisced.  I really did love that song.  From the piano opening all the way to the vocals.  I was deeply impressed by it and it held so many meanings for all of us.  I started to sing along quietly to myself while I nursed my coffee.

            “Kyuhyun,” a voice asked.

            I chuckled to myself.  Was this a fan?  I stopped singing to myself and glanced up, seeing an all too familiar face.  My heart seemed to stop for a second.  His baby face was still apparent, but was heavily contrasted with his dark hair and sleek black suit.  Beside him was a beautiful woman, her hand gently tucked away in the hands of the other man. 

            I don’t want to see him.  Not like this.  I never met him alone after our retirement.  I couldn’t bare it.

            “S…Sungmin,” I stuttered out, standing up abruptly.  “I mean, hyung.”

            Sungmin chuckled, his laugh the same as ever.  “No need for the formalities,” he said, patting my shoulder.

            I flinched ever so slightly at the contact before gesturing for them to take a seat.  Sungmin, ever the gentleman, pulled out the chair for his wife before taking his own seat.  “I…I haven’t seen you since our last group meeting last year,” I said, trying to hide my face with the coffee.  “How have you been?”

            “Well, I’ve been incredibly busy, especially because of this girl right here,” he said, turning to his wife and gently pinching her cheeks.  “Plus, you know how troubling the kids are, even if they’re not children anymore.”

            I laughed at the thought as I looked him over.  They’ve been married 21 years and I still hadn’t adjusted.  Admittedly, it’s because I’ve been in love with the guy for exactly 29 years, 163 days, and approximately 5 hours and 6 minutes.  I could never forget the face that first willingly welcomed me into the doors.  The face that I saw every night for 9 years before I went to bed.  The face that greeted me good morning as soon as I woke up.  It was the face of an angel.

            I swear I tried to forget.  Really, I did.  I tried to date over and over again but no one could bring back the feelings that he made me feel.  I had never confessed, regretfully, but that was not to say that I never showed my love.  I did.  He just never noticed it.

            “Kyuhyun,” Sungmin called out, waving his hands in front of me, bringing me back out of my thoughts.

            “Oh yes,” I asked, sipping my already cold coffee.

            “I was just talking about how you should organize another meeting,” he continued, giving me a warm smile.  “You’re closer to the guys anyways.”

            I thought about it for a moment, ignoring the small pangs that would hit my heart every once in a while.  “I think I will,” I said,” I really miss the guys.”

            “Then it’s settled,” he said, still smiling.

            I looked at him, hoping that the hurt I was feeling inside wasn’t being reflected on my face.  Rather, Sungmin, I actually really have missed you.  We never truly as close when you came back from the army.  I would even go as far as to say that we were never close after you decided to get married to her.  I was never mad at your decisions but actually disappointed in myself for never telling you the truth. 

            “Sungmin, I’m going to use the restroom really quick,” Kim Sa Eun said, standing up from her chair. 

            Sungmin nodded and watched her walk away before turning his attention back to Kyuhyun.  “You know, you haven’t said much since we came,” he said, tilting his head slightly, revealing his curiosity.

            I chuckled to distract him a little.  “There hasn’t been much to say,” I muttered, continuing to nurse my already cold cup of coffee.

            Suddenly, his expression turned serious.  “But really Kyuhyun, how have you been,” he asked, sitting up straight.  “I figured that, since we were really close, we would be the last ones to drift apart.”

            I held my tongue, knowing that if I was to retort with the truth, I would regret it.  “People drift apart all the time,” I said, shrugging.

            Sungmin laughed at the thought.  “That’s terribly pessimistic of you,” he muttered.  “I thought you were different.”

            I gave him a small smile and looked down, trying to avoid his eyes.  “I’m just being realistic,” I muttered.

            “Now I know I did something wrong so many years ago,” Sungmin said, making me look up to meet his eyes.  “I know I never bothered to ask before, but who cares?  I really shouldn’t regret never asking you.”


            I was full of regrets.

            “You never did anything wrong,” I finally muttered, knowing that the look on his face wouldn’t go away unless I told him.  “I did.”

            That took him aback.  “What did you do wrong,” he asked, frowning.  “I don’t remember ever being mad at you.”

            Should I tell him?  “Well, you see…,” I began, but was interrupted by the return of his wife.

            I shut my mouth and the conversation changed quickly, the tension between the two of us disappearing.  The barista finally stopped by to give them their cup of coffee and their pastries. When had they ordered that?  When I was dozing?

            I watched Sungmin look at his wife lovingly as she spoke of the new drama she had just started and how they were struggling to juggle the whole family life.  It was some 30 minutes when she had stopped talking and I realized that Sungmin’s eyes never left her face.  It broke my heart all over again, which I didn’t think was even possible.  But at the same time, I couldn’t help but feel happy that he was happy.

