The next morning is till the same;Hyuna shamelessly have breakfast at the mansion,torturing Hyeri and try to be nice to the twins and Sir Taekwoon.However there’s

one thing that difference from yesterday which is Hakyeon feels awkward with Taekwoon.That selfish rich bastard pretends that he never ask Hakyeon to do

or even blindfold dance for him as birthday gift.Plus he’s acting like nothing happened and even still being the usual bossy and selfish bastard.Hakyeon get scold

because he’s late to bring down the twins on time by only 2 minutes and because of that 2 minutes he’s being embarrassed in front of the twins,Hyuna and Mrs Jung

Ha.Hyuna just keeps smiling and smirking at him when they’re having breakfast and takes that opportunity to stay close to the twins and Taekwoon.Duriing the

breakfast Hakyeon keeps  glaring at Taekwoon and Taekwoon knows about it but he just choose to ignore it.Taekwoon doesn’t want Hakyeon to feel free to do

anything he wants in the mansion and stay in the boundary as babysitter.After finish breakfast Sir Taekwoon and Hyuna go to the company in one car(Hyuna grin to

the ear for this) while Mrs Jung Ha and the twins go out to the mall with Ravi as their driver of the day.So Hakyeon has free time until evening and he doesn’t waste

the chance by asks Ken to go out with him.Ken agreed immediately at the idea since he doesn’t work today and he miss Hakyeon(mostly only want to hear

Hakyeon’s story). “Hyeri!Hongbin I’m going out for a while.”Hakyeon shouts from the front door after get ready to meet Ken. “Oh hyung where are you going?”Hongbin

asks him while walking towards him.Hakyeon looks at Hongbin while wearing his sneakers “I’m going to meet Ken.I miss him and I have a lot to report to him.You

know how is he right when I don’t tell him what happens in the mansion.I swear sometimes he’s worse than my mother you know Hongbin”.Hongbin just laugh at it

and suddenly serious after he remembered“But hyung had you told Sir?If he finds out you goes out without permission he’ll get angry”.Hakyeon grins and then shouts

happily “I had already.By the I’m going now!Bye Hyeri” “Bye oppa can’t you bring back cheese cake for me”Hyeri shouts from the kitchen and hakyeon just shouts

back “Ok” before runs out of the mansion to the front gate.Ken’s car had already waiting for him outside. “Hyung why are you late?”Ken asks him when he enter the

car. “Sorry Ken…I took order from Hyeri just now.”Hakyeon smiles at him.Ken just rolls his eyes and drives the car to the usual café that they always went to.The

café is quite full because it’s lunch time for the office workers but they still can sit at their favorite place.Hakyeon orders Kimchi Fried Rice and Ice blended Chocolate

while Ken get himself a lasagna and orange juice.While waiting for the food to come Hakyeon tell what had happened yesterday,last night and this morning “Can you

believe it?He scolded me in front of that witch and the twins.I’m so pissed and embarrassed” Ken listens to his complaints and then say his opinion“Hyung doesn’t

you think that maybe your boss is bipolar or maybe has two personalities like Hyde and Jekyll”.Hakyeon frown “And I think your brain is too overworking that until you

get the high and nonsense imagination.Don’t be idiot Ken.He’s not bipolar,he’s just being the sassy selfish rich bastard”Hakyeon say before takes a bite of his

rice.Ken shrugs his shoulders and just continue to eat their lunch.While they’re enjoying their food and talking,a man and a woman that are wearing office attires

suddenly come to their table.Hakyeon stops talking to Ken and gasp looks at the man in front of him;Leo is standing there with Hyuna that is smiling smugly and he

looks so pissed.Hakyeon gulps down “S-ir…why here?” “It’s suppose to be my question Mr Cha.What are you doing here?”Taekwoon say cold voice. “I’m

having lun-…” “Aren’t you supposed to be at the mansion take care of my twins”Taekwoon say while gritting his teeth.Hakyeon is sweating buckets now “They went

out with your mother Sir.As I remembered I did call you just now”.Hyuna chuckled at his answer and Hakyeon looks at her wondering why did she chuckled. “Yeah

