Chapter 5: Move With Me


 Just pass the rehab's recreational area was the gym, a room well stocked with all the equipment required for various physical and occupational therapy needs. Crowded with patients of all levels of injury from spinal chord injuries to car accidents the room was bustling with the sounds of strenuous workout sessions and words of encouragement from therapists.

Hyesung headed towards an exercise mat elevated above the ground like a table where his physical therapist was finishing up with another patient. He stopped and thought of turning back so he wouldn't interrupt their session but was spotted. The muscular therapist smiled warmly and gestured him to come over as he assisted his patient into their wheelchair.

“Thank you so much Mr.Kim.” said the blushing middle-aged woman as she unlocked her wheels.

“No need to thank me.” he replied graciously waving as she rolled away. “Hyesung, good morning.”

Kim Dongwan was a man with a very welcoming presence. Friendly, funny and kind it was impossible not to like him and his good looks didn't hurt those chances either. Dark hair, good muscular build, smiling eyes, considerate, helpful and a warm personality, he was someone others admired. The job of a physical therapist wasn't simply a matter of work for him and his patients felt that sincerity whenever they were with him. Hyesung was no different in that sentiment.

He slowly sat down on the blue rubber mat and Dongwan took his crutches laying them carefully out of the way of him or any passersby. Glancing at Hyesung he could see the fatigue still lingering in his face. Grabbing a short round stool with wheels he sat down and rolled up in front of him.

“I would say good morning if it looked like you were having one.” he joked trying to lighten his mood. Hyesung sighed deeply.

“It's been...a bit hectic.” he confessed.

“Ah.” nodded Dongwan. “Well, how about we get you started on some leg lifts and you can tell me all about it. If you want to that is.”

“Sure.” replied Hyesung.

His direct instructions for the exercise were as follows: Sitting with your back straight and shoulders back, slowly lift one leg from the knee up and back down while keeping the opposite foot planted flat on the floor. Do 3 sets of ten per leg, taking short breaks so the muscles can relax during every interval. In the past week or so, this exercise had proven difficult due to his swollen left leg. It was prescribed by Dr. Mun that he'd avoid it completely until enough fluid came off to minimize the risk of his blood pressure going up or putting too much strain on the joints from lifting the access weight. He'd only been able to due the bare minimum during PT, thereby hindering his recovery. It was frustrating, As eager as he was to get started again, he also felt anxious as he sat there staring at his leg too nervous to lift it.

Noticing his hesitation Dongwan got up and left, quickly returning with an orange juice.

“Drink this first and take a few breaths.” he said handing him the tiny plastic container.

“Thank you.” said Hyesung with a small bow as he took it. He quickly gulped it down, inhaling and exhaling deeply when he was done. Dongwan throw the trash away and sat back down.



“Hyesung-ssi.” began Dongwan with a concerned glance. “If you'd like, I can move our session to this afternoon. You can rest a bit more and get some more food in you.”

“Oh, no, please don't inconvenience yourself.” Hyesung replied shyly feeling a little guilty thinking he'd caused him trouble.

“It's no inconvenience at all.” he smiled brightly. “My patients, my friends, are never an inconvenience. Besides, I can't have you trying to get better while not putting your full effort into it. I'm not a slave driver!”

Dongwan let out a hardy laugh and Hyesung stared at him strangely. He found himself thinking that he was very much like that eccentric doctor and shook his head at the thought. Both trying to lighten your spirits when your down with some silly gesture to distract you, like offering candy to a crying child.

These guys. He laughed in his head and smiled.

“If you're sure..” he began to say, but Dongwan was already handing him his crutches.

“I'll move my schedule around and come to get you later when I have an idea of what time I have available. If you feel more comfortable, I'll work with you in the room for a few days until you get used to things again.”

“Thank you so much. I really am sorry for the trouble.”

“No, not at all.” Dongwan said while guiding him through standing. “Just take your time. I'm just as eager to see you get better, but if you rush through the process then you'll go backwards again. You don't want that, do you?”

“No,” sighed Hyesung finally on his feet.

He knew the truth in what he said, embarrassed to admit to himself that he'd given up entirely at some point during his healing process. Giving into his depression after an argument with his father he stopped coming to therapy and moving about altogether,. That's what led to his leg swelling, not getting enough circulation. Hyesung was sure this was what Dongwan was referring to. Thinking about Jin's note, he realized that there were several people who he caused to worry. Junjin, Andy, Eric...and Dongwan, and now even the rude stranger Minwoo.

“I'll walk you back to your room. This can count as the first 5-10 minutes of your session and I'll take that time off later.”

“Yes.” he said lowly still lost in thought. “Thank you.”

“Of course of course.” smiled Dongwan seeing his perplexed expression. “Now let's see how those legs are doing.”

Upon getting back to his room Hyesung received his morning meds from Andy. Embarrassed he frantically explained the situation involving his sincerely prepared food.

“Treat me to lunch when you recover.” That was his response. Simple, forgiving, and warm. The man was simply too kind for his own good, thought Hyesung who felt sorry as well as grateful.

He sighed and retreated to his bed to take a nap. Reluctantly he admitted his excitement for lunch time, when Minwoo would return. Was it curiosity or anxiety? He didn't know. Despite his skepticism, he conceded to his excitement. Perhaps this feeling, fleeting as it seemed, was enough for now.


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GinogacheTonic #1
Chapter 18: Ughhh I love this so muchhhh. How come I only just found this? I am Jinnie biased and Jinsyung shipper so THIS IS EVERYTHING. I love how well you captured the members' characters and Jinsyung's bond. Great work!! First great and completed Jinsyung fic I've seen honestly. Thank you for writing this!
Chapter 18: So, I re-read this story and maaaan, I still can feel the happiness when Hyesungie's heart chose Jinnie over Minu. It's not that i dont ship MinSyung (and tbh I prefer MinSyung than JinSyung), but Jinnie is my bias so... I'll always wish him to have a happy ending in every Jinnie related fic.
Oh, and I love Shinyeong's character, not so secretly shipping people around her while doing her job. And Andy, Eric, Wannie... soo dependable in their own way, thoroughly sincere in taking care and helping Hyesungie..
Thanks again for writing this fic! (and give Jinnie a happy ending)
feelgyo #3
Chapter 16: Awwww~~ Dr. Mun is really kind. Hyesung's lucky to have friend like him <3
But I'm sad tho, he rejected Eric's offer. Ottkhe? :O
feelgyo #4
Chapter 15: Lol at Shin Yeong, she just couldn't stop not peeking other ppl business, could she? XD

And wow, Hyesung picked Jin!!! >.< Well, it was sad for Minwoo, but I like jinsyung chemistry better here :3 kekeke
Chapter 11: so that Dong Wook I can think of Se7en (real name Choi Wook) or it could be the actor Lee Dong wook, but since it's a KPOP artist I'm going to go with Se7en.

btw I Loved the chapter, so happy that Hyesung and Minwoo are talking again