Stormy Night



What is that clatter? I am trying to focus on the book I am reading, conversely that Seunghoon does it again, he said sorry but I disregarded him. I better see it for myself as to what he is doing –such a nuisance. Descending the stairs what surprised me was to see three other males in the living room which I do not discern of –I went nearer to them and said hi.

Hello there you must be Seunghoon’s wife? –said the good looking guy in cerulean shirt.

Uh, well you see … - I blurted but Seunghoon joined the game.

Yes, she is my wife alright. Her name is Yuri; these are my friends. –Seunghoon educated me.

It’s good to know that you have friends all along, hon. –I acted.

After that I went back upstairs, let them savor those sakes. Surely for a man, he seems to be a committed drunkard. Here I am unaided in the room, trying to sleep minus disturbing those below –I lost my craving for lunch because I ate too much during breakfast. It has been three hours now since they went in full swing. Time conceded by –the ground level seems to calm down. Finally, I can get my chance to watch some show by my own then eat dinner, doze and stretch up. Plunging as fast as a feline –I was dismayed by the view! No one is downstairs, plus they left the whole living quarter a mess –who else would clean it! Is this what a helpmeet should do after her drunken husband went away?

Why am I acting so distress and cold? I do not want to see a motion picture with a dirty carpet. As usual, I gathered the cleaning materials –abruptly the door opened! I was place in a shudder manner.

Oh, it’s you. –I palely implied at him.

Let me clean that one, I made that clutter. –Seunghoon said.

Nah, I can manage this one. –I agitated.

I did that, so let me do the aftercare. –he said, half-drunk as he pace towards me.

Oh no! I blocked him and told him to go upstairs to sleep.

Are you certain? –he doubted.

Of course! I may be unsympathetic but I do not want a drunkard to do this, perhaps you might even mess up more. –I alleged.

Shorn of words he ascended while I continue to clean this up. This one took me half an hour, I reformed my mind –I will sleep now. Inside the room, well… it is just odd to see him having forty winks at the couch and not on the bed.

I snuck into the bedstead; a memo is sticking out on the bed head. It says that he won’t be slumbering near me since he is sloshed. Still, he is troubled about me –Seunghoon believed that I would hate the stinging stench of alcohol. Oh well, it is his decision not mine. The curtains were drawn so I adjusted them –I can clearly see that the sky is very dark, soon it will rain. Thunderclaps are going to overlay the whole night; I vented up by covering my face with thick layers of blankets –hoping it won’t roar loudly.


I opened my eyes to see if Yuri is now asleep after she cleaned the mess I made –I diverted my perception towards the bed and she is there –sleeping. A sprinkling sound can be heard, it must have been raining and loud booming sounds of thunder can be heard plus the flashing of lighting. I stood up, half of his head is aching because of the drink I took –into the lavatory wherein I will wash my face with water then I changed my clothing into nighties. I did not sleep beside Yuri because she might not like the aroma of alcohol. Of course, I highly respect that one.

It is quite cold, perhaps a coffee will do. –I whispered to myself.

I left the room’s door open –I am now slowly pacing downstairs. I know Yuri is dead to the world as of this moment while I still need coffee to clear out my intuitions.


Thunderclaps, lightning and drizzling icy waters are taking over the sky. I hate thunder, in fact I possess a morbid fear about it since I was a kid –though slow as a turtle I managed to keep it hidden. Yes, I might be dead to the world right now but my mind is in a marathon! I closed my restless eyes again then…

The tremendous boom of the sky clattered! I hastily removed the sheets; lately I have been expecting to see someone who will comfort me. I was hoping if Seunghoon is there sleeping. But my expectations fluctuated –there is no sign of him! Plus, the door is wide open… he must have been downstairs.

I will lower this tonight; I do not care of what Seunghoon think. –I uttered, slowly descending the stairs.

There is Seunghoon, having a coffee over the table.

Hey, Seunghoon why are you not sleeping? –I enquired.

My head is aching in addition to that I think this coffee will cure it, how about you? –he retorted.

Well… I was just checking out if you’re still sleeping that is all. Bye! –I lazed.

I do not want to fail with this one.

Is that all? –he supposed.

Yes, I mean no! I… beg you to sleep beside me, okay? I will be waiting! –I thought, running to the room.

His expressions were priceless, ha! As if I am going to do it with him; all I wanted is a company to ease my fear. I hovered over the clock, it is 2:25am already and he is not yet up. I gently closed my eyes, chanting some words to expel the fear.


I heard the door shut –it must have been her. I opened my eyes; Yuri is taking her place over the couch inside here –in the guest room.

I told you to sleep beside me, Seunghoon. –Yuri said loudly.

You hate me, don’t you? –I cornered her.

She did not talk back, I wonder why –the thunder keeps on booming.

Please? –Yuri pleaded.

Nope. –I countered, covering myself with blanket.

I can still see her slim silhouette sitting down, tsk! Let her be, I am too tired. Suddenly, I fell asleep just ignoring her poor shadow. For a moment, I was awoken by something –or someone. I opened my eyes, shocked; I can see Yuri is tugging beside me! What is this?! I was about to escape when she squeezed me tightly when the thunder made a roaring scream. Hmmm… guessed I already know why she wanted me to sleep beside her –I did not mind this arrangement, she is my wife after all.

Few weeks passed since I got drunk; the linking in the middle of me and her is unchangeable. Our notions continues to crash each time we meet –but I just love her, , I could not view a day without getting notice by her. Plus that night when she embraced me tightly –I got her, it was all because of the thunder, I the next day but she refused to tell me the obvious reason. Also, I now have her phone number just in case we need to talk or deed out –which I dislike the most. Why can’t we just be factual, huh?

I wonder what she is doing now; well I do not want to interfere with her any longer for the reason that it might spark another war. Yet again, day by day I grow into being relentless –latterly I have been trying my effort but why can’t she notice me?

Sir, I got an invitation from you cousin named Eun Soo. –said my secretary.

Let her in. – I said.

Eun Soo, my female cousin is going to have her birthday tomorrow –as a bloodline, I am invited.

Cousin! –Eun Soo greeted.

Yes, I know why you are here. Hand it down, and I will be there. –I told her.

Bring your wife, do not forget. –Eun Soo said, leaving me.

The next day, I attended the party with Yuri.

 Why are we here again? –Yuri asked me.

Because it is the birthday of my cousin, Eun Soo and she wanted to see my wife. –I told her.

That is why… -Yuri blurted.

Eun Soo got a glimpse of us, she smiled genuinely and discerned of Yuri –she brought Yuri to the other guests while I sulk with the other relatives I know. Hours eventually passed and the merriment is not yet over –there are a lot of things that Eun Soo prepared, games; though she is old enough for that kind of stuffs. Eun Soo thought that having a throwback themed party is quite awesome for a change.

I want the couples to step into the center and join this game! –Eun Soo said.

That means; Yuri and I must attend it. Meanwhile, Yuri is having too much fun –I talk to her as well.

You seemed to have fun, are you enjoying? –I said.

Of course, I never knew that your clan can be this crazed and for the record, this by far is the best party I attended, let’s win that game hon. –Yuri said, smiling at me.

She is getting that eerie feeling of calling me ‘honey’ these days though I know it is only an act. We played the game that Eun Soo made –in the end, we won second place but it was all worth it. In fact, our actions between one another might clash in some small things though.

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I am working on a new fanfic.


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ceciyo #1
whoaa.. it's really a good story.. Simple, touching, fluffy.. I LOVE IT.. haha.. pls write other fanfic author-nim.. i love the way you deliver the story.. <3