“Ah.Hello Sir Taekwoon,you’re back already.”Hakyeon bows to him. “I hate repeating my question and I really hate people who don’t answers my question.WHAT

ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!!!!!”Taekwoon shouts at him.Hakyeon flinch and try to gather his braveness to answer the question “No-..No-thing sir”. “You said nothing!!!

Then what did I saw just now?Listen here Mr…” “Hakyeon sir” “Yeah Mr Hakyeon.As I’m still clearly remember that I appointed you as babysitter this morning to take

care of my childrens and not for laughing in my house.So if you think that you come you here to laugh,you can get out from my house!!!”Taekwoon still shouting at him

while his hand is pointing at the way to the front door. “I’m sorry Sir.I’m really sorry!!Please don’t fire me.I promised that I…” “No!Get out now!”.Hakyeon is on the

verge of tears now.He looks at Hongbin,Ravi and Hyeri that are looking at him with the sad faces. “I SAID GET OUT NOW!!!!”.Hakyeon jolted and walks clumsily to

the front door.Taekwoon walks behind him maybe to make sure that he really get out from the house while the other three are following behind Taekwoon.They are

nudging each other to make one of them persuade Taekwoon about Hakyeon.But they knew it’s impossible.When he’s in front of the door suddenly two small voices

call out from the stairs “Mommy,where are you going?”. “Haneun,Yeon Woo get into your room back!”Taekwoon said without looks back at his twins.After a few

seconds,his brain starts to function properly and he turns to his twins with wide eyes. “You talked just now.”Actually it’s not only him that shocks but also Ravi.Who

stare at the twins with wide eyes and mouth.Hongbin playfully trying to shut his mouth back while Hyeri is decreasing the size of his eyes by pulling his eyelashes

down.Ravi swats their hands away and groans at them.Both of them just laugh softly at Ravi’s reaction and make sure that Sir Taekwoon don’t hear it.Well maybe

that Taekwoon will not hear them even when they laugh out loudly because now he seems to be too preoccupied with his twins.He walks to his twins and slowly pull

them to his embrace.He placed a kiss each on the forehead of the twins.Yeon Woo looks at his father and said softly “Daddy,why are you asking Mommy to go

out?”Haneun nodded at what his older twin brother said.Taekwoon’s mouth is closed and opened trying to let out his voice to tell them that’s not their mother but

nothing comes out. “Daddy”Haneun calls him. “Mr Hakyeon.”.Hakyeon shifts from his statue position and looks at Taekwoon that is with his twins on the stairs. “Get

out from my house now”then he makes sure that he hugs his twins securely in his embrace.Hakyeon’s eyes wide at the instructions. “Seriously he’s still stay with his

decision to chase me out.Oh God he’s really a cold hearted person.Hmph!It’s okay,I still can get another job at outside.”then he starts to walk out of the front

door.Haneun and Yeon Woo who are looking that their ‘Mommy’ is walking out from the house start to struggle in Taekwoon’s embrace “Mommy!!Mommy!!Don’t go”

“Mommy *sobs* don’t leave *sobs* Haneun”.Taekwoon makes sure that his hugs is tightly secure around his twins and he withstand all the punches and slaps that his

twins are giving.He needs to teach them that the man is not their Mommy and their Mommy is already gone.He wants them to learn the reality “Daddy

*sobs*Daddy!Stop Mommy*sobs* please!”.Hakyeon looks at his back and the scene is so painful for him.He don’t know why but he feels his heart are tugging when

he see that the twins are struggling to come to him. “Sir?…Sir Taekwoon maybe you need to give Hakyeon second chance.Please sir the twins are

hyperventilating.”Hongbin pleads to Taekwoon “Yes sir.We need to stop them from crying cause maybe they will faint from it.”Hyeri also try to beg him. “Don’t!Don’t

teach me how to take care of my children.They need to accept the reality!” “But sir they are still kid”Ravi plead to him also cause he see that twin starts to lose

control and their body is shaking badly while crying “Mommy!Don’t go!”.Then everything become quiet.Hakyeon turns to look back at the twins and to his horror the

