“Are you sure uncle that you’re going to do this?Didn’t you love her so much?” Taekwoon asks Yunho doubtfully.They just finished discussed about the plan to bring

out Hakyeon from there alive and healthy.Actually Yunho and Jaejoong had knew about their adopted daughter’s plan from this morning as they found Hyuna’s diary

that written about all this kidnapping plan.From there also they knew about the kind of drugs that she used and Yunho had ordered his personal doctor to search for

the cure.Also they also realized now that their beloved daughter was a killer all this awhile.They discovered from the diary that Hyuna was the one that killed Hana

with the same drug that she used on Hakyeon.The side effect of the drugs had took all control on Hana’s pregnant body thus forced her to sacrifice herself just to let

her twins stay alive. “I’m more than sure Taekwoon.I can’t stay put and let her do all the wrong things.Even though I really love her,I can’t accept the fact that she

killed someone before.” Yunho say sadly while squeezes Jaejoong’s hand that is sitting beside him crying.Jaejoong wipes up his tears and looks at Taekwoon

“Taekwoon I’m so sorry for what she had done to your family.” Taekwoon smiles at him “Don’t worry Uncle Jaejoong,I had already forgave her.Maybe this all are fate.”

Then Jaejoong looks at Hyuk and say the same thing.Hyuk stares at her for awhile then say “I forgave her for what she had done to my sister but maybe it will take a

long time to heal the wounds.I don’t care about anything now except for Hakyeon’s hyung safety.I want him to come back to me alive and I hope both of you can help

us to do it.” Yunjae nods at him then looks at the silent from just now Ms Jung Ha “Noona..” Yunho calls her softly.Ms Jung Ha smiles at them and hugs Jaejoong

“We will help you.Remember she’s still your daughter and she’s the one that gave happiness to both of you all this while.I doesn’t hate her and in fact I love Hyuna.If

she need treatment,we will give her supports until she recovers.Okay?” she say while looking at Yunho and Jaejoong. “Thank you Noona.” Jaejoong say gratefully to

her. “Now go home first and take a rest first.Tomorrow is a big and important day to all of us.” Yunjae couples say goodbye to all of them and then drives away from

the mansion to their own. “Emm..sir?Can I asks your permission to let Ken sleeps here for tonight because he doesn’t want to go back until Hakyeon is safe.” Ravi

asks hesitantly with Ken stands awkwardly besides him.Taekwoon stares at them and then say “Okay anyway Ken is Hakyeon’s friend so it’s means no harm for

him to stay here.” Ravi and Ken bow gratefully at him.Hyuk looks at them with a smirk then say sarcastically “But Ken hyung must sleep with me because if they

sleep together,this mansion will be filled with moans and writhing of pleasure.” Ken and Ravi gasp and blush furiously with what had Hyuk said while Taekwoon with

Hongbin and Ms Jung Ha just laughs at the couple. “Dad?” a small voice calls Taekwoon from the stairs.Taekwoon turns to his back and looks at Haneun that is

standing on the stairs with Hyeri holding her hands “I tried to make her sleep but she didn’t slept and kept asking for Hakyeon.” Hyeri say to him.Taekwoon calls

Haneun to come to him and picks her up when she runs to his laps “Dad where is Mommy?Why she is not here? I miss Mommy.” She said with tears are leaking out

from her eyes.Taekwoon kiss her forehead and put his chin on her head then say softly while patting her hairs “Mommy is gone for a while to get something but he

will come back home soon.I promise you.Now sleeps okay.” Haneun nods at him and falls asleep as soon after that.The others just looks at Haneun falls asleep and

Hyuk whispers softly “Will he come back home again…alive?”.Taekwoon looks at him and ushers him to come near then hugs him along together with Haneun in his

embrace “He will.I will make sure that he will come back home safely and alive.Trust me.” He say and kiss his forehead.Hyuk just cry silently on his chest and the

others just looks at the sad yet lovely scene.They all just can pray that the plan for tomorrow will be going well and Hakyeon will come back again to them.



Meanwhile somewhere in an old mansion…


      Hakyeon groans in pain as another wave of pains come to his body.His body feels like on fire and his bones are burning.Sweats are trickling down from his

forehead and damps his shirt.He try to unbind the tied on his hands and legs so that he can curls up his body to reduce the pain but he failed.He grits his teeth and

moans in pain when another wave of pain come but this time it is more stronger than before. “Are you in pain Hakyeon? Oh my pity on you.Is the almighty Hakyeon is

in pain?” Hyuna suddenly comes in and caress his hair softly before yanks it’s to the back. “Ahhhh!” Hakyeon yelps in pain.Hyuna just laughs evilly at him then say

hatefully “You know this are the same pain that your sister felt before she died.I killed her with the same things I injected to you.You should looked at her arrogant

face crouching in pain when this drugs gave side effect on her pregnant body.” Hakyeon sobs and stutters “St-op..stop talking.” Hyuna get angry with him and grips

more tightly on his hairs “Why should I stop talking! It’s up to me whether I wants to stop or not.You know what,you and your dead sister are the same.!

es! Both of you think that you are so almighty and great that you can have Taekwoon with you.But actually both of you don’t worthy for him.It’s me! You know

! It’s supposed to be me that married him and had his child not your damn sister.I ing hate both of you and I will make sure that you and your brother will be

suffer.” She say while swaying Hakyeon’s head back and forth.Hakyeon cries in pains and try to shout at her to stop because the pains are unbearable.Hyuna

doesn’t hear him and continues to sway his head back and forth until Hakyeon get unconscious and his body becomes limp.Hyuna release his hair and smiles

happily “Don’t worry Hakyeon you will meet with your noona soon.But before that I need you to make sure that Taekwoon will be mine forever.” She whispers before

walks out of the room laughing.The men that are guarding the room just look at her weirdly like she’s some crazy person.Indeed she’s crazy…crazy because of the

love to Taekwoon.


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zulilala #1
Chapter 46: OH MY KEN I do enjoy reading this cute story. It’s hilarious and sweet and their love moment is so y to handle. You did great job author
zulilala #2
Chapter 7: I’m almost death lmao the twins sure love the strawberry
Dulanga #3
Chapter 46: I found this story just recently and this is amazing. Good job authornim.. Wri
bibibelle #4
Chapter 8: I started to read until the 7th chapter...
and I dont think this story will be this comical.. xD
Good job author-nim... I'll finish to read the story :):):):
hazyras #5
This is my 4th time coming back to this story to read it xD SO AWESOME AUTHORNIM :3
Chapter 46: Wow, I actually finish your story in a day XD
Your story is crazily the best...
(Well, except fpr the space thingy...)
Anyway, you're the best authornim^^
KTsuki-chan #7
Chapter 46: I won't lie to you, it was hard to read due to the typos (the spaces between words and some grammar mistakes), but it was really fun x)
And I love how everyone here just adopted you way of sayinf OH MY KEN!! X) because indeed, Ken is gorgeous *p*
Chapter 46: Oh my Ken..... how come I never noticed this fanfic... authournim you're this story
Chapter 1: I didn't start reading but the chapter is messy, I think you need to fix the space between the words. but I'll read it anyway, it seems like a beautiful story
Chapter 46: Ohmyken <3 such a adorable story ♡♡♡