Hakyeon runs downstairs from his room after heard the sound of car drives into the mansion.When he arrives downstairs,he sees that the twins had already fallen

asleep;Yeon Woo is with Sir Taekwoon while Mrs Jung Ha is holding Haneun.Mrs Jung Ha calls him to take Haneun because she’s already tired.Hakyeon nods and

go to her to take Haneun.Then she walks to her room while grumbling “Urgh!!Stupid old waist!”.Hakyeon chuckles at her complaints “Are you planning to stand there

whole night holding her?”Taekwoon asks him from upstairs. “ sir.I will take her to room now.”.Hakyeon slowly climbs the stairs and walks to Haneun’s room.He

puts her gently on the bed and put the blanket on her.He whispers “Good night” at her ear and kiss her forehead.He walks slowly out of the room and close the door

slowly.Then “Hakyeon” he jolts up because of shock and turns behind him.Taekwoon is standing in front of him and is that glare?Yeah it’s clearly a glare.Oh My Ken

what now? “Ye-s Sir.”. “Follows me to the office now.”he say in poker faces and then starts to walk toward his office which is just 2 rooms away from Haneun’s

room.Hakyeon follows him slowly and nearly running away but “Don’t run away or you will get worse from me.”.So Hakyeon doesn’t have choice but to follow him

unwillingly.Taekwoon opens his office door and waits for Hakyeon to enter first.When Hakyeon hesitantly enters the office,Taekwoon closes the door and locked

it.The sound “Click” made by the door makes Hakyeon turn to his back “Errrr…Sir why did you lock the door?”he asks to the  cold faced Taekwoon.Taekwoon ignores

his question and walks to his armchair.He drags it until in front of his desk then sits on it and crosses his legs.Taekwoon keeps stares at Hakyeon and makes

Hakyeon feels so uncomfortable.He feels like he’s standing in front of judges for his death sentence. “Did you know why I called you here Hakyeon?”Taekwoon asks

and he’s still staring. “Ehm…which one Sir?The first one or the second.” “Why don’t you tell me then which one and what are both of them?”.Hakyeon glups down the

lump in his throat. “Hmm…maybe the first reason is I don’t give you gift.But you can’t blame me on it because you never write your birthday on the list that I had

received before.I just got the list about the twins and not you.So I think maybe I don’t have to know about you at all and just know about the…”Taekwoon growls and

Hakyeon immediately shuts his mouth. “Second reason.” “Because I didn’t want to follow you just now?”he say slowly.Taekwoon just groans and Hakyeon takes as

yes so that he will not be kill.The office stays silent for the few minutes and Hakyeon keeps moving in his place because his legs feel cramps “Dance for

me.”suddenly Taekwoon kill off the silence(this man even silence he wants to kill.Is he serial killer before?) “Sure dance….wait..what did you say just now?” Hakyeon

asks him again bewildered with his instruction.Taekwoon looks straight to his eyes and say slowly “”. “I can’t dan-…”Hakyeon try to avoid the demand

“It’s different from what I heard”.Oh My Ken!Who the hell that tell him that I can dance. “Who told you?”Hakyeon asks him and he answered casually “Ravi”. “Aish

really that brat.I will kill him tomorrow.”Hakyeon hisses softly. “You’re going to do that blindfold dance or not”Taekwoon asks impatiently.Hakyeon looks doubt to give

him the show so he thinks of a good naughty idea to force Hakyeon do the blindfold dance that Ravi told him “But if you don’t want,you can do another one thing for

me.”.Hakyeon looks almost relief when he heard that he has another option but his face pale after Sir Taekwoon tell him what the other option is.!!!That

selfish rich bastard asked him to do a .Did he thinks I’m some y girls group member or what.Well even though Hakyeon is confident that he’s more

pretty than them but still a .Plus for this bastard. “I’m waiting Hakyeon and let me tell you I doesn’t have whole night with you”Taekwoon say more

impatiently.Of course he’s impatient he needs to sleep after this because tomorrow he needs to attend meeting his company’s board of directors but he will not go

until he get his gift from Hakyeon.He taps his fingers on the arms rest of the armchair slowly and Hakyeon slowly become more nervous and freaks out after heard

that.Finally he decided his mind and he takes a deep breath “I will do the blindfold dance” and he curses at Taekwoon when he sees that man smirks when heard his

