After they had lunch at a restaurants across of their hotel,they went back to the hotel.They planned to get a rest first before they go out to the Tokyo Tower

tonight.However Hakyeon wants to take a look around the hotel so he asked for Taekwoon’s permission and went out before the twins noticed him.He visits the shop

that are around the hotels but don’t buy anything because it’s so expensive.Well what do you expect the prices will be cheap when the shops are selling branded

well-made clothes,shoes,hand-made perfume and kimono.The candy shop that he’s entering now is the fifth shop that he had entered today and he think that maybe

he can buy something from this shop.The shop sells variety types of candies and also bakery;it’s like heaven to candy maniac like him.All the candy he likes are sell

here.He inspect all the candies that are displayed in the glass cupboard “Oh looks delicious”he say while drooling at the candies.He is then being approached by the

girls worker there;she’s cute,has big sparkling eyes and snowy skin.She greets him in Japanese and ask what he wants to buy also in Japanese. Hakyeon feels that

he’s really like a complete fool standing there just smiling and nods his head when the girl talk something Japanese words with him.But then “N-hyung?” someone

calls him behind the girl.It’s weird nobody knows that nickname except for his close friend so he looks behind the girl and lets out unmanly screams when see the

man standing there“Ohhhh…Minhyuk-ah!!!” and hugs the man. “Hyung long time no see.How are you?Yeah….still dark like before”Hakyeon slaps Minhyuk’s arm “Yah

I’m not dark okay.It’s y tanned skin.” And pouts after he said that.Minhyuk just laughs and then turn to the confused poor girl behind them.He tell something to

the Japanese girl and then the Japanese girl smiles and bows at him before leaves both of them.Hakyeon smiles and bows back “Yah what did you tell her?You didn’t

scold her right” he asks Minhyuk worriedly after the Japanese girl left.“Aniyo hyung…I just said that I will take care of your order.Plus I think you don’t even

understands one hell of the words she said just now right?” he smiles. “Oh I don’t understand at all.Anyway why are you here?” “It’s my shop hyung”Minhyuk say and

then laugh when he saw Hakyeon’s shock face. “Yah really???Your shop????” “Really hyung”. “Then I can get free candies then.”Hakyeon fluttering his eyes at

Minhyuk.Minhyuk rolls his eyes “Okay since I didn’t meet you for a long time I will think this as reunion gifts for you.You  can choose anything you wants”.Hakyeon

cheers and then drags Minhyuk to the candies displayed.They happily talks and jokes that they don’t notice a man standing outside of the shop watching them with

jealousy.Well maybe if Minhyuk do see him,he will not recognize the man but if Hakyeon is the one,he will say this “I’m doomed and dead”.





After his candies shopping(or you can say candies gift),he walks back to the hotel after exchanges numbers and greets with Minhyuk.He walks with a wide smile and

bags of candies at his hand.He takes the elevator to the 6th floor and looks for their room.When he find it,he swipes the card.He opens the door and steps slowly into

the room then try to close the door without any noises because he don’t want anyone to notice his lateness especially that selfish rich bastard. “Why did you comes

back late?”a voice sounds from behind him.In reflex he accidently close the door quickly and make the sound “BAM!” echoed across the room.He looks at the man

sitting in front of him with wide eyes and fear heart “Oh My Ken! Why did my luck is always bad?”he sighs in his mind.He try to create a flexible reason and say it out

quickly“Ah…you see Sir..hmm…I went to this candies shop and then when I was looking at the candies suddenly someone calls me and when I looked who it was.It

was my long time friend so I talked to him without I realized that I was late.And…that’s why I was late.”.He finish his story in just one minutes.Whoa great job

Hakyeon and I’m proud of you but now you have a big problem so focus!.Hakyeon waits nervously for Taekwoon scolds him but nothing came.After three minutes of

awkward silence,Taekwoon gets up from the sofa and walks toward him. “Oh My Ken why did I feels like I knows what will going to happen after this.”his mind say.

“You’re telling me that he’s your friend,Mr Hakyeon.”Taekwoon say with each steps forward on every words he said. “Ye-…ah.”he stutters and steps backward until

his back leans against the door.Taekwoon takes no time and trap Hakyeon with places his hands between Hakyeon’s face then he leaned forward until his face only 

a few meters apart from Hakyeon’s. “Then why did I saw you were hugging and clinging on him just now”he said angrily while makes sure that every of his hot breaths

fall on Hakyeon’s face. Hakyeon opens his closed eyes that he closed just now without he realized “Wait did you follow me Sir?”.Taekwoon flinched at that questions

“No why should I?”he say while trying to compose himself.Hakyeon smirks and then thought a really crazy idea,he puts his left hand at the back of his neck and

yanks Taekwoon closer to him.In response,Taekwoon gets more closer to him and he think that maybe if he moves just a little bit their mouth will touch.Furthemore Hakyeon's legs are circling his waist so that's mean Taekwoon's holding him is the only reason why he didn't fall. “Are you

jealous Sir Taekwoon” Hakyeon say in his seductive and low voice while tracing his lips.Taekwoon gulps down when heard that kind of voice “Oh My how I hope that kind of voice

my name” he thinks that ert imagination.Taekwoon thinks his front jean has become more tighter. “Don’t worry Sir he’s not my boyfriend and will never be

because he’s already engaged.”he traced down Taekwoon’s nose with his hand and then surprisingly leave a quick peck on his lip before runs quickly to his shared

room with Ravi and Hongbin .“Sorry Sir!!!!!”he shouts before goes in.Taekwoon stares at the door and try to control his raging hormones “Cha Hakyeon you will get it”he

whispers softly with gritting teeth.Let’s just say that after that he needs to take shower.A really cold shower.All thanks to the y Cha Hakyeon. 


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zulilala #1
Chapter 46: OH MY KEN I do enjoy reading this cute story. It’s hilarious and sweet and their love moment is so y to handle. You did great job author
zulilala #2
Chapter 7: I’m almost death lmao the twins sure love the strawberry
Dulanga #3
Chapter 46: I found this story just recently and this is amazing. Good job authornim.. Wri
bibibelle #4
Chapter 8: I started to read until the 7th chapter...
and I dont think this story will be this comical.. xD
Good job author-nim... I'll finish to read the story :):):):
hazyras #5
This is my 4th time coming back to this story to read it xD SO AWESOME AUTHORNIM :3
Chapter 46: Wow, I actually finish your story in a day XD
Your story is crazily the best...
(Well, except fpr the space thingy...)
Anyway, you're the best authornim^^
KTsuki-chan #7
Chapter 46: I won't lie to you, it was hard to read due to the typos (the spaces between words and some grammar mistakes), but it was really fun x)
And I love how everyone here just adopted you way of sayinf OH MY KEN!! X) because indeed, Ken is gorgeous *p*
Chapter 46: Oh my Ken..... how come I never noticed this fanfic... authournim you're this story
Chapter 1: I didn't start reading but the chapter is messy, I think you need to fix the space between the words. but I'll read it anyway, it seems like a beautiful story
Chapter 46: Ohmyken <3 such a adorable story ♡♡♡