Chapter 10: Oil and Water


WARNING: Implied Ricsung. Make of it what you will. Also from here on out I will no longer commit to my strategy for chapter titles, as it is sometimes difficult to convey a summarized feeling of what I wrote from their song titles. I apologize for the inconsistency but I will still try to do it as often as I can whenever something fits. Thank you for still reading and all your patience and understanding. Enjoy ^^


Hyesung drooped off the side of his bed, staring blankly at his legs. He was at the point where walking became a normal mindless thing. No pain, no swelling, no effort. There came a light rapping at the door and without hearing his own voice he granted permission for entry. In walked Dr. Mun, greeting him with a friendly hello after closing the door behind him.

Guessing it's a bad morning...” he began as his smile faded at the sight of Hyesung's slumped posture. “Ya know, that's bad for your back. Let's not give ourselves any more reasons to stay in here.”

Hyesung's response was a drug out exhausted sigh. To say without saying, he really could care less for the young doctor's attempt to advise him. It just didn't matter anymore. Eric could see the disinterest in his face. After setting his clipboard on the table he placed a chair in front of Hyesung and sat down. Leaning forward he began staring straight at him through his long brown bangs. Hyesung sat up and jerked back.

Ya! What are you doing, so suddenly?” he blurted out of surprise.

There we go.” he grinned. “A normal Hyesung response.”

Hyesung his teeth and looked away. Eric smirked noticing the slight rosy color that came to his cheeks.

Alright, Hyesung-ssi, all jokes aside.” he began in a serious tone of voice. “I just came in, as I always do, to check in on you. Your blood tests are good. You're doing excellent in PT and there may not be anything else that we can do for you clinically.”

Figures.” Hyesung pouted rolling his eyes.

However, as this is a rehab, we can offer some social services that will help you transition home. I came to ask if you would like to speak to a case worker.”

Hyesung let out another exhausted sigh and turned his head back to face Eric. Studying his expression he could tell he was concerned. Although he was typically an unpredictable character he wasn't the type to let a situation go while there were still loose ends to be tied. During the time Hyesung had been his patient, Eric never once showed him anything but honest sincerity. He was a good man and probably an even better friend. Maybe it was time to let go of a bit of some of his bitterness and try to show him some gratitude. Of course for Hyesung, that was a lot easier said than done. However he couldn't deny a growing feeling of dependence. If he left some things in Eric's hands, maybe things could work out and he would have just a little less on his plate.

Do I really have a choice?” Hyesung finally replied to which Eric's reaction was immediate joy. He practically leaped from the chair and placed it in its rightful place at the table, where he retrieved his clipboard. He walked back over to him, flashing him a smile and placing a hand on his shoulders. Hyesung didn't flinch, but his eyes focused on the hand, then at Eric.

As your doctor, I have a lot of direct involvement in what happens to your case. I will only discharge you once I know you will be alright completely. I promise you, nothing will be overlooked. You know I got your back right?”

Yea.” he replied shyly, still a little distracted by the firm hand on his shoulder. Eric removed it and gave him a warm smile, displaying his good intentions.

Alright then, I have work to do. Have them page me if anything changes.”

Ne.” Hyesung responded thoughtlessly watching Eric walk over to the door, swinging it open as he began to leave.

Ya....Eric!” Hyesung called out suddenly. The young doctor froze in his steps and slowly his heals to look back at the man who'd never once acknowledged him affectionately. The ring of his name in that heavenly voice danced in his head as he stared at the beautiful Hyesung, who's face was once again turned away, probably embarrassed by his own boldness.

Ne, Hyesung-ssi?” he asked with anticipation.

Just, uhm...” the pretty boy began bashfully trying to get his words out as quickly as possible. “You've done a lot more than you needed to do for me. So I...truly....thank you.”

Hyesung wasn't as hard to read as much as he wanted to be. That conflicted and automatic defensive behavior of his was actually very endearing. It was probably why he tried to pry his emotions out by annoying him half the time. Hyesung's reactions were always so modest that he couldn't even hide his honest emotions, despite what he tried to convey.

Sitting in front of him now, trying so hard to be open and sincere, was just one of those precious moments that Eric always wanted to see. This only proved to him how much harder he had to work for him to come out and say the more satisfying things like “You're my friend.” “I trust you.” or anything further. Of course, that would take some time and effort. This was good enough for now though.

Aw.” Eric teased grinning devilishly. “Our Hyesungie-ya is so cute.”

Hyesung scowled and huffed, folding his arms angrily.

......I hate you. Get out.” he said coldly.

I love you too Hyesung-ssi! Bye-bye!” Eric said cutely while frantically waving the clipboard before pulling the door shut behind him.

Hyesung dropped on his back sprawled across the bed and closed his eyes.

.” he laughed envisioning that goofy look on Eric's face before drifting off to sleep.

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GinogacheTonic #1
Chapter 18: Ughhh I love this so muchhhh. How come I only just found this? I am Jinnie biased and Jinsyung shipper so THIS IS EVERYTHING. I love how well you captured the members' characters and Jinsyung's bond. Great work!! First great and completed Jinsyung fic I've seen honestly. Thank you for writing this!
Chapter 18: So, I re-read this story and maaaan, I still can feel the happiness when Hyesungie's heart chose Jinnie over Minu. It's not that i dont ship MinSyung (and tbh I prefer MinSyung than JinSyung), but Jinnie is my bias so... I'll always wish him to have a happy ending in every Jinnie related fic.
Oh, and I love Shinyeong's character, not so secretly shipping people around her while doing her job. And Andy, Eric, Wannie... soo dependable in their own way, thoroughly sincere in taking care and helping Hyesungie..
Thanks again for writing this fic! (and give Jinnie a happy ending)
feelgyo #3
Chapter 16: Awwww~~ Dr. Mun is really kind. Hyesung's lucky to have friend like him <3
But I'm sad tho, he rejected Eric's offer. Ottkhe? :O
feelgyo #4
Chapter 15: Lol at Shin Yeong, she just couldn't stop not peeking other ppl business, could she? XD

And wow, Hyesung picked Jin!!! >.< Well, it was sad for Minwoo, but I like jinsyung chemistry better here :3 kekeke
Chapter 11: so that Dong Wook I can think of Se7en (real name Choi Wook) or it could be the actor Lee Dong wook, but since it's a KPOP artist I'm going to go with Se7en.

btw I Loved the chapter, so happy that Hyesung and Minwoo are talking again