CHAPTER 14: All Of My...


Hyesung's gentle hand was stronger than Minwoo could ever imagine as it pulled him back towards the bed. He crashed back onto the soft mattress and stared blankly as it sank beside him. He could only hear the loud pounding of his heart as the man he wanted leaned closer.

Long slender fingers brushed his skin as Hyesung reached up to his face and clasped his chin. Surrendering himself to his whims Minwoo relaxed in his grasp allowing his face to follow the command to move toward him. Willfully he was led into that sweet embrace of those small lips he'd been dreaming of.

Their eyes drifted shut as their lips gently interlocked, parting soon after then locking together again. Thin, warm, and moist Minwoo could almost taste the lavender body wash on Hyesung's skin. The reality was sweeter than any dream and he wanted badly to savor more of it. It was time to give him the proof he wanted.

Minwoo reached across Hyesung's chest causing his hand to fall as he kissed him with more aggression. A small groan escaped his mouth as the shorter man leaned into him and they fell together with a heavy thud. Firm muscles pressed against his small frame as Minwoo lowered his chest against him.

Ah..” Hyesung gasped when his mouth was freed and Minwoo nestled his face in the left side of his neck. His hands gripped the back of his shirt and he shivered at the sensation of his tongue creating circles between his lips that pecked at his flesh.

Hyesung-ssi...” Minwoo whispered lowly, his breath sending a wave of heat over his skin. He lifted his right hand to his mouth and brushed his lips softly with his thumb. “Is this what you wanted?”

I-I..” Hyesung stuttered bashfully.

He turned his head away as if to hide his embarrassed expression. He knew Minwoo couldn't see him yet he felt like a deer in headlights. It was more than he expected. What did he expect in the first place? He didn't know. For the first time they'd been together he felt something he tried so hard to avoid: vulnerability. The hand over his mouth guided his face back and Minwoo kissed him again. His lips were seized then parted as the other man's tongue curled its way inside to play with his own. After a minute he was released again.

I don't know.” Hyesung admitted finally completing his sentence.

I wanna show you my sincerity.” Minwoo proclaimed breathlessly. “I hope that no one comes in, because I don't think I can hold back.”

Hyesung's eyes widened but Minwoo was already pursuing him again with his mouth pressed to his. His hands crawled over his scalp, massaging their way through his brown locks. His pelvis pushed against him and he moaned feeling the hardness of the man on top of him grinding against him.

You..” Hyesung panted between kisses. “Already?”

Mm.” Minwoo replied happily. “And soon, you too.”

Again Minwoo was at his neck, placing tiny wet kisses on both sides. At the same time his hands moved from his hair to his chest, searching around until his thumbs discovered his s. He brushed then pressed them while nibbling at his neck. Hyesung let a moan, as low as he could, as his head flew back and eyes clenched shut.

You're so sensitive.” laughed the man on top of him. “It's too cute.”

I wanted proof. That's what I said. Hyesung reminded himself, unable to stop reacting to the lips that were now traveling down his chest and a hand that played with the waistline of his pants. What am I proving exactly?

This unknown confirmation felt good, undoubtedly good, but something nagged at the back of his mind and started to affect it. His body felt ready and willing to accept Minwoo's affections but his heart still felt disconnected. Then as Minwoo's mouth trailed lower and closer to his destination, a familiar face popped into his head and his heart sank. He opened his eyes.

Jin....” gasped Hyesung mindlessly. Minwoo stopped and felt a twinge of pain in his chest. He wanted so badly to pretend not to notice but couldn't convince his body to move. “This isn't right.”

Minwoo stayed where he was, short-winded, his mouth hanging open while hovering over Hyesung's stomach. There was no ignorance to hide behind, no lies he could tell himself. That name struck his temples over and over again. The pain skipped his head and went straight to his heart. As the reality dawned on him, a menacing laugh escaped him. Like a madman he laughed and laughed, freaking out the man beneath him. Hyesung watched, guilt-ridden as he proceeded with the display of insanity until he finally stopped. Minwoo rested his head on his stomach and sighed deeply. Hyesung shifted to prop himself up on his elbows and looked down.

Ah, you're too cruel.” Minwoo smirked against him.

Hyesung frowned. He didn't know what to say.

Ya know, I sort of thought that maybe this wouldn't work out.” he confessed. “A world where you would give yourself to me so willfully doesn't exist.”

You don't....know that.” Hyesung suggested in a failed attempt at optimism.

Yes, I do. The Hyesung I want, the one I can't reach, is already safe and secure in someone else's heart.”

