Taekwoon adjusts his tie and his black suit properly before looks into the mirror at his reflection.Today is a big and important day to him;the day where he will be

going to save his another love of life and Mommy to his twins.The morning has come faster without he realized since he kept thought about the plan for the whole

night.His eye bags are darker under his eyes and his face looks lifeless and pale.He takes a deep breath then walks out of his room and to his twins’ room.When he

arrives at Yeon Woo’s room,he is greets with the happy twins that are running to him while shouting “Dad we’re going to pick Mommy”.Taekwoon smiles and pick

them up then kiss their cheeks “Yeah we’re going to pick Mommy.Are you ready yet?” he asks his twins.The twins nods eagerly and fussing Taekwoon to move

faster so that they can go to their Mommy quickly.Taekwoon smiles half heartedly and think in his mind “Please don’t let them be crying in the next hour please…”

He looks at Hyuk and Hongbin behind and smiles reassuring at them and mouthed “Don’t worry I will bring Hakyeon back safely.” Then he walks to the downstairs to

the awaiting Ms Jung Ha,Yunho,Jaejoong,Kenvi couple and Hyeri “Are you ready?” Yunho asks him.Taekwoon just nods at him “Grandma! We’re going to pick

Mommy up!” the twins say happily to Ms Jung Ha clueless that they’re indeed going to pick their Mommy up but it’s still unknown whether their Mommy will be still

alive or not.Ms Jung Ha just smiles sadly at them and caress their cheeks lovingly “Yes darlings.You’re going to pick up your Mommy.So don’t wait anymore,go

now.” She ushers them out after gave a kiss on the twins’ cheeks.Jaejoong also do the same after that while Yunho just pats their heads lovingly.Taekwoon takes a

last look to his family before goes into his Mercedes;he puts the twins on their seat at the back and waves at the family before go into his car and drives out from the mansion.Ms Jung Ha waves at them and when the car disappear from her sight,she takes out her phone and dial someone “Yes Sir they had departed.You and the

others officers can follow him as I had put the tracking on the car.” After a few talks she ended the call and looks to the people around her before say “The polices are

on the way there.Now what we can do is only hope that they will be safe.” She hugs Jaejoong and rubs his back soothingly to coax him from crying.Yunho also try

his best to calm his love also.Meanwhile Hongbin who is with Hyuk at upstairs hold his hand and intertwine them then gives a reassuring squeeze “They will be

safe.Don’t worry.” Hyuk just smiles at him and say “Let’s hope.”



Taekwoon looks at the abandoned mansion in front of him then to the GPS attached on the dashboard.The address shown is correct but the place is ridiculous “How

can she suggest this kind of place to be wedding venue?It’s look like haunted house” his mind tell him and even the twins agreed with him as after that Yeon Woo

say to him “Dad why this place looks like haunted house.” “Haneun doesn’t like here.Maybe Mommy is somewhere else and not here.Can we go to other places

pwease?” Haneun begs to him with aegyo.Taekwoon just chuckles and turns to his twins at the back seat “No sweethearts it’s true that Mommy is here.So now why

don’t we go out from the car and walks in to meet with Mommy?” he asks them and immediately the twins forget about the haunted mansion at the mention of their

Mommy in there.In fact the twins are now forcing him to open the door faster so they can meet their Mommy.Taekwoon opens his seat belt and turn off the engine

then goes to the twins to picks them out from the car.He holds their hand each at his sides and takes a deep breath before walks to the front door of the mansion.The

man that is guarding at the front door acknowledged him and opens the door for him.When he steps into the mansion with the twins,they immediately hugs his legs in

fear.Well Taekwoon can’t blame them to be scared as inside of the mansion really do like a haunted house;with the walls of the mansion are painted with green black

mold,the chandelier is full of spiders’ webs and the furniture are all broken and damaged. “Oh all of my sweethearts are here now.Woah you looks dashing and more

handsome today oppa.Of course both of you also Yeon Woo,Haneun.” A woman voice suddenly say to them from upstairs.Taekwoon looks at upstairs and he’s

boiled in anger when remembered back what Hyuna had done to both of his loves “Where is Hakyeon?!” he spats angrily to Hyuna.Hyuna just laughing while walking

slowly to downstairs “Oppa it’s not appropriate to ask about other man or woman when you’re going to marry soon.” She say when she stands near Taekwoon and

the twins.She try to caress Haneun’s cheek but Haneun just slaps her hands away and scold her “Give back my Mommy!” and Yeon Woo agrees with her by say

