

You and Jina were having a pretty chill out day, lazing on the couch, watching T.V and snacking away on some food you had bought after visiting the doctors about your hand the day before. You were just about to start on another packet of chips in front of you when a message tone from Jina's phone catches your attention. 

"Someone's popular" you as she checks it, pulling out her tongue playfully in reply, 
"I know" she adds jokingly  however as she begins reading the text her playful smile soon turns into a hard frown. 
"What's wrong?" You ask worriedly, noticing her tense expression. 
She looks up at you, "...Did you do anything wrong back at the salon?" Jina asks, her tone too serious for the Jina you know. 
You give it a long thought seeing as it was serious before replying, "I argued with some people but apart from that I don't think so.." You pause, catching the hint that the text could involve you, "Why, what happened?" 
"My manager at the salon apparently gave some YG staff my number to contact you" Jina begins, "They want to meet us at 1:30 today
You gulp, letting out a nervous laugh, "....Maybe they want to sign a deal with us" you joke unsurely trying to loosen the mood, knowing it could've been a stupid time to.
 Jina lets out an exasperated sigh, "let's just get ready then..." 
It wasn't a long ride from the apartment to the YG building, Jina and you having not live that far from the salon, and apparently as everyone apart from you know,  the salon is frequently visited by people from YG because it's close to the building. 
You walk up to the security man sitting in his booth to the left of the entrance of the place and wait patiently for him to confirm your appointment. Without wasting any time the man presses the button to open the door after checking, welcoming you and Jina into the building with a smile. 
"They'll see you on the second floor" the man says, both you and Jina nodding in unison, thanking him for the information. 
The inside was much larger than you thought, every inch of the place filled with modern decorations and pictures of their artist proudly displayed on their walls. Your eyes scan the vicinity before stopping at the picture of Hanbin, you let out a little scoff, your injured hand suddenly feeling  a lot more painful than it did before remembering the embarrassment and misunderstandings  of yesterday. 
"What are you looking at?" Jina asks after stopping to check on you. 
"Oh...uh...nothing" you let out realising what you were doing. 
"I just got another text, we need to go up to see them now" your friend tells you. You agree with a nod before you both find the elevator and head up swiftly to one of the many rooms in the building.  
"I'm glad you guys could make it!" You were greeted by the young man standing, waiting at the elevator door after it had arrived on the second floor. You both step out, half startled at how welcoming they were, having expected something more serious to go down. 
"My name is James" he tells you and Jina as he leads you towards a room down the hallway, stopping just in front of the door. 
"Now who is Ally?" He asks looking at you both expectantly. 
"Uh...that'd be me" you reply, pointing to yourself, "why..?" You added questioningly, not thinking it was very necessary to know. 
" you will be the only person going in" James makes you aware before opening the door to the room without any prior warning. You look at your friend for a second who also had a confused expression plastered on her face. You hesitate to go in, unsure of what was waiting for you inside before a man in the room motions for you to come in. You gesture for your friend not to worry and slowly enter, observing the room and what was going on. You recognise Hanbin straight away sitting on the right side of the table, an older man sitting at the head of the table and an empty seat on the left. Instinctively you walk to the empty seat, placing yourself across from Hanbin. 
"I don't want to waste your time Ally, but thank you for coming on such late notice" he begins. You sit silently listening to him, occasionally glancing  over at an unshaken Hanbin on the other side who seemed to be more lifeless than the last time you saw him, dark circles invading his face. 
"You can call me Lee, I'm Hanbin's manager" he introduces himself. 
"Why did you want me here?" You ask  after the introduction, trying your  hardest not to sound rude. 
"Alright then" the man mumbles, startled at your straight-forwardness. 
"Yesterday there was a little issue between you and Hanbin" he starts, giving Hanbin an accusing look before turning his attention back to you again, 
"And in most cases we do what we can to resolve any bad feelings."
You stare at him, clueless, still unsure of what he was getting at. 
"You know how badly things like this could affect an idol's image.." 
"I'm aware" you admit, slowly getting an idea of what he was thinking 
"The point is, in order to protect our employee we have a proposition to make to you" he finally lets out.  
A sigh manages to make its way out of you as you shift in your seat, "You guys think I'm going to cause drama over something like this?" You scoff in disbelief,
"You people really know how to make someone feel stupid" you added dissatisfied. 
Your reaction to Lee's statement  finally gets Hanbin's attention, he's now looking straight at you, a sense of confusion rushes through him. 
"I think you're misunderstanding us Ally" he says, "we just want to make sure you don't use this against us later, you know how this industry is.." 
"I think I have an idea now.." You say sarcastically, your arms now folded tight in front of you. You glare at the two men, more annoyed at the fact that they disregarded you as a person than actually seeing the situation for what it really was, the initial issue already long forgotten by you. 
Lee coughs awkwardly, sensing you weren't as easy as some of the other people who were usually satisfied with a few thousand dollars thrown at them in situations like this. 
He lets the room go silent for a few moments before thinking hard about something. 
"I heard your friend is unemployed now" he suddenly begins back up. This topic grabbing tightly onto your attention. 
"What are you talking about?" You say defensively
"She was fired yesterday for sticking up for you in front of her boss like that" you loosen yourself, suddenly feeling worse about that than your injured hand. 
"We can give her an opportunity.......if you are willing to sign this document" 
You look over at Hanbin to get a clue of whether he had anything to do with this but he avoided any eye contact with you and kept it plastered on to the desk in front of him. 
"Sign" Lee insisted, pushing over the document. You lift up the pen that accompanied it and read the fine print slowly. 
"I have a condition" you finally say after a  while causing Lee to lean in intrigued, 
"I don't trust you people with my friend" you say honestly, 
"So what would you like us to do??" He asks desperately, knowing how close you were to signing the paper to keep your mouth shut. 
"For the first ....three months I will be accompanying her to work" you say as you simultaneously write it down onto the paper in front of you. "If these conditions are breached and/or she is treated badly in any way YG will be held responsible in fixing the matter" you finish off saying as you write. Lee stays silent, considering her words for a while before a smile cracks through his face. 
"....Then welcome to YG family Ally!" 
You smile too, somehow feeling as though you had some sort of victory over these people at last but that victory didn't last long as Hanbin  abruptly gets up from his seat  and roughly barges out the room. 
Now you were going to be involved in his life whether he liked it or not.
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choco27 #1
choco27 #2
Chapter 11: What the hell..........
_imadragon_ #3
Chapter 10: holy frick jealous hanbin ohmygod yessssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!
choco27 #4
Luckygirlexo #5
choco27 #6
choco27 #7
joycecute25 #8
Chapter 5: arrrggg that miyeong >.< aishhhhh ls. update soon =D
kpopimyaddiction #9
Update soon! They need to have happy ending together pleaseeeee
joycecute25 #10
Chapter 3: Does Ally have any talent? like she's good in styling or etc. ? pls. update soon cause i really like this story =D