twins now are unconscious in Taekwoon’s arms and the man is trying to wake his twins. “Haneun!Yeon Woo!Sweethearts,please wake up!”.Hakyeon runs quickly to the

father and the twins that are on the stairs.The other three also run to the unconscious twins.He takes Haneun from Taekwoon’s embrace and bring her into his

embrace. Even though Taekwoon keeps glaring at him,Hakyeon ignores it and continue to wakes them up. “Hey,darling.Wake up please.Mommy is here.I promise

you,I will not going anywhere.”Hakyeon says softly while his hands is patting Haneun’s face smoothly.He also try patting Yeon Woo’s face but get slaps away by

Taekwoon who is glaring at him, “What makes you thinks that you will not going anywhere and why are you still here?!” “Jung Taekwoon!Can you please stop being

selfish right now?Put away your ego and think about your kids please.” “I’m thinking about them thus that’s why I want them to learn accept the reality and that you’re

not their Mommy”.Hakyeon sighs loudly and try to calm himself“They’re still kids!!!What makes you think that they can accept all this?The one that needs to accept

reality is not them but YOU!!You need to accept the reality that you’ve changes and I’m sure that your will be sad when know that you hurt her twin.So now if you can

excuse my rudeness I want to bring them to their room and wake them up. At least I’m not being selfish!!!”Hakyeon shouts at Taekwoon.He doesn’t care if the man

will curse,mad or shouts at him after this because he want that heartless man to know that he’s being selfish and his selfishness is affecting his twins.He pick Haneun

up in bridal style “Ravi can you please pick Yeon Woo up and bring him to their room and Hyeri takes a small basin and filled it with water then bring them to me

along with a clean towel.”. “Eh..Eh..sure I will go now”Hyeri said before run to the kitchen to bring the things and Ravi hesitantly trying to pick Yeon Woo up. “You

don’t have to be scared with that heartless person.Just take him!”Hakyeon said to Ravi and then climb up to the twin’s room along with Ravi that follows him behind

with Yeon Woo in his arms.Taekwoon is left behind at the stairs with Hongbin.He just stares lifelessly at his arms “Taekwoon-hyung?” Hongbin try to call him.

“Hongbin-ah.Did I really selfish?” “Hyung…You’re not selfish.It’s just that you’ve changes after she died…Please think again hyung.I bet that even you know the

reason why they call him Mommy.Accept the reality hyung” then Hongbin climbs up the stairs while watching Taekwoon crying. 


Here's the update.I'm sorry if you think that maybe this chaptered is a little nonsense..Please comments if you like or you dislikes it.I also accept critics or complaints.Oh yeah before I forget,Should Hakyeon crossdressed once to knock a sense at Leo's mind*winks*.Thank you for reading<3 

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zulilala #1
Chapter 46: OH MY KEN I do enjoy reading this cute story. It’s hilarious and sweet and their love moment is so y to handle. You did great job author
zulilala #2
Chapter 7: I’m almost death lmao the twins sure love the strawberry
Dulanga #3
Chapter 46: I found this story just recently and this is amazing. Good job authornim.. Wri
bibibelle #4
Chapter 8: I started to read until the 7th chapter...
and I dont think this story will be this comical.. xD
Good job author-nim... I'll finish to read the story :):):):
hazyras #5
This is my 4th time coming back to this story to read it xD SO AWESOME AUTHORNIM :3
Chapter 46: Wow, I actually finish your story in a day XD
Your story is crazily the best...
(Well, except fpr the space thingy...)
Anyway, you're the best authornim^^
KTsuki-chan #7
Chapter 46: I won't lie to you, it was hard to read due to the typos (the spaces between words and some grammar mistakes), but it was really fun x)
And I love how everyone here just adopted you way of sayinf OH MY KEN!! X) because indeed, Ken is gorgeous *p*
Chapter 46: Oh my Ken..... how come I never noticed this fanfic... authournim you're this story
Chapter 1: I didn't start reading but the chapter is messy, I think you need to fix the space between the words. but I'll read it anyway, it seems like a beautiful story
Chapter 46: Ohmyken <3 such a adorable story ♡♡♡