The Day I Met You At School

The Day I Met You



     Hyejeong walked into her homeroom on the first day of her final year in high school. She looked around the unfamiliar room to see a seat in the back next to a window overlooking the school grounds. She made her way over to it, dropping her backpack and sitting down, crossing her arms and legs as she did so. She looked out of the window, thinking about what she could be doing now instead of this. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder that made her start, and she looked over to see her best friend, and only friend, Yu Na, looking down at her, smiling.

     "Hey, what's with that annoyed looked? This is the first time in a while that I got to see you," the girl pouted, making a hurt expression on her face.

     "I saw you two days ago," Hyejeong said dismissively, turning away from her friend to face the window again. By the way Hyejeong acted to Yu Na, no one would have guessed that the two were friends, let alone best friends. Yu Na was used to this by now as they had been friends for six years now, and she wasn't fazed at all by the cold girl's actions.

     "Aww, is wittle Hyejeongie in a bad mood today?" she said, tossing her arms around the taller girl's neck and hugging her.

     "Get off me, midget," the brunette muttered, pulling at the other's rather thin, but surprisingly strong arms.

     "You like me hugging you, don't deny it. You love me," Yu Na declared, holding on even tighter and putting her chin on Hyejeong's shoulder.

     "I don't - like you," Hyejeong growled, pulling at her perpetrator's arms in a futile attempt to get the clingy girl off of her. As the two struggled, the bell rang and more students began filing in.

     "Saved by the bell," Yu Na said, winking as she made her way towards the desk right beside Hyejeong. Hyejeong glared at her friend and huffed in annoyance, looking back out of the window again. The final bell for the class to began to ring and Hyejeong reluctantly pulled her gaze away from the window to face forward. A teacher that most students were familiar with was standing in front of the class, a smile on his lips. As expected, any seats around Hyejeong were empty, as everyone in the school knew about her and her personality.

     "Alright class, today we have a transfer student from Myeong-dong," Mr. Han said. He beckoned to someone outside and the person that Hyejeong never thought she would see again stepped in.

     Kim Seolhyun.


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HMS_Seoljeong #1
Chapter 20: A massive aoa sevensome (not in that way)
HMS_Seoljeong #2
Chapter 19: Either, we need mooorree
Thousandsunny #3
Chapter 19: fresh, i think this story had a good ending plus i kinda want a new one xD
hdnscrtown #4
Chapter 19: sequel or fresh it's okay ^^
Leminji28 #5
Chapter 19: I think a fresh start is a good Idea but if not I think yuna should find some one special too ^^
serravee #6
Chapter 19: Sequel please!
River1721 #7
Chapter 19: Sequel! ^^