Beautiful, Beautiful

I See You

April 22nd


I gently dabbed at my lips with a blood red gloss, enhancing the plumpness, before puckering up and making ridiculous kissy faces at myself in the mirror. My eyes were lined with a faint flick of black and the lids shadowed lightly with a peach colour that matched the blush on my cheeks. I had twirled strands of hair on either side of my head so that they didn’t tumble uncomfortably down my shoulders, but splashed out prettily across my back. Admittedly, the reason for this hairstyle was to ensure my cleavage wasn’t covered in the slightest. Chanyeol might not have been able to see it, but he had a knack for figuring things out and his imagination tended to run wild.

Jimin rolled her eyes behind me, emitting a disgusted groan. ‘I can’t believe you’re seriously going to watch him perform. You’re supposed to be on my side!’

‘The issues between you and Jongdae have nothing to do with this. I’m going out to watch Chanyeol perform. I love listening to his voice.’

‘But I’ll be here. All alone. By myself. With nobody else. No company. Just me.’

‘You’re a big girl. You’ll be fine.’

‘Why do I get the feeling that you’re angry at me?’

I zipped up my dress and flicked my hair, twisting to face her. ‘I’m not angry at you, I’m just agitated. You’re acting like a child and I don’t want you dragging me down with you again.’

I strolled out of my room and into the kitchen, tugging open the fridge to peer inside. The top ledge was full of homemade meals stuffed into labelled containers, all of which I was entirely responsible for. Beneath, there were tubs of leftover takeaway foods, some so old they were starting to become mouldy. I gagged and reached in to very quickly yank out one of my meals, trying to avoid having to come into contact with the horror that Jimin had left there.

She poked her head around the corner and then, incredibly slowly and with a pout on her face, dawdled into the kitchen. ‘I’m sorry, Min.’

‘I’m not the one you need to apologise to’, I replied, plonking the container onto the bench, ‘and I’m leaving now. Eat this if you get hungry and please, for the love of God, stop ordering Chinese food only to let it rot away in our fridge.’

‘Do you think that maybe I could pop by later?’

I shrugged, seemingly nonchalant. ‘I guess you could come. You’ll probably have to face Jongdae though.’

Jimin nodded and I didn’t wait for any other response, simply pacing out of the house. I didn’t bother to head towards my car, because the venue was only a few short blocks away and I was well aware that the walk would do me good. I flexed my feet, hoping that the heels I’d strapped on wouldn’t cause trouble, and strolled off.

It was a beautiful night. The air was relatively fresh, a little chilly as it nipped at my skin but refreshing nonetheless. Twinkling magically above me were clusters of constellations and the occasional flickering plane. The moon was just beginning to peek out from behind a dim fluffy cloud, its beauty illuminating the street stretching before me even more than the poorly shining streetlights. There was a significantly large amount of people out and about, many evidently on the hunt for a wicked club or party to crash. I tried to avoid them, fully aware that many of the men stumbling noisily past were terribly drunk.

A hand suddenly wrapped around my wrist, but before I could yelp in fright, Chanyeol’s soft features materialised in front of me. I let out a sigh of relief and melted against him, pressing my cheek against his chest to listen to the soothingly rapid beating of his heart. I heard him chuckle melodiously as he nuzzled my hair, inhaling the scent of my perfume. His arms wound tightly around my waist, holding me as a close as possible and soon, I felt the pressure of his pretty lips against my forehead, my cheeks and then my mouth. I smiled into the kiss.

Once he led me into the venue and I found a seat, I was overwhelmed with nervousness. As I watched him set up on stage, I couldn’t deny the sickly feeling in my stomach, the embarrassing sweating of my palms. I knew he was fully capable of blowing away the entire audience, but it was his first time doing so. At least he couldn’t freak out over the amazingly gigantic crowds swarming in, chattering excitedly in anticipation of the performance.

There were three black stools on the stage, which were quickly occupied by the three singers. Chanyeol gripped his guitar and sat behind a microphone stand, whilst Baekhyun and Jongdae held their microphones loosely between their fingers. They gazed out at masses of people – Chanyeol blindly, anxiously – and waited for them to quiet down. The babbling dampened immediately and each person surrounding me seemed to lean forward in their seats, smiles plastered across their faces.

Chanyeol started to play a stunning melody, his fingers skilfully gliding across the guitar strings. He bopped his head slowly in time with each chord and eventually, the other two began to harmonise, the lyrics spilling out of their mouths like beautiful whispers.


You came to me at the end of a hard day

The desperate prayers of a small boy have reached you

Without colour, scent or sound, you came into my heart

Like the colour of the clear street after the rain

You resemble that freshness, my goddess

A flower rises in the sky

There are spring blossoms on the ground

You can’t stop it; it has been decided since the start

My heart is pulled towards you

The moment your breath touches me, your scent colours me in


I gasped, instantly recognising the words they were singing as the song that Chanyeol had been working on a little under two weeks ago. I had been wondering for a long while whether he had made progress on it and now, in front of a live audience, I was about to hear it in its complete form.


Beautiful, beautiful

Your movements resemble a flower petal

Oh you’re beautiful, beautiful

I worry that you will break

Beautiful, beautiful

I can’t hug you as much as I want to

You’re beautiful, beautiful

My dazzling love


Each word was like a silent promise and soon, I found myself grinning uncontrollably, my eyes drenched with joy.


Even if you’re a different colour, I’m being coloured into your world


A tear slipped down my cheek.


I’m dreaming a dream of you forever


I had never heard a crowd cheer so loudly and, certainly not for the first time, I realised that I was so, so proud of Chanyeol.




I'm so incredibly sorry that this took so long. Not only have I been sick and busy, but I had a little bit of a block when attempting to write this.
I hope it's okay, because I think I will wrap this story up sometime soon.
Lots and lots of love ~ chu <3


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The upcoming chapter for 'I See You' will likely be the last. Thank you all ~


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Chapter 19: I'm so happy I found this story its so beautifully written :)
Brought me to tears good job I truly love it :') ❤❤
thelovelylam #2
Chapter 19: :3 I am glad I came across this story; very sweetly written.
mrflamethunder #4
Chapter 19: I came back to re-read this story and gave my upvote. Such beautiful story deserves more read and recognition.
mrflamethunder #5
This is so beautiful.
Chapter 19: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 19: Awww finally the got married! So cute >.<
Is she really pregnant again? :o
Chapter 18: You're writing skills is really good. I wonder why this story didn't received much recognition that it deserve? The way you write everything was amazing!!
Beauty_xoxo #9
It's a beautiful heart warming story to read...I love ending and totally satisfied with it!! This family is so adorable,I admire chanyeol on he could cope with all of them(cooking,sensing their presence and stuff) eventhough he's blind..