“Yeah right”.Hyuna huff in furious and hold her hand to slap Haneun but stops when Taekwoon say coldly and lowly to her “Don’t you dare to touch my twins.If one

bruise decorated their skin I will ing kill you.” Hyuna puts down her hand and looks at Hyuna with a gasp “Oppa how could you threatened to kill your own wife-to-

be” she say with whiny voice.Taekwoon smirks at him then say “My wife is only one Jung Hana and she will be wife forever…” Hyuna laughs at him then flips her hairs

before say sarcastically “Then who is Hakyeon to you?” “Last time I remembered Hakyeon is a man so he can’t be my wife…” Hyuna smiles and Taekwoon smirks

“But he can be my man-wife.I rather choose him as my partner than choose you ing mental witch!”.Hyuna looks almost explodes but then she controls her

expression and smirks after that “Oppa if I was you I would not talked like that.Remember back I still has your beloved Hakyeon.Now shall we go upstairs to our

wedding venue?” she say smugly while walking to the upstairs.Taekwoon follows her to the upstairs with the twins and they are being directed to one of the

room.Taekwoon gasps in fear while the twins shouts Mommy when they entered the room.There besides the desk that has two contracts and two pens on it is

Hakyeon being tied in standing positions with his hands tied upwards.He’s half conscious and Taekwoon sure that his shoulder must already dislocated because of

the weight of his body that he needs to support.His face is pale while his lips is blue.He looks dying with the of pains and labored breath that sounds like a

choked sound “Hakyeon! What had you done Hyuna!!!!” Taekwoon shouts angrily to the satisfied Hyuna that is standing besides the desk with a syringe in her

hand.Meanwhile the twins keep calling their Mommy and Taekwoon almost drops them down because of their struggling to go to their Mommy “Mommy wakes up!

We’re here now Mommy!”the twins shout. “Now! Now! Shall we go on with the wedding ceremony?You need to come here oppa and sigh this contracts then we will

be husband and wife forever.” Hyuna say while waves the syringe carelessly.Taekwoon stares at Hakyeon and looks at his fragile state “Hana-ah if you can hear me

please protect your brother.I don’t want to lose another person that I love after I lose you.” He pray in his heart. “Aren’t you coming oppa?The times is ticking away

and he’s dying,oppa.”Hyuna say in sing song voice.Taekwoon walks slowly with the twins to Hyuna and takes the pen on the desk.He’s hesitate for a while to sign

the contract and his action makes Hyuna piss so she shouts to her men at the end of the room “Raise that man up!!” and as soon as she said that,there are clanking

sounds of metal then Hakyeon is lifted up until he’s particularly  hanging away from the floor “Hakyeon!!!” he shouts then turns to glare at Hyuna. “What! I just took

precautionary steps if suddenly you decides to not sign the contract.Sign it now!” Hyuna say sternly.Taekwoon’s pen almost touches the paper when suddenly

there’s shouts “Don’t move! It’s police! Put all your weapons down and raise your hands!!” Within a second,a group of uniform and armed men enters the room and

catch all of Hyuna’s men and a woman officer comes to catch Hyuna. “Let me go you idiot!Oppa help me.I love you so much.Don’t you love me back oppa?” Hyuna

say while try to struggle out from the officer.Taekwoon takes his twins far away from Hyuna and walks to Hakyeon that is going down slowly with the help of

polices.Taekwoon put his twins down and they quickly run to their Mommy then hug him.Taekwoon follows them from behind and also hugs Hakyeon to his embrace

