Chapter 2: Gonna Be Alright


 The sun had gone down and it read 7:08pm on the digital clock of Hyesung's phone. Lying on his back he stretched his arms out staring blankly into the ceiling light above the bed. As the heat grazed his face he became lost in it's brilliance.. A few minutes must have gone by before he heard a knock at the door.

“Come in.” he said dryly. The door creaked open and he could hear the muffled rustling of a plastic bag and footsteps approach his bedside. He didn't look away.

“Ya!” yelled a familiar voice as the shadow leaned over him blocking his view. Hyesung clenched his eyes shut and open again in order to readjust his vision. “When did you get so depressing?”

“Eeeeish.” hissed Hyesung trying to hide a smile.

Park Choong-jae, better known by his friends as Jun-Jin, was a good friend from college whom Hyesung had met in his last year. Despite being wary of most people, he found his presence comforting. He's funny and hard-working with a lax personality that's easy to deal with. How it got to the point of feeling like a childhood friend he still couldn't figure out, but he didn't second guess it either. Being with him felt right, as if he'd always been there.

Broad shoulders and slender-built, he'd grown his hair out a bit and died it blonde. Swiped to the side from a part on the right, the layered hairstyle made him look youthful yet mature.

This style suits him well. Thought Hyesung admiring him in the light.

Realizing his closeness he scowled, Instinctively Jin moved and chuckled at his flustered reaction. He walked over to a round white table near the window and pulled out a chair.

“I brought soju.” he said while sitting. Hyesung carefully made his way over and joined him.

“You're not allowed to bring alcohol in here.” he fussed while staring at the conspicuous bag he pulled from his backpack and sat on the table, It was thin enough to show the green glass bottles.

“I had it in my bag so no one knows.” he said pulling two shot glasses out of a small side pouch. “Just eat some food. They won't find out if you stay sober. If eating doesn't work just go to sleep.”

“You're a bad influence on me.” Hyesung smirked while grabbing a bottle. “Maybe just one. I don't want you to have wasted your money.”

“Right.” he chuckled in response. Noticing the food on the nightstand, he retrieved it as his friend poured a shot.

“So, who made all of this?”

“The nurse.” Hyesung replied staring into his glass.

“Andy?” questioned Jin surprised. Hyesung nodded. “Uwaah, look at this. Who'd have thought he could make something so appealing. That guy's a perfect mom.”

“That's rude.” snorted Hyesung admitting to the truth in his statement. He proceeded drinking the contents from the small glass in his hands. “He put a lot of thought into it. You're welcome to have some, so eat well and be grateful.”

“Of course.” he replied while sitting. “You too in that case. You don't look like you've eaten in a while. Do you starve yourself while I'm not around?”

He said nothing, staring blankly at the empty glass in his hands. Jin noticed this and became very worried, hoping in his mind that it wasn't true. The atmosphere became awkward and neither said a word.

Was it conceited of me to think that I could cheer him up just by being here? Pushing the thought from his mind, Jin let out a loud sigh which drew Hyesung's attention. Grabbing the food he reached over the table and lightly tapped the top of his head with the container.

“Ya!” growled Hyesung. Jin grinned and walked away with the food.

“I'm going to heat this up. Don't get drunk while I'm gone.”

“As if!” he smirked. They exchanged a glance for a moment, as if to transmit a message telepathically.

I'm glad you're here. Hyesung smiled.

Junjin smiled back. He left the room and Hyesung sat alone, waiting impatiently for his return, not wanting to feel the settling cold beneath his feet.

. Junjin had been the one by his side throughout the entire ordeal. With a father always pressuring him to be what he designed him to be and a sick mother with barely enough strength to care for them both, he'd been bearing a heavy weight on his shoulders most of his life. Not given the choice, he started training under his father at his veterinary clinic as soon as he finished college. That night of the accident, after hiding it out of shame for so many years, he'd revealed to his father that he was gay. Disappointed by his son's uality, his angered and embarrassed father yelled, throwing things, claiming disowning him. Hyesung ran out of the clinic that night so upset he could barely see the truck coming, while looking through the tears and the darkness.

Junjin was the one to support his decision, encouraging him to be true to himself, pushing him to go through with making choices for his own happiness. Too afraid for the repercussions, not wanting to burden his mother any further, he ignored it and obeyed quietly for all those years.

What was it all for? Where did it leave me? Why couldn't I just....shaking he gripped the small glass in his hand almost to the point of breaking. Jin returned with the food but quickly noticed his state of being. Rushing over he dropped the container onto the table and without hesitation grabbed hold of his friend and embraced him.

Shocked by the sudden gesture Hyesung froze. Jin's arms held firmly and he could almost feel him trembling.

“Shin Hyesung!” he shouted upset while clutching him tightly. “Stop!”

Warm was the only word that could describe it. His arms like a heavy comforter with bones securely wrapped around him. His heart racing against his back as if to pulsate for his too while he couldn't feel it. The feeling of his breath while he breathed with his face tucked in his shoulder. How did he ever deny himself such a sensation?

I can't figure it out, Why can only Jin do this to me? Comfort, is that all this is? Calmly, Hyesung let go of the glass.

“Jinnie-ya.” he whispered.

“I'm sorry. I know how you are about being too close, but I just-”

“It's fine.” interrupted Hyesung, who relaxed against him and closed his eyes. “It's fine to stay like this, just for a little while.”

That's exactly what they did, not saying a word, simply savoring the comfort of each other's body heat while the time slipped away and the food got cold again.


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GinogacheTonic #1
Chapter 18: Ughhh I love this so muchhhh. How come I only just found this? I am Jinnie biased and Jinsyung shipper so THIS IS EVERYTHING. I love how well you captured the members' characters and Jinsyung's bond. Great work!! First great and completed Jinsyung fic I've seen honestly. Thank you for writing this!
Chapter 18: So, I re-read this story and maaaan, I still can feel the happiness when Hyesungie's heart chose Jinnie over Minu. It's not that i dont ship MinSyung (and tbh I prefer MinSyung than JinSyung), but Jinnie is my bias so... I'll always wish him to have a happy ending in every Jinnie related fic.
Oh, and I love Shinyeong's character, not so secretly shipping people around her while doing her job. And Andy, Eric, Wannie... soo dependable in their own way, thoroughly sincere in taking care and helping Hyesungie..
Thanks again for writing this fic! (and give Jinnie a happy ending)
feelgyo #3
Chapter 16: Awwww~~ Dr. Mun is really kind. Hyesung's lucky to have friend like him <3
But I'm sad tho, he rejected Eric's offer. Ottkhe? :O
feelgyo #4
Chapter 15: Lol at Shin Yeong, she just couldn't stop not peeking other ppl business, could she? XD

And wow, Hyesung picked Jin!!! >.< Well, it was sad for Minwoo, but I like jinsyung chemistry better here :3 kekeke
Chapter 11: so that Dong Wook I can think of Se7en (real name Choi Wook) or it could be the actor Lee Dong wook, but since it's a KPOP artist I'm going to go with Se7en.

btw I Loved the chapter, so happy that Hyesung and Minwoo are talking again