decision. “But I need something to close my eyes because it’s not called blindfold dance if I doesn’t have blindfold”he explains.Taekwoon smiles then stands up and

walks to Hakyeon.Hakyeon gets to see Taekwoon pulls out a long black cloth before his sight is completely dark.Hakyeon at first starts to freak out as he’s afraid of

darkness but then he starts to calm down when he feels Taekwoon’s hand his hand slowly and his soothing whipers at his ear “Don’t panic.I’m still here so

now I’m going to turn on the player and you can start dance.Follow the melody of the song okay.”.Hakyeon nods and then he heard the sound of the player being turn

on and the melody of the song echoes through the soundproof office.Hakyeon try to clear his mind and just let his body follow the melody of the song. Meanwhile

Taekwoon sit on his armchair and watch how that beautiful petite slim body moves to the electronic dance song that he played.He’s mesmerized by how well did

Hakyeon dance;he looks amazing,confident and y?.Taekwoon doesn’t know how but seeing Hakyeon dance makes him so hot.After the songs

finished,Hakyeon’s body also stops moving and he just pants heavily there.Taekwoon stand and walks slowly to behind Hakyeon.He stands there and breath in the

scent that he always like from Hakyeon even he’s sweating buckets,his scent is still lingered around him.Then he takes Hakyeon’s hand and Hakyeon’s body tense

from the touch so Taekwoon say “Don’t be afraid.It’s me and just follows my guide okay.”.Hakyeon try to open up his blindfold but get stopped by

Taekwoon.Taekwoon takes his hand and pull him to the door and walks outside of the office.Hakyeon that is blindfolded worried about what is Taekwoon going to do

to him “Where is he bringing me to?Is he going to bring me to his room?Ohhh…how if he try to do something erted on me.OH.MY.KEN!!! Ravi help me you

ungrateful brat friend,it’s all your fault that all of this happened” but then suddenly Taekwoon stops.Hakyeon frown “Sir why did you stopped?”,he asks Taekwoon but

he doesn’t get any reply from Taekwoon.He starts to freak out but then suddenly there’s moist lips lands on his lips.It’s just a quick peck but still he can’t help to

blush.His blush is more prominent and redder when he heard the soft husky voice whispers at his ear “You gave me the best gift ever which is bringing back my

happy twins to me.Thank you Hakyeon”then Taekwoon walks out of the room.Hakyeon dumbstruck standing there and he’s open the blindfold after 5 minutes past.He

just stares at the door and slowly he can adapt of what had happened and he shouts not so loudly “YAH YOU ERT SELFISHH RICH BASTARD.ARE YOU

HAPPY THAT YOU SUCCEED TO TRICK AND SCARED ME YOU BRAT!”.Taekwoon that is in his office just chuckled up when he heard Hakyeon’shout “Kyeopta”.

Another update for today.Comments what you think about this chapter and I am going to tell you that maybe after this you will not like the next chapter.Anyway thanks to all my subscribers and the comments.Like usual comments,subscribes and upvote.Thank you*bows*

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zulilala #1
Chapter 46: OH MY KEN I do enjoy reading this cute story. It’s hilarious and sweet and their love moment is so y to handle. You did great job author
zulilala #2
Chapter 7: I’m almost death lmao the twins sure love the strawberry
Dulanga #3
Chapter 46: I found this story just recently and this is amazing. Good job authornim.. Wri
bibibelle #4
Chapter 8: I started to read until the 7th chapter...
and I dont think this story will be this comical.. xD
Good job author-nim... I'll finish to read the story :):):):
hazyras #5
This is my 4th time coming back to this story to read it xD SO AWESOME AUTHORNIM :3
Chapter 46: Wow, I actually finish your story in a day XD
Your story is crazily the best...
(Well, except fpr the space thingy...)
Anyway, you're the best authornim^^
KTsuki-chan #7
Chapter 46: I won't lie to you, it was hard to read due to the typos (the spaces between words and some grammar mistakes), but it was really fun x)
And I love how everyone here just adopted you way of sayinf OH MY KEN!! X) because indeed, Ken is gorgeous *p*
Chapter 46: Oh my Ken..... how come I never noticed this fanfic... authournim you're this story
Chapter 1: I didn't start reading but the chapter is messy, I think you need to fix the space between the words. but I'll read it anyway, it seems like a beautiful story
Chapter 46: Ohmyken <3 such a adorable story ♡♡♡