This Weird Woman



It has been nine days after what happened at the orphanage; Yuri is still looking forward to what that kid said to me –as if, I do not know if it will concede or not. Right now, we are in the couch –I am scanning some newspapers while she kept on walking in front of me –what’s her problem?

Hoon! Do you by chance have any childhood photographs? –Yuri asked me.


Why? –I coldly replied.

Oh well, I was just wondering… I need to go upstairs first, I will be back. –she added, leaving me.

Good grief.


He denied it, well –I will have to search it by myself. Now, if I were a photo where would I be? My curiosity brought me to his office –I know that it is my prior time to step in here but hey, I have the right too.

Aha! There’s an odd looking box on the shelf over there –perhaps that is where he is keeping those photos.

Bingo! –I exclaimed.


What is that? –I told her while Yuri is descending.

She did not replied, geez –a woman’s intuition.

I found some of your photos. Look! You’re so cute when you were a child, I like this one! Are these your sisters? –Yuri blabbered.

Wait, what?! Let me recollect my thoughts –she found my photos which I kept?

Who told you to touch those? – I said.

Ah, come one! Don’t murder the fun Hoon. Hey, by any chance did you go to a dance class? This green outfit seems familiar, plus you look even cuter. –Yuri continued with her guilty pleasure.

Oh well, I have to answer it.

Yeah, I did. –I implied.

Suddenly, she tugs my arm –I look at her face which is showing a very radiant smile.

I know this sounds like out of hand but… I want our future kids to look like you. Well, not you wholly but I want them to have your eyes –the kindness you possess, the humor, talent and else more. –she planned it, but I am hanging.

Yeah, like that’s going to happen. I don’t think so; just… return them from where you got them. I’ll rest for a bit. –I cold heartedly said.

I left her there, it pains me to say those words yet I know in the end I will be the one who will be hurt. Into the room I went, all I wanted was a peace of mind –nothing more or less.

When I woke up, I found out that she is away. Subsequently, I got a call from the lawyer I used to talk about, I am still twice the doubt if I will pursue this yet it seems that she has changed. It is for her sake, I also talked about it with Mr. Han and he cannot ingest it as well.

Okay, bring it by then. – I commanded.

I am sorry Yuri.

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I am working on a new fanfic.


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ceciyo #1
whoaa.. it's really a good story.. Simple, touching, fluffy.. I LOVE IT.. haha.. pls write other fanfic author-nim.. i love the way you deliver the story.. <3