            Kim Sa Eun looked at her watch and gave out a small gasp.  “We need to go back soon Sungmin,” she said, gently patting him on the shoulder.  “I’ll go ahead and go back to the car.  Say your goodbyes quickly!”  She stood up and gave Kyuhyun a small bow before leaving the café.

            Sungmin sighed and looked over at Kyuhyun.  “We never finished our conversation,” he said, standing up and fixing his suit.  “But we need to next time.  Good bye Kyuhyun.”  He bowed and gave me a small pat on the back before turning away.

            “I love you,” I said out loud before gasping.  I did not just say that.  I looked around the café and was glad to see that the only other people there were an elderly couple sitting all the way across.

            Sungmin paused at the door.  It felt like an eternity before he finally turned around.  “I love you too,” he said, chuckling, blowing it off.

            This was it.  Just like every other one of my ‘confessions’.  He didn’t take it seriously.  But not anymore.  “Sungmin,” I said, putting on a more serious tone.  “I mean it, I love you.  I’ve loved you for 29 years and still haven’t stopped loving you because your face won’t stop passing through my mind.  Because I can’t forget your voice, your smile, or your eyes.”  I sighed before looking down.  “I’m sorry.”

            I didn’t hear anything from him for a couple of minutes and I felt as if I was being punished.  Suddenly, tiny footsteps made their way towards me and I was engulfed in a warm hug.  I could feel my tears start to form, but I didn’t let them out.  I had to hold them in because I knew his response.  I can’t cry.  I don’t deserve to cry.

            “I already know Kyuhyun,” he whispered.  “I’ve known since the first day we met.”

            My eyes widened at his comment and so many questions popped into my head.  The regrets piling up more and more.  I was laughing inside my head because of my stupidity and my inability to build up my courage.

            “But, you know,” he whispered in my ear.  “The only regret I have right now is that you never told me before.  Because look at where we are now.”
            He let me go and I felt cold all over again.  “I’m sorry,” I whispered back, giving him a small smile.

            He shook his head and touched my cheeks gently.  “Don’t ever be sorry for loving someone Kyuhyun,” he said, smiling.  “Especially if you loved someone for this long.  Just promise me that you won’t wait so long next time.”

            I nodded.  “I promise.”

            “Good,” he said, giving me half a hug.  “Now, I have to go before the missus kills me for making her late.”

            I could do nothing else but smile as Sungmin walked out of my sight.  I took a seat and felt as if a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.  I was relieved. Relieved that I didn’t have to continue keeping the secret anymore.  That I didn’t have to hide.  That he finally knew my true feelings.  Closure.  Finally.

            A small dish was set in front of me.  The brownie that I had been eyeing greeted me with a smile.  I looked up at the person who had set the plate down.  It was the barista.  I realized that she had watched the whole scene, but she didn’t say anything.  She simply smiled and walked back behind the counter.

            I eyed the brownie and smiled.

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leeaida #1
Chapter 1: i love ittttt
thanks for sharing
sweety23 #2
Chapter 10: This is epic! It would be nice if it really happened... Everyone will be happy! Cant wait for the next story :)
Gyaaaa #3
Chapter 8: Why Kyuhyun die? The letter make me think he commit suicide, but why?? ㅠ_ㅠ

Thanks for the update.. ^^
Chapter 9: If I were sungmin, I would've slapped kyu too hihihi

Thank goodness the last chapter is fluffy. After reading the first update and after what happened during ss6 encore, I don't think I still have more tears to shed.

Thanks for the double update! ^^v
Gyaaaa #5
Chapter 7: Hahaha.. So the unrequited love is not really unrequited after all. He should just confessed. XD

Thanks for the update.. ^^
sweety23 #6
Chapter 7: This is really cute but how can Kyu no notice the cute Min.... Love this as usual...
Gyaaaa #7
Chapter 6: Hahahaha.. I amazed at your effort counts how long Kyuhyun had been fall in love with Min. XD

Now... Aren't Min a little bit too much here? He knew Kyuhyun was love him. Why he didn't say or do anything first if he also love Kyu? Or he didn't love Kyuhyun back?

Thanks for the update... ^^

I would love SuJu to lasts for 25 years, and still in touch after that. But imagine two ahjussi in the cafe, in the daylight, confessing their love behind the wive back make me cringe. Even if the ahjussi as cute as Sungmin. Hahahaha.. Because, yeah, 20 years from now Sungmin will be almost 50, and Kyuhyun will be 47. >_<
Gyaaaa #8
Chapter 5: Ahhh~ fluffy!!!

Kyuhyun's cheesiness made me cringe though. Hahahaha...

SuJu reach their 25th anniversary. Wish that will happen in real life..

thanks for the update.. ^^
Gyaaaa #9
Chapter 4: This is sad.... All that because of stupid. min!! ㅠ_ㅠ

Why he don't realized if he couldn't protect Kyu by hirting him that much??!

Thanks for writing and for the updates.. ^^

Ps. Sorry i took too much comment space. >_<