







It was one of those crispy spring afternoons where the sun hung low and tired in the sky. The faint rays made their way through the skewed blinds and onto the tall lanky youth laying face down in an un-made bed.



The sheets were mismatched and soft; creased from the constant napping that studies demands. Not far off in the petite kitchen corner of dirty dishes a faint dripping could be heard from the old tap and close by the refridgerator was buzzing low.  



Posters, vinyls, school literature and computer cords; video game consoles and scattered clothes, guitars, jackets and post-it notes. In the small bathroom damp laundry hung in rows on white strings tied to whichever handle could be found; like a spiderweb of underwear. 



Chanyeol knew he was trespassing laying there with his nose safely tucked into the softness of his roommate’s pillow. The mild scent of their shared detergent mingling with the scent of the Do household was not his to inhale. He knew it well yet he drew long sighs through the pillow again and again. His wide hands traveled over the sheets and soothed the folds slowly. His thoughts already far away.



Yes, Chanyeol was madly in love; hurting in ways only teenagers do with their awkward fumbling. How long had it been? He was not sure anymore, one part of him was convinced it was since forever ago; written in the destined stars. It was nearly borderline obligatory once his eyes landed on doe eyed boy standing there with snowflake still clinging to his jet-black bangs. 



It was inevitable, he knew that now laying there defeated in the said male’s bed with a growing pain in both his boxer briefs and heart chambers. What a pity his feelings ought to never to be outed. What a pity one-sided love was.












A rustle of keys interrupted his daydreaming and in a split of a second he hastily got up and with frantic hands evened out the awkward traces he had created. He then leaped upon his own unmade bed and grabbed the nearest magazine and clumsily opened it. His body was still somewhat swaying by the time Kyungsoo had swung the door open. 



The younger’s eyes scanned the peculiar pose of his roommate before kicking off his shoes and making his way into their cramped two room apartment. He dropped the backpack he carried at the end of his bed before collapsing onto it himself. He shifted and sighed.



Upon laying there he couldn’t help to notice a scent lingering; a certain cologne that sure wasn’t his.



”How was your day?”



Chanyeol’s low baritone voice interrupted his thoughts from forming into bigger wonders. He drew another sigh before sitting up. The bed creaked.



”Nothing special. Gonna watch a movie with Minah.” He glanced down at his wristwatch. ”She’ll be here soon.”



Chanyeol closed the magazine and tossed it onto the floor before following suit and sitting up. He rearranged his snapback and nodded. 



Minah, Kyungsoo’s girlfriend.



”That’s nice.”



Kyungsoo looked up. He examined the features of his friend before agreeing through a hum. ”I guess. How was your day then?”



Chanyeol folded his long legs and leaned against the poster covered wall. ”It was alright. Class ended earlier so I had an hour to spare.”



The two males chatted for a bit but were as predicted soon interrupted by a knocking on the door. Chanyeol’s heart sank as it so often did when he examined the couple exchanging chaste kisses. She was a cute girl but awfully dominant and self-centered in the taller’s eyes. Kyungsoo deserved better.



”I’ll be back later.” Kyungsoo said as he buttoned his jacket, missing the way a sparkle died Chanyeol’s eyes.



”Yeah.” He mumbled and forced himself to smile back at Minah as she wrapped an arm around Kyungsoo’s. Like that the couple left. 



And like that Chanyeol returned to Kyungsoo’s bed. This time he clutched the fabrics hard; desperate to steal the warmth the latter’s body had left.



Yes, what a pity one-sided love was.












In all brutal honesty Kyungsoo would rather have seen his afternoon being spent playing computer games with limited human interaction than having to walk around in the dense crowds of Hongdae with Minah being nothing less than needy. 



He did like her; but not like that. 



In fact he never had. But being the pragmatic person he was he figured that surrounding himself with her presence would immediately disable questioning thoughts in both his friends and parents heads. He needed a cover; a shield to excuse his lack of interest in love. With Minah clinging to his arm he was numbed and free to pull out the plugs of his own desires and needs; those were things he’d rather die than ever acknowledging. 



After listening to Minah talk about herself for a couple of hours Kyungsoo was finally free to return to the apartment. 



He had barely kicked off his shoes before he threw himself on the worn out couch with a loud thud. Chanyeol who was in the midst of making some ramyun turned around the snicker at the newcomer. 






The younger groaned as reply, making Chanyeol’s smile stretch wider.






Kyungsoo groaned again and Chanyeol laughed. 



”Alright then!”



