Mixed Messages


A few days after the trip to Japan you found yourself wide awake on your bed back at the apartment. You couldn't understand why finding out Miyeon and Hanbin had a thing was bothering you so much. It's not like you were dating him, and to your knowledge it wasn't as if Hanbin has made it clear that he had feelings for you either. You tap at your phone that was clutched tightly in your hand, letting your mind wander off before the sound of an incoming call catches you off guard. 

"Hello?" You say through the receiver 
"Ally?" The person on the other side questions.
"Yeah that's me....is this......Hanbin by any chance..?" You ask, the voice sounded too familiar to your ears.  
"Uh, yeah" he sheepishly replies
"Why'd you call?" You ask, unsure of the reasons since there was non. 
"......What happened in Japan, it was bothering me." He explains, "You're the first person to know about Miyeon and I" he admits. 
Right...he definitely did have a thing with her, you confirmed to yourself. Somehow disappointment and a bit of jealousy entered your system without you knowing and the fact that your relationship with Miyeon was bad didn't help either. 
"It's fine, I won't say anything if that's what you're calling to talk about" you say across to him, wanting to cut the conversation as short as possible.  
"No" Hanbin abruptly says, not wanting you to misunderstand, "...I trust you" his tone suddenly becoming softer 
"Right.." You say, "Thanks" you add. You listen to him talk for a bit more before saying goodbye to him. 
Now you've confirmed it, every question you've had about your feelings, you've finally confirmed it. You do like Hanbin. A lot. 
You go to YG later than usual the next day, hoping all the staffs and ikon guys had some sort of schedule to attend to so you could avoid them for the day. You walk into the building and place yourself into the elevator to go to level two. Just as the doors were inches from touching each other a hand appears between it, re-opening the doors back up. 
"Hey" Hanbin smirks with his bag hanging off his shoulder. You let out a forced smile, trying to remain neutral to him for now. 
"Why'd you come so late? It's already 12:30 you know" Hanbin says as he turns to face you with the same smile he always has when he's happy. 
"I was tired" you lie, looking down at your feet. 
He nods agreeingly, before abruptly grabbing a hold of your now healed hand. 
"Looks like the cream worked" he smiles satisfied, his hand intertwined with yours causing you to quickly react, pulling your hand back. 
"Don't do stuff like that" you say causing him to let out a confused expression, 
"Like what?" He asks 
"Don't touch me like that" you reiterate, only causing his smirk to appear more satisfied. 
"...You like me, don't you?" He says suddenly, teasingly however it didn't seem as funny to you anymore, not when you knew it was true.  
"I have to go" you tell him as the door dings open, leaving the question unanswered. 
Hanbin decides to stay in the elevator knowing somehow that you were uncomfortable in his presence. His smirk eventually rubbing off his face once you had left. He slowly brings his hand to his chest, rubbing at it, the same feeling he had back at the dressing room with you returning again.
You kept yourself locked in the styling room all day, drawing up designs. You were always pretty good in that area anyways. You ended up drawing a few pieces of clothing items for ikon's next stage after a while of mindlessly drawing. 
It was around 6 when you realised you had forgotten to eat all day, no wonder you were so emotional. You grab your jacket off the chair before turning off the lights knowing it must've been one of those easy days for the stylists. 
You head down to the Exit of the building, coming out of the drive way when you suddenly stop to see a familiar figure crossing the road to your side. You knew who it was and made a sharp turn to your left to walk down the side walk. 
"Hey! Ally!" Hanbin shouts to get your attention, waving two bags of food in his hand. He runs over, stopping in front of you. 
"I waited for you to leave and you didn't so I decided to grab us some food" he says as he calms his breathing down from the run. 
"Its fine, I'm not that hungry" you lie for the second time but he catches your lie this time, knowing the sort of eater you were. 
"Let's go find some place to eat" he smiles, putting his arms on your shoulders like he always does and leads you to the park near by. You oblige, free food was always good food to you anyways no matter how much you wanted to avoid the guy. 
You sat silently beside Hanbin under a pagoda, taking small bites from the burger he had bought for you. It tasted plainer than usual and It wasn't for sometime that a conversation actually began....
Hanbin scoffs at the ridiculous situation, knowing you were a lot more talkative than this. 
"Why are you so quiet?" He finally asks, putting down his food to  give you his full attention. You shake your head tiredly, "It's nothing" you tell him.
He gives you a questioning look, knowing it was obviously more than that. 
"You know you can talk about it with me......we're friends after all" he lets out, hesitating on the last few words. You bite your lips at his statement, nodding as if accepting the truth that he didn't even see you as a person he'd be interested in before also putting down your food. 
"Looks like it's going to rain huh?" you smile for the first time that day, changing the subject from you as you rise from your seat, stretching your body out and begin packing the food back into the paper bag. 
Hanbin smirks as he sits looking up at you, glad a smile was finally able to make its entrance onto your face. You pause from what you were doing as you also return the look to him. You then watch as he slowly but suddenly rises up from his position stepping closer to you. It was then that you could feel this wasn't just a normal smile as yours begin to fade. He closes in on you as you attempt to register what's going on. Slowly, gently he places his hand around your waist pulling your body into his, his other hand finding its way on to the side of your face. You knew where this was going, what he wanted to do yet it was all too confusing, happening all too fast. He brings his lips closer and closer to yours. You could see his smile disappearing as a more serious, a more sincere expression takes over. His breath was hot against your skin as his heart begins to pound faster, you could tell that thousands of thoughts were also running through this head. Within seconds you could feel his soft lips crashing against yours causing your breathing to come to a halt. He holds the kiss, wanting to treasure every second after holding back for so long before droplets of rain from the sky distracts you both, pulling you two apart and bringing you both back to reality. You stand there looking at each other not knowing what to say or how to act before you suddenly hear something that felt like  a thousand knives were  thrown  at you all at once:
"I'm sorry"....he apologises. 
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choco27 #1
choco27 #2
Chapter 11: What the hell..........
_imadragon_ #3
Chapter 10: holy frick jealous hanbin ohmygod yessssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!
choco27 #4
Luckygirlexo #5
choco27 #6
choco27 #7
joycecute25 #8
Chapter 5: arrrggg that miyeong >.< aishhhhh ls. update soon =D
kpopimyaddiction #9
Update soon! They need to have happy ending together pleaseeeee
joycecute25 #10
Chapter 3: Does Ally have any talent? like she's good in styling or etc. ? pls. update soon cause i really like this story =D