Hakyeon wipes the damp towel slowly to Haneun’s face and then to Yeon Woo’s face after that.Ravi,Hyeri and Hongbin just look at him wiping the twins “Hyung,don’t

you think that what you said just now is little rude?”Ravi whispers to him.Hakyeon sighs softly,he knows that this question will pop out anytime from one of them. “He

needs to know Ravi.He keeps thinking that his twins need to learn the reality but it’s actually him that need to.”. “But Hakyeon-ah maybe he’s just sad that his wife is

already gone.” “I knows that Hyeri but still they’re still kids for the god sake.” “Don’t you afraid hyung that he will get angry at you after this?”this time Hongbin asked

him. “Why should I Hongbin?He’s nothing but a selfish father”.Hakyeon put the towel on the side table besides the basin.He ran his each of his hands slowly at the

twins' head. “I had better go now before they wake up and find me here.I still need to get out from here right?”he said then chuckles at that.He turns to look at Hyeri

and said “Take care of them well”.He stands slowly from the king bed and walks out of the room.The others just look at him leaving with sad faces. “Hongbin can’t you

do something?Ravi?” “I’m sorry Hyeri-ah but this time I don’t think so I can.” “Yeah me too.”Hyeri let out sobs after heard their answer.Ravi try to persuade Hyeri while

Hongbin’s mind say “Taek-hyung.It’s all your decisions now.Please do the right things.”.

      Hakyeon climbs down the stairs slowly and when he reach the end of the stairs,he stopped.Why?Because there is Taekwoon standing at the front door with his

back facing Hakyeon.Hakyeon takes a deep breath and continues to walk to the front door.He don’t dare to look at the man because he realized( now only you

realized huh Hakyeon?!) that maybe that he’s over board just now.He walks faster when he near the door and when he’s nearly out of the door “Mr Hakyeon,where are

you going?”.Hakyeon nearly stumbled down when heard that voice but he don’t feel the same shiver from just now because the voice is not cold but more like a regret

voice. “Ah…Si-r Taekwoon.H-ow are you?Excuse me I need to walk here.”Hakyeon tried to walk faster but then again he’s stop(Urgh!!!) “Where do you think you’re

going after what you said to me?”.Hakyeon still but then immediately he turns to Taekwoon and kneels down in front of Taekwoon while faking sobs while saying “I’m

sorry Sir.I didn’t mean anything I just said.Don’t scold me.I’m sorry and I promise that I will go out faster so that the twins will not…” “Who said you’re going

out?”.Hakyeon stops his nonsense blabbering. “Eh???Didn’t you asked me to get of your house just now?”.Taekwoon sigh and thinking“How did this idiot get called

by my twins Mommy.He’s so dense.”. “You said just now to me not to be selfish.Now you’re being selfish.”.Hakyeon blinked his eyes repeatedly “Err…Sir I can’t

understand you.”.


“Why did your hyung is so stupid Ravi?”Hyeri asked Ravi.Currently three of them is watching both of Hakyeon and Taekwoon from  upstairs. “Hahahaha…you’re still

got a lot to know Hakyeon’s stupidity.Let me tell you he’s the most stupid person I had ever encountered with.He’s sooooo dense.”.Hongbin just laugh and continue

to watch the scene downstairs.




“You’re staying here and take care of my twin.”Taekwoon said quickly then turns to walk away from there leaving kneeling Hakyeon that is still blank.Taekwoon stops

his steps and turn back and say quickly “AnywayI’msorrythatIscoldyoujustnow”then he walks quickly before Hakyeon’s brain start to function properly again.Hakyeon

takes about 10 minutes to process what had happen just now. “Okay I admit it he’s dumb and idiot.Huh!”Hyeri said from upstairs.Then slowly Hakyeon realized what

Taekwon had said just now because only now he stands and shouts “Did you said that I’m still get the job sir!SIR THANK YOU!!!!”.He looks at the three people

upstairs and shouts happily “Hey!I GOT THE JOB!I GOT THE JOB!” “HAKYEON QUEIT! MY TWINS ARE SLEEPING YOU IDIOT!”Taekwoon’s shout come from the

upstairs.Hakyeon quickly control his shouts and shut his mouth tightly. “Huh…dummy ‘Mommy’ Hakyeon”Ravi said while shaking his head.Hongbin and Hyeri laugh

at that remark.Yeah Dummy ‘Mommy’ Hakyeon but at least he’s got freely a handsome son and pretty daughter.