Proof, yes that's what Minwoo wanted too. Proof that his tendency to fall fast and hard was suicidal. Proof that he was only hurting himself with his delusions. Proof that the man he loved was already taken, and neither of them know it until this very moment.

I'm so sad.” Minwoo cried out dramatically. “Hyesungie-ya, i'm so sad.”

Eish.” cursed Hyesung. “How can you joke about this? You really don't have any dignity.”

I told you I did?” he jeered playfully.

Aigoo, and to think that I actually feel guilty. Ya, get off of me.” commanded Hyesung.

No. I wanna hold you a little bit longer.”

He could tell that Minwoo was serious again. As he spoke his hands trembled and he could feel tiny wet droplets fall onto his belly. Hyesung sighed and laid a hand on top of his head and began to pat him gently.

You're right. I don't have any dignity,” Minwoo said quietly trying to mask his sobbing voice.. “so I will desperately cherish this while I still can. Please...let me.”

...of course.” agreed Hyesung.

The two stayed in silence for what seemed to be all night until Minwoo was ready to let go. He rose from the bed to his feet, as did Hyesung. He stretched and cracked his neck. They were silent, staring at each other not knowing what to say in the dimly lit room. Minwoo was the first to break the tension.

I gotta say, you are more slick than I ever gave you credit for.” he grinned.

What?” coughed Hyesung putting his hands on his hips.

Uwaah. You really don't know? You showered, your clothes are barely on, and you took the initiative. You really had me goin. Clever Hyesung-ssi.”

I-I just...” Hyesung began shyly. “...wanted to get my point across.”

Mm-hm.” Minwoo nodded. “You did. Do the same thing and Jun-Jin will lose it.”

What?” he coughed again.

Yeah I don't think there's any man or woman that could ever resist you. Aigoo, what a lucky guy.”

S-stop that!”

Minwoo laughed shielding himself as Hyesung hit him repeatedly in the arm. The joy they were used to feeling when together seemed to be restored. Minwoo and his playful teasing. Hyesung and his angry embarrassment. It felt right, natural. This was the way things were meant to be between them.

They agreed to never cross that line again. Minwoo left that night smiling, hiding the heaviness in his heart. He decided that it was best to drink out that kind of pain with a friend on the weekend. Hyesung sat in silent contemplation with a lingering warmth that came from Minwoo's body. Lust, boredom, desperate loneliness. He knew it was wrong, but that's all it could ever be between them. At least now he understood that.

Jin was different. That Hyesung Minwoo saw a glimpse of was only happy and free when Jin was there. He was real. He knew that now, and more than ever, he wanted to tell him. He had to tell him.  


NOTE I'm not familiar with how discriminate the rating system is, but i didn't lable ithis with an "M" because i think this is tame. In case I am mistaken, please correct me and I apologize once more. Thank you 

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GinogacheTonic #1
Chapter 18: Ughhh I love this so muchhhh. How come I only just found this? I am Jinnie biased and Jinsyung shipper so THIS IS EVERYTHING. I love how well you captured the members' characters and Jinsyung's bond. Great work!! First great and completed Jinsyung fic I've seen honestly. Thank you for writing this!
Chapter 18: So, I re-read this story and maaaan, I still can feel the happiness when Hyesungie's heart chose Jinnie over Minu. It's not that i dont ship MinSyung (and tbh I prefer MinSyung than JinSyung), but Jinnie is my bias so... I'll always wish him to have a happy ending in every Jinnie related fic.
Oh, and I love Shinyeong's character, not so secretly shipping people around her while doing her job. And Andy, Eric, Wannie... soo dependable in their own way, thoroughly sincere in taking care and helping Hyesungie..
Thanks again for writing this fic! (and give Jinnie a happy ending)
feelgyo #3
Chapter 16: Awwww~~ Dr. Mun is really kind. Hyesung's lucky to have friend like him <3
But I'm sad tho, he rejected Eric's offer. Ottkhe? :O
feelgyo #4
Chapter 15: Lol at Shin Yeong, she just couldn't stop not peeking other ppl business, could she? XD

And wow, Hyesung picked Jin!!! >.< Well, it was sad for Minwoo, but I like jinsyung chemistry better here :3 kekeke
Chapter 11: so that Dong Wook I can think of Se7en (real name Choi Wook) or it could be the actor Lee Dong wook, but since it's a KPOP artist I'm going to go with Se7en.

btw I Loved the chapter, so happy that Hyesung and Minwoo are talking again