right.I highly doubt that it’s just his excuse because now you had caught him dating around oppa.”she said in a singsong voice.Taekwoon looks at her and maybe

considering all of what she had said.He turns to Hakyeon and then with a coldly commanding voice he say “Go back to the mansion now and you young man listen

here.Don’t you dare to ask him out again after this and I want you to leave him alone”he say while pointing at Ken.Hakyeon and Ken shock by what Taekwoon had

said and without even Hakyeon can explain who is Ken,he get drags away out of the café.Taekwoon grabs his wrist tightly that Hakyeon thinks his bones is going to

snap “Sir…my wrist hurt.Where are we going?” and then they arrive at Taekwoon’s car.While Hakyeon is rubbing his hurt wrist,he’s suddenly get push against the car

and Taekwoon glares at her “Listen here.I don’t want you to call or meet that man again.No,wait don’t ever call all of your friends again” “What!!! I can’t do

that”Hakyeon protests while trying to push Taekwoon’s hand on his shoulders. “I don’t care!!!You have to listen to me!!! I’m your boss and you have to listen every

things that I…*slaps*”Taekwoon’s head turn to the left side after his right cheeks got slapped by the fumed Hakyeon. “Oppa!” Hyuna shouts and goes to Taekwoon

and softly rubs the reddened part.She glares at Hakyeon and spat “Disgusting man”.Taekwoon slowly brings down his hands from Hakyeon’s shoulder and stay

blank.Hakyeon that is angry pants heavily because of his anger “You Jung Taekwoon listens here carefully.Yes it’s true that I’m your workers but you don’t have any

right to control my life.You don’t have right to determine whose I can be friend or can’t.I hate someone who acts like mighty that he think he can control my life.For

your information that guy that you talked just now is Ken,Ravi's boyfriend and my best friend since years ago.”then Hakyeon leaves the blank Taekwoon and the still

trying to heal Hyuna.Hakyeon goes to the café and looks that Ken is still there and he walks in the café then asks Ken to send him to the mansion.Ken just nods and

doesn’t talk at all because he can tell that Hakyeon is angry and angry Hakyeon is terrible than the clingy Hakyeon.Ken prefer clingy Hakyeon than angry

Hakyeon.Meanwhile Hyuna that is rubbing Taekwoon’s cheek and asking whether he’s okay or not think in her mind that she will repay back for what had that

man did to her love. “How dare you to slap Taekwoon.Just you wait, I will show you who am I ,Cha Hakyeon.” 

Another update and my subscribers already 133 (0.0).Anyway thank you to all 133 and comments what you think about this chapter.Like usual comments,subscribes and upvotes.

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zulilala #1
Chapter 46: OH MY KEN I do enjoy reading this cute story. It’s hilarious and sweet and their love moment is so y to handle. You did great job author
zulilala #2
Chapter 7: I’m almost death lmao the twins sure love the strawberry
Dulanga #3
Chapter 46: I found this story just recently and this is amazing. Good job authornim.. Wri
bibibelle #4
Chapter 8: I started to read until the 7th chapter...
and I dont think this story will be this comical.. xD
Good job author-nim... I'll finish to read the story :):):):
hazyras #5
This is my 4th time coming back to this story to read it xD SO AWESOME AUTHORNIM :3
Chapter 46: Wow, I actually finish your story in a day XD
Your story is crazily the best...
(Well, except fpr the space thingy...)
Anyway, you're the best authornim^^
KTsuki-chan #7
Chapter 46: I won't lie to you, it was hard to read due to the typos (the spaces between words and some grammar mistakes), but it was really fun x)
And I love how everyone here just adopted you way of sayinf OH MY KEN!! X) because indeed, Ken is gorgeous *p*
Chapter 46: Oh my Ken..... how come I never noticed this fanfic... authournim you're this story
Chapter 1: I didn't start reading but the chapter is messy, I think you need to fix the space between the words. but I'll read it anyway, it seems like a beautiful story
Chapter 46: Ohmyken <3 such a adorable story ♡♡♡