Hakyeon keeps cracking his neck and massage his shoulder.His neck and shoulder have become stiff and ached since the whole last night he sleeps in the same

position because Haneun didn’t want to let his s out from .When Hakyeon tried to pull it out Haneun will bite the thus it’s not only his neck and

shoulder in pain but also his s. “Didn’t sleep well last night Hakyeon-ah?”Hyeri asks him when she see that Hakyeon keeps massaging his neck and shoulder.

“Yeah.I sleep in the uncomfortable position last night.” “Eh,why?If I recalls back that guest room has the king bed so it’s impossible that you didn’t have enough

space to sleep properly.”.Hakyeon groans then reply “Well it’s because of Haneun keeps my s last so I can’t move at all.Anyway where’s the kids?”

“They are with Hongbin at the garden.Oh Haneun keeps -….WHAT!!!!!”Hyeri suddenly shouts at him.Hakyeon looks at her for a while then after a few seconds he

realized what he had said just now “NO!NO!” “Is it true?”she asked while keep closer to Hakyeon stares at him like some creepy killer. “Yah!Of course not! I’m not

woman that I need to brea-…” “Mommy!Mommy!Can I your strawberry also?Haneun said you’re your strawberry is yummy!”suddenly Yeon Woo shouts while

running to the kitchen.Behind him are Haneun that looks proud after he told his twin brother about last night and Hongbin that has the face what-the-hell-they-are-

talking.Hakyeon starts to panic and keep glancing at  Hyeri who is smirking at him “Strawberry huh?As I remembered the twins called s strawberry.Care to tell

me Hakyeon?”.Hakyeon sighs and try to calm the twins;Yeon Woo keeps lifted his shirts so that he can on the strawberry also while Haneun is helping her twin

brother. “Wait!Wait! Mommy will give to you but before that you need to wash your hands first.” Yeon Woo nods his head and asks Hongbin to company him to wash

his hands.Haneun follows them also so Hakyeon has to be alone with the smirking Hyeri. “Sooo…” “Aish!Okay I will tell you.”Hyeri lets out a happy shriek and sits

eagerly in front of Hakyeon.Hakyeon sighs and start to tell “Last night when I was talking to Ken on phone,Haneun came to my room and asked whether she can

sleep with me or not.At first I said no because I don’t want to get killed by his father when he knows that she sleeps with me but then she starts to show the signs of

crying thus I don’t had a choice but to be agree.When we were ready to go sleep suddenly Hanuen asked me can she on my…” “Strawberry” Hyeri cuts him

off.“Yeah strawberry so that’s all.”.Hyeri keeps quiet for a while then suddenly she screams “AHHH!!!!Cute!!You’re really like a mother Hakyeon-ah” “Yah I’m n-…”

“Mommy I’m done”Yeon Woo’s voice cuts his off.Yeon Woo tugs at his shirt while looks at him with the sparkling eyes. “Okay but not here.Let’s go to your

room.Anyway it’s now your nap time.” “I don’t want! I don’t want! I want it now”Yeon Woo whines and his eyes also start to watery. “Err..okay”then he looks at Hyeri

that looks extra creepy happy and Hongbin that looks like he wants to faint. “Wait Yeon Woo,you can’t do that.Your Mommy….” Before Hongbin can finish his

sentence Yeon Woo had already wailing loudly. “HONGBIN!!!”Hyeri and Hakyeon shout at him “What it’s true.Hakyeon is a m…” “Yah!!!Just let them be maybe they

just curious.”Hyeri shouts at him.Hakyeon try to calm Yeon Woo’s crying while Hyeri and Hongbin still bickering but it’s not working.Haneun also try to persuade her

twin brother but he’s still crying.Hakyeon starts worry that he will faint again so without no choice,he rolled up his shirts then let Yeon Woo lay down while his arm

embraces him and gives his at him. “Uwaaa-.....”then it’s become quiet and the mansion returns to its harmony and calm again.Hongbin and Hyeri stops their

bickering and look at Hakyeon.There in Hakyeon’s embrace is Yeon Woo that the happily and eagerly like the 2 months baby and not 2 years old

kid.Both of their mouth wide open while Haneun just laugh at her Unni and Oppa reaction.Hakyeon glares at them and hiss “Don’t! Don’t freaking say anything or else

I will throw this vase at both of you.”. “Hyung it’s amazing.Don’t you feel weird?”Hongbin asks him while takes a seat beside Hakyeon and Yeon Woo with Haneun on

his lap watching his twin brother happily at their Mommy strawberry.Hakyeon groans “Yah!What kind of question is that.Of couse I am.Hello I’m a man and I

