Concerned Guy



Who do you think she is, huh?! I am puzzled even though Yuri is the girl I like but when it comes to outlook –Yuri needs to mug up some. I am inside the office, hectic as always –working under such a large corporation is definitely a burden plus you have to deal with your brat wife.

The phone rings, I took the call to see who I on the other line.

Hello? –I said.

Seunghoon! It is me, Yuri’s father. How are you and her? –Yuri’s dad, Mr. Han.

Mr. Han… I mean, dad –things are great between us. We got wedded yesterday. –I updated him.

Wow, way to go. Sorry if I did not catch up, I will be visiting anytime soon. Also, thank you so much for doing this to me. –Mr. Han said.

Mr. Han ended the call –Yuri’s father is a gentle man. I wonder where his spawn got that kind of attitude. I am thankful of him because he made things conceivable between me and Yuri which is very rigid to come by factually.

After my work, I drove myself back home. Though I know that nobody will welcome me and ask how my day was, seeing the girl I love is good enough for me to be energized. I am humming happy tunes; I got back around 7:45pm already –I reached the house, however nobody is truly around. I checked the bedroom but there is no indication of Yuri. Where could she be? As a replacement for drafting my conclusions, I change my clothing so I could prepare for dinner.


Trust me it is pretty nauseating to be with Seunghoon. –I told my friends about it.

But then again he is your hubby, right? –Inna asked me.

Simply in papers my friend, ha! Ha! –I told her.

I am having good times with my friends. I did not get the opportunity to see them since I got tied up with Seunghoon; evening is camping in also to a certain extent it is late. Huh, he cannot restrict me from going out at this degree because I do not have any obligation to him –he can cook dinner by himself alright.

Goodie! Look at the time now, I better get going. –Lyn said.

This early… come on, let us party tonight! –I endorsed.

Yuri, it is nearly midnight and I have to go now. –Lyn said as she went out.

Come to think of it midnight is just around the corner. Guess I will be going as well later, I stayed for a couple of minutes and then I bade Inna a good bye. I signaled down a cab; I am now on my way back to that firm.

After half an hour of wayfaring, I got to the house but it appears so lonesome and black. Technically, the lights are off in addition it looks like somebody is not in a good mood –I wondered who it could be. Ha! I opened the door –wow, it is really murky. I sluggishly tiptoed my way upstairs inaudibly in case that man is now sleeping, yet my expressions failed me as I touched the third step the lights went on, poof!

Where have you been? –Seunghoon enquired at me.

As what I told you, it is not you league to interfere with my cases. – I answered him, without fronting his direction.

You are wrong… -he said.

What?! –I in quested.

I am so peeved; exhausted from the spree but this is all I get in return? I went down to face him, Seunghoon’s appearance is serious that can petrify someone –no one is the supreme commander here!

What are you trying to imply, huh? –I held.

I am your significant other Yuri, this is my responsibility… I have to look after you, can’t you see? It is already the wee small hours and you just got back! Now, tell me where have you been?! –Seunghoon inferred in a loud tone.

Oh, this is war.

How man epochs do I have to tell you that I have my own life too, you cannot just dictate me to do this and that! I went out with my peers, you happy now? I dislike you even more! –I reacted indignantly.

He is way receiving it, I could not take another fight with him –I hastily go to the room and locked myself in there. I lay in bed, this will be a bore. Before I left him there –I saw his reaction, in pain. Why is he so apprehensive? I know he is just acting to interpret the ideal husband for me but like I care! Uneasy, I turn to the other side unknowingly I felt a salty splat of water running down on my cheeks –no, it cannot be in tears. I stood up and dried my cheeks, I concluded they are indeed tears, but for what reason? Was it because of the brawl earlier? Is this a sign or what?!

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I am working on a new fanfic.


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ceciyo #1
whoaa.. it's really a good story.. Simple, touching, fluffy.. I LOVE IT.. haha.. pls write other fanfic author-nim.. i love the way you deliver the story.. <3