CHAPTER 12: All Your Dreams


Busy busy busy. It's a miracle I made it.” Park Choong-jae thought aloud walking down the quiet hallway of the facility. Still dressed in his work attire, (a simple black business suit and white button up with tie), it was clear that he rushed over as soon as his shift ended. Nothing could contain his excitement about having the next few days off. Or his eagerness to see Hyesung.

It was already 11 at night and he was sure that his friend was sleeping. Regardless of stress he was never one to miss any, and after all, he needed his beauty rest. Jin laughed at the thought, and of surprising him with his presence. He was just too cute when he pretended to be angry to hide his embarrassment. It would be a relief to see him smile after all his grief and suffering. Not only for Hyesung, but for himself.

He bowed slightly to greet the nurse, who'd become familiar with his presence throughout Hyesung's long healing process. The sandy blonde girl giggled and bowed back.

Here to see your boyfriend?” she jeered tucking her grin behind the top of her med list.

Ya Shin-yeong.” he scolded.

Right right. You're gonna say “it's not like that”.” she insisted sarcastically while rolling her eyes. “Either way, it's been awhile so I'm sure he would be happy to see you.”

Yea....” he smiled feeling a little embarrassed by her bold implications. “I'm just gonna go in...”

Ok.” she smiled about to walk away when she suddenly stopped mid-step and turned back around. “Ya Jinnie-ya!”

She had a devilish grin on her face that spread from ear to ear. He jerked back wondering why he felt surprised by it.

I gave him his meds and checked his vitals already, and visiting hours are unlimited since the staff knows you so....take your time.”

Eissh.” he cursed pretending to raise a fist. Giddy and hyperactive Shin-yeong dashed off to her duties as a night-shift nurse with several possibilities playing out in her mind.

Jin crept into the room carefully closing the door behind him. It was dark but remembering the layout of the room found his way to the light switch and pressed it on it's dimmest setting. He could see him now, peacefully sleeping laying on his side facing the window. He snuck over to him, leaning in slightly to get a good look as his face.

He was simply divine. His short lashes barely touched his soft round cheeks. His small lips barely parted as he inhaled and exhaled. Jin knew how he'd react if he woke him up. He'd turn from angel to demon in a split second, complaining about how close he was, how improper he was being vising so late. It was worth it to see that flustered expression. His eyes drifting open then widening with slight rouge coming to his cheeks, stammering in attempt to find words of anger to release. An honest expression that was all his to see.

Jun-Jin extended his hand but drew it back when Hyesung groaned and rolled over to his back. He was stirring now, his hair a scattered mess atop his face that started to stick to his skin as he began to sweat. He froze watching the dazzling sight as the frail man panted, releasing long breaths from his small mouth tossing his head to the side.

A nightmare? He pondered, but evidence proved otherwise when suddenly Hyesung's hand gripped the side of his pillow and he released a moan.

That angelic voice struck his senses, sending a chill down his spine. He trembled at the sight and sound of him, actively attaining some sort of pleasure in his distant dreamland.

Who are you dreaming about? He pondered, What if it's me?

That thought sent the chill back up his spine and he shuddered. Is that what he wanted? It was hardly doubtful as he watched his friend with his eyes glazed over. The room became stuffy, as if the internal air conditioning of the building suddenly stopped. The cool air vanished from the room and as his ears burned the only chill he felt was the one driving every part of him into a frenzy. He grit his teeth and turned his back on the tempting vision. Tugging his tie loose he breathed out deeply.

Calm down. Choong-jae. He advised himself with a hand to his forehead. He doesn't need this. You're the only one he can rely on right now. He's not ready for your feelings yet. Don't do this to him

Another soft groan escaped from Hyesung and Jun-Jin's strong resolve became nothing more than muttering madness in his head. He bit his lip and turned back to the tempting sight laid out before him. He loomed over him, his mouth gaped opened hungrily waiting to meet Hyesung's own sweet lips. He reached his hand out to touch his face, cupping his cheek with his palm and brushing his moist mouth with his thumb.

Hyesung....” he whispered lowly.

Hyesung shuddered at the sensation and he cried out:


Jin froze. It felt as though his heart imploded. He could practically feel the blood draining, overflowing into every part of his body. The cold returned to the room and chilled his bones unlike it ever did before. Just as he began to retreat Hyesung's eyes fluttered open and he was immediately surprised seeing his friend so close in front of him.