Soon they were gulping on noodles from a shared pot since all of their other dishes were dirty. Kyungsoo was eating with eyes shut in exhaustion; obliviously letting Chanyeol steal long glances. He watched the younger bringing some hot noodles to his pulp lips only to burn them; eyes squinting in pain.



”What’s wrong with you Soo? Eat like a person!” Chanyeol laughed making the younger open his eyes to send him a death glare. 



”I’m tired okay.”



”The movie wasn’t good?” Chanyeol blinked slow.



”We never went to the movies, we just sat at a café talking.”



The taller couldn’t help but to notice the sting of annoyance in Kyungsoo’s voice which made his helpless heart leap in joy. ”Oh, that .”



But the small victory joy didn’t last for long as Kyungsoo refused to reply. Instead he sighed softly and laid down his chopsticks. 



”I’m going to bed. Thanks for the food.”



Chanyeol’s eyes followed him get up and cross the compact space they shared. ”No problem.”



He listened to the faint sounds of his roommate stripping and felt heat spread across his cheeks. He was trespassing again but he couldn’t help but to lean into the couch to catch the glimpse of Kyungsoo’s . His milky shoulder blades moved smoothly as he pulled a t-shirt over his head. Chanyeol swallowed clumsily.



He had seen Kyungsoo in limited clothing before but lately he couldn’t help but to give in to his growing longing for the younger. He was beautiful. No matter what he did; he was utterly beautiful. 



”Oh and Chanyeol.”



Kyungsoo turned to the guilty observer who instantly looked away and down into the pot of ramyun. Redness clung to his wild ears and Kyungsoo snorted.



”What’s up with you?”



Looking up again he tried to sound as normal as possible with little success. ”Nothing! What did you wanna say?”



Kyungsoo let his eyes give Chanyeol further judging gazes before letting it go. ”Jongin and Sehun wanna come over tomorrow for a gaming night. Apparently they also got some time to spare now after the exams. Is that cool with you?”



”Yeah of course.” The taller nodded still flustered. 



”Good.” Kyungsoo picked up his phone and began sweeping his fingertips across the screen. It illuminated his features in the poorly lit bedroom but this time around Chanyeol didn’t dare staring. It had been a close call.



He could hear the younger’s phone get several messages before he muttered about it being noisy and tossing it onto the desk stacked between their beds. It landed with a small thud and instantly got lost among the clutter forgotten there.



Soon after Kyungsoo was in bed with earphones safely tucked in. Today Minah had been worse than usual. He sighed and shifted. But who was he to judge her anyway? He was a fraud.












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Stina_2015 #1
Chapter 10: I read this fic for the first time a while back, and just unintentionally reread after waking up at 4 - something in the morning and not being able to fall back asleep...this is such a good fic! So angsty, so well-written, i loved it so much! And i really liked the way you ended your story, uncertain but certain, just like the progression of Chansoo's relationship...ugh! Poor trespassing Chanyeol and anxious Kyungsoo : ( as always, thank you for sharing your work!
Chapter 10: The moment of epiphany for chansoo...please fall in love fast kyungsoo!
even though I'm one of the first subs I never found the chance to catch up with the recent chapters (although you update so sparingly; maybe I'm just a ). I finally read the last 7 chapters on the bus + while risking motion sickness! c: I have to say the difference b/n your writing and mine is huge. I can never write paragraphs at length on one thing, and you seem to do it so seamlessly without boring the reader. I both enjoy reading your work, and learning from it as well!
and I just wanted to say something else. A lot of my writer friends here on AFF have been taking 'breaks' recently, or even going so far as to quit writing as a whole because of the pressure this site presents with subs and updates. Even though you do seem to update at your own pace, I just want you to remember that you should *never* feel pressure to write because people ask you to. Go at your own speed, because it's the only way to preserve such beautiful wording! We may not be patient creatures but we are huge ers for wonderfully written stories. Godspeed -u-
bubbles3104 #4
Chapter 9: They kissed!! Omg Author nim thank you for this ♡♡♡ Ahhhh my feels ㅠㅠ♡
Chapter 9: This is so fulled of emotions
Chapter 9: Finall! Finally! They kissed!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: ¡FINALLY! A KISS!!
oh god, oh god, oh holy !! a kiss!! yes baby! yes!!
please, please, please, pleeeaaaseee update soon!
bubbles3104 #8
Chapter 8: Oh! Their feeling is mutual, yet both didn't know about it. Seems like that to me. Ugh, I hope both of them realize it soon.