1000% sure that I never feed kids before okay!”he shouts.Yeon Woo whines when hear his Mommy shouting so Hakyeon immediately diverts his attention back

to him. “Hakyeon-ah looks at him smiling.Yaaaa…so cute.”Hyeri acts like a fangirl. “Yeah hyung.He looks happy and in fact he starts to fall asleep already.It’s weird

to see it that he easily fall asleep because he’s really hard to fall asleep usually.”.Hakyeon smiles when heard what Hongbin said.They keep watching Yeon Woo

asleep peacefully but then suddenly Haneun say “Mommy,I’m sleepy”.Her eyes have become drop and smaller but she keeps trying to open her eyes

wider.Hakyeon,Hongbin and Hyeri just chuckled when look at her. “Why don’t you go to your room with Uncle Hongbin?” “But Mommy and Yeon Woo are here” “You

go first then we will follow you okay?”Haneun just nodded her head and put her hands around Hongbin’s neck and her head on his shoulder “I will put her on

bed.”Hongbin say then he walks away from the kitchen to the upstairs with the sleeping Haneun on his shoulder.Hakyeon looks back at Yeon Woo who is sleeping

and on his ,he try to pull away but get bitten by him. “Ouch!”Hakyeon groan in pain. “Hahahaha.Why don’t you just bring him like that to his room”Hyeri

said to him when they see that Yeon Woo shows no sign to let the go. “But my shirt is lifted.What will I do if suddenly his father stand at the front

door”Hakyeon whines.He don’t want to be kill by their father when he know that Hakyeon feed his twin. “LOL hyung stop being dense.Sir Leo always come

back late.Anyway it’s only 4 p.m now.Just go” “Okay.Gosh don’t scold me”.He carefully pick Yeon Woo up in bridal style and make sure that his is still in his

mouth because he don’t want to lose his if Yeon Woo bites his .He walks slowly to the stairs at the front and Hyeri is just watching both of them gone.

“He’s really the reincarnation of her even his postures also the same”Hyeri whispers softly.Hakyeon walks to the stairs while watching Yeon Woo’s sleeping.He’s too

immersed in watching him until he don’t notice of the two man that standing at the front door looking at him and Yeon Woo with the wide mouth and eyes.But then

one familiar voice heard “What are you doing?”.Hakyeon stops walking and lifts his head slowly to look at the owner of the voice. “Oh My Ken! Not again! I’m

dead.Really dead”his mind keeps telling him that.There standing at the front door are Taekwoon that has the face of what-the-hell-you-are-doing while Ravi behind him

holding to Taekwoon’s briefcase looks at him with the face you-are-doomed-hyung.Hakyeon closed his eyes and just prays for his life at that moment.

Enjoys the story and Taekwoon's mother is going to make her appearance soon.I just finished chapter 9 just now so maybe tomorrow I will update chapter 8 and 9.Comments whether you like the story.Why did I think this story is becoming more nonsense?

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zulilala #1
Chapter 46: OH MY KEN I do enjoy reading this cute story. It’s hilarious and sweet and their love moment is so y to handle. You did great job author
zulilala #2
Chapter 7: I’m almost death lmao the twins sure love the strawberry
Dulanga #3
Chapter 46: I found this story just recently and this is amazing. Good job authornim.. Wri
bibibelle #4
Chapter 8: I started to read until the 7th chapter...
and I dont think this story will be this comical.. xD
Good job author-nim... I'll finish to read the story :):):):
hazyras #5
This is my 4th time coming back to this story to read it xD SO AWESOME AUTHORNIM :3
Chapter 46: Wow, I actually finish your story in a day XD
Your story is crazily the best...
(Well, except fpr the space thingy...)
Anyway, you're the best authornim^^
KTsuki-chan #7
Chapter 46: I won't lie to you, it was hard to read due to the typos (the spaces between words and some grammar mistakes), but it was really fun x)
And I love how everyone here just adopted you way of sayinf OH MY KEN!! X) because indeed, Ken is gorgeous *p*
Chapter 46: Oh my Ken..... how come I never noticed this fanfic... authournim you're this story
Chapter 1: I didn't start reading but the chapter is messy, I think you need to fix the space between the words. but I'll read it anyway, it seems like a beautiful story
Chapter 46: Ohmyken <3 such a adorable story ♡♡♡