“Hakyeon wakes up please!” he say softly while caressing Hakyeon’s cheeks.Hakyeon’s face had drained it’s colour and his body starts to get cold.The twins also try

to call their Mommy and keep hugging him close to them while crying and sobbing.Taekwoon also cry with them “HURRY CALL THE AMBULANCE!!” He shouts to

the polices.Then “Taekwoon hyung!” he heard someone calls him.He turns to the voice and see that Hyuk,Hongbin,Ken and Ravi run to them.Hyuk especially runs

faster to them when he saw his brother is lifeless on Taekwoon’s arm.He runs to slide beside Taekwoon and hold his hyung “Hyung! Wakes up hyung.Please don’t

leave me!Hyung…” he say while sobbing and shaking Hakyeon up.Taekwoon turns to his back not dare to look at the sad scenes in front of him and shouts “WHERE

IS THE DAMN AMBULANCE?!”. “” a small whispers comes from Hakyeon.All eyes turns to him and Hyuk scoots closer “Yes hyung.” He say while chokes in

his sobs.Hakyeon try to force his eyes stay open and mouthed to Hyuk “I’m so..rry.” Hyuk burst into sobs while tightened his hug on Hakyeon.Then Hakyeon turns to

the twins and hardly to caress their hairs but just end up falls on their thigh “Be a..good boy…girl okay?” he say while smiles faintly.The twins nods their head and

showers his face with kisses and begs “Mommy don’t leave us.We love you Mommy.”.Hakyeon  takes a hard deep breath and  turns to Taekwoon finally.Taekwoon

turns to other direction because he couldn’t look the face of his love dying but Hakyeon think in other way by calls his name softly “Taekwoon…I .am..sorry.I…lo-” he whispers softly.Taekwoon lets out his sobs and allows his tears to fall down his cheeks before hugs Hakyeon and keep whispering “I love you too

Hakyeon.Don’t leave me!”.Ken,Hongbin and Ravi just watching them for side while their tears also keep flowing out.Hakyeon lets his tired and limp body to be hug by

the four of them and slowly bit by bit his sight starts to close slowly.Taekwoon that feels Hakyeon’s body starts to limp looks at him with fear “No! Hakyeon don’t

sleep!Please!!” he say while pats his cheeks softly.Hyuk and the twins also try to shake him up but stops their action when Hakyeon’s hand drops from his stomach

to the floor and his chest had stops breathing. “HYUNG!!!!!” After that Hakyeon is taken by the medics to the ambulance accompany with the twins’ crying and

shouting while Hyuk had gone crazy and needs Ravi and Ken to calm him while Taekwoon just sit there blankly looks at his arm that where Hakyeon was just

now.After a few seconds,Taekwoon starts to cry softly and whispers softly “Goodbye my love,Hakyeon.”

Updated.Thank you to all my subcribers,the comments that always gave supports and positive response also to my upvoters.Thank you also for those who keeps reading my story even though this story is not that great like others story.I appreciates all of your supports and thank you.*bows*

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zulilala #1
Chapter 46: OH MY KEN I do enjoy reading this cute story. It’s hilarious and sweet and their love moment is so y to handle. You did great job author
zulilala #2
Chapter 7: I’m almost death lmao the twins sure love the strawberry
Dulanga #3
Chapter 46: I found this story just recently and this is amazing. Good job authornim.. Wri
bibibelle #4
Chapter 8: I started to read until the 7th chapter...
and I dont think this story will be this comical.. xD
Good job author-nim... I'll finish to read the story :):):):
hazyras #5
This is my 4th time coming back to this story to read it xD SO AWESOME AUTHORNIM :3
Chapter 46: Wow, I actually finish your story in a day XD
Your story is crazily the best...
(Well, except fpr the space thingy...)
Anyway, you're the best authornim^^
KTsuki-chan #7
Chapter 46: I won't lie to you, it was hard to read due to the typos (the spaces between words and some grammar mistakes), but it was really fun x)
And I love how everyone here just adopted you way of sayinf OH MY KEN!! X) because indeed, Ken is gorgeous *p*
Chapter 46: Oh my Ken..... how come I never noticed this fanfic... authournim you're this story
Chapter 1: I didn't start reading but the chapter is messy, I think you need to fix the space between the words. but I'll read it anyway, it seems like a beautiful story
Chapter 46: Ohmyken <3 such a adorable story ♡♡♡