Jinnie-ya” Hyesung gasped springing up from his back as Jin stood straight and turned to face the door.

Wh-what are you doing here so late?” he muttered trying to collect himself.” Jin retorted in an almost sinister voice, laughing in a low menacing way. “I just, came to surprise you is all. Looks like I succeeded.”


I..” he spoke out before Hyesung could. “I came to tell you that I was free from work for a week, but it turns out they still need me for some things, so I can't come often. That was all.”

Ya Jinnie-ya!” protested Hyesung.

I'll come by again.” he promised, still refusing to face him. “Bye.”

Jin began to leave but he sprung from the bed and chased him to block the door.


Don't “Hyesung” me!” snapped the pretty boy. “What the hell is wrong with you? You have the nerve to sneak up on me, then get mad at me for it, then leave without saying a word? All after I haven't seen you in weeks while I've been here.....alone....suffering...without...”

Hyesung couldn't hide his confusion even if he tried as he started choking on his words. Jun-Jin felt his frustration rising again, feeling twice as guilty as he did before he tried to touch his friend. He squeezed his hand into a fist, then released it feeling the tension leave his arm. He swallowed hard before speaking.

I can't stay.” confessed Jun-Jin. “I want to but I can't do anything for you. You don't want my kind of comfort. You don't”

That's not it!” Hyesung denied angrily. “I don't know what I want! I just don't want to be confused or hurt by this bull anymore. I didn't ask to have that dream. I didn't ask Minwoo to come into my life and shake it up. I didn't ask to miss you so desperately when you're gone so much that I don't wanna let you go when you're here. I didn't ask to be torn apart and broken at the same time!”

Junjin grit his teeth as he felt a twinge in his heart. It was clear that Hyesung was hurting so bad that he couldn't hold it in. He wanted so bad to hold him tight in his arms and take it away. He wished he wasn't the cause. As much as he wanted that denial, the reality was too real. Hyesung really didn't know what he wanted, but he had to figure that out on his own. He couldn't bare to be that friend he leans on anymore, or a friend at all.

I'm sorry.” Jin whispered holding back tears and moved around him to get out the door. Hyesung stood alone there as it fell close falling against it once it was shut. His heart quivered as tears burned in his eyes trying to form.

Eish!” he cursed letting his full body weight block the door from opening.

He cursed and cursed again as the tears pushed out falling heavily down his cheeks as he slid down against it. Crying alone he couldn't begin to sort out his feelings, about Minwoo or about Jun-Jin. Ultimately he had to make a choice. By how? Who? When that choice is made: how will things turn out?

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GinogacheTonic #1
Chapter 18: Ughhh I love this so muchhhh. How come I only just found this? I am Jinnie biased and Jinsyung shipper so THIS IS EVERYTHING. I love how well you captured the members' characters and Jinsyung's bond. Great work!! First great and completed Jinsyung fic I've seen honestly. Thank you for writing this!
Chapter 18: So, I re-read this story and maaaan, I still can feel the happiness when Hyesungie's heart chose Jinnie over Minu. It's not that i dont ship MinSyung (and tbh I prefer MinSyung than JinSyung), but Jinnie is my bias so... I'll always wish him to have a happy ending in every Jinnie related fic.
Oh, and I love Shinyeong's character, not so secretly shipping people around her while doing her job. And Andy, Eric, Wannie... soo dependable in their own way, thoroughly sincere in taking care and helping Hyesungie..
Thanks again for writing this fic! (and give Jinnie a happy ending)
feelgyo #3
Chapter 16: Awwww~~ Dr. Mun is really kind. Hyesung's lucky to have friend like him <3
But I'm sad tho, he rejected Eric's offer. Ottkhe? :O
feelgyo #4
Chapter 15: Lol at Shin Yeong, she just couldn't stop not peeking other ppl business, could she? XD

And wow, Hyesung picked Jin!!! >.< Well, it was sad for Minwoo, but I like jinsyung chemistry better here :3 kekeke
Chapter 11: so that Dong Wook I can think of Se7en (real name Choi Wook) or it could be the actor Lee Dong wook, but since it's a KPOP artist I'm going to go with Se7en.

btw I Loved the chapter, so happy that Hyesung and Minwoo are talking again