“Hyung?Can I come in?” “Yeah comes in Hongbin.Hongbin closes the oak door and steps into the Taekwoon’s office in the mansion.The office is so classic.The office

shows the classic dark temporary themed style while the furniture in the office shows the elegance and expensive vibe.The armchair that  Taekwon is sitting while

doing his work is made of black leather and being sew up with the nice and smooth pattern.In others words to describe the office is ‘WHOA!!!’. “What you want

Hongbin?” “Wants to thank you.”.Taekwoon furrows his eyebrows and stops doing his work then looks up at Hongbin. “Why you wants to thank me?I don’t recall that

I give something to you before” “I know hyung.It’s not me that you give anything but the twins.” “You’re talking about Hakyeon.I still don’t understand why I still give

chance to that idiot when it’s clearly shown that the man is uncapable.Hongbin chuckled and it’s got Taekwoon’s attention. “You don’t have to understand hyung

when you’re already know.It’s him that makes the twin talk back.You know hyung I nearly forget how is the twins' voices sounds like when it’s been already one year

and few months I don’t heard them talk.” “Yeah I know.I also miss their voice.What can I do to get back their ownselves?” “It’s what shouly you do.Change yourself

first hyung then only they will change.”.Taekwoon sighs while palming his face with his hands. “I can’t Hongbin”. “You can hyung.I believe you!Try it and you will not

regret.”Hongbin said before bows and walks out of the office.When he is outside the office,he said softly “You can hyung because it’s what Mrs Jung believe before

she died.”.He walks the hallway and go down to the kitchen where Hakyeon,Hyeri and Ravi enjoying themselves talking and laughing.Yeah things are going to change

back in this house.It’s all because of one person;Hakyeon.Or “Mommy”

Here is another update for today.Actually I had write the story untill chapter already but I update each chapter a day or Double update.Anyway thanks to the 52 subscribers and comments.The next chapter maybe will be updated tomorrow and I can say that you will be suprise.Please do comments if you like the story,subscribe and Thank You for reading this story

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zulilala #1
Chapter 46: OH MY KEN I do enjoy reading this cute story. It’s hilarious and sweet and their love moment is so y to handle. You did great job author
zulilala #2
Chapter 7: I’m almost death lmao the twins sure love the strawberry
Dulanga #3
Chapter 46: I found this story just recently and this is amazing. Good job authornim.. Wri
bibibelle #4
Chapter 8: I started to read until the 7th chapter...
and I dont think this story will be this comical.. xD
Good job author-nim... I'll finish to read the story :):):):
hazyras #5
This is my 4th time coming back to this story to read it xD SO AWESOME AUTHORNIM :3
Chapter 46: Wow, I actually finish your story in a day XD
Your story is crazily the best...
(Well, except fpr the space thingy...)
Anyway, you're the best authornim^^
KTsuki-chan #7
Chapter 46: I won't lie to you, it was hard to read due to the typos (the spaces between words and some grammar mistakes), but it was really fun x)
And I love how everyone here just adopted you way of sayinf OH MY KEN!! X) because indeed, Ken is gorgeous *p*
Chapter 46: Oh my Ken..... how come I never noticed this fanfic... authournim you're this story
Chapter 1: I didn't start reading but the chapter is messy, I think you need to fix the space between the words. but I'll read it anyway, it seems like a beautiful story
Chapter 46: Ohmyken <3 such a adorable story ♡♡♡