Chapter 9

No past, no future

Guess who is back... After eight months I'm here and my inspiration is also. 

I hope there's still someone who reads this story. ^_^"

Sorry. Really.

(Grammatical errors can appear)




“Sehun, do you remember this sign?” Luhan asked him excitedly like a child who had just discovered the presents under the Christmas tree. But Sehun wasn’t that enthusiastic. Not at all.

“Yeah.” He nodded hesitantly. Yeah, he remembered: it was the sign on Baekhyun’s paper. And it was also the sign tattooed on his side.

“And do you know what it means?” The elder male turned to him to look into his eyes but the boy barely dared to raise his glance up from the photo. He was afraid that the other would find out his secret, that he would conclude wrong things although Sehun himself was also just starting to understand some details.

“No?” Of course he knew what it had meant. Luhan will leave him. He will be left alone because he was connected to the mafia just like the whole article series that the other had been writing. He was the bad guy here and not just that he had caused trouble for Luhan. Maybe he was part of the crime that happened before, maybe that’s why that member of the mafia wanted him back. There were a lot of maybes, only one thing was sure: he was related to the dead people in that photo.

“We have to find Baek. He knows something about the whole case.” Luhan’s eyes were twinkling hopefully and he already jumped up from his place tossing the computer into Sehun’s lap. “We just have to find out how…” He tapped his pursed lips with his finger thoughtfully but the younger boy’s mind was totally somewhere else. He knew that it would be the best for Luhan to figure out everything including why the mafia wanted his life and was chasing him and including Sehun’s identity. But now it seemed to be the worst idea of his life. Or to be more accurate the worst idea of this four days of his life. The last thing he wanted was to leave Luhan behind. To leave his side. He didn’t know why he had become so attached to the Chinese male but he had to admit that now his hyung and his life was the only thing which mattered to him. It felt like their life was connected by the fate. So they shouldn’t disagree with the destiny. “Sehun, do you hear me?”

“Huh?” Suddenly he felt a light electricity vibrating through his body springing from Luhan holding his chin between his thumb and index finger expectantly looking at him. Sehun slowly glanced up, eyes radiating nothing just dullness. But Luhan didn’t notice it.

“I was saying that we could leave, the cleaning will be done next time. Now we just came here for the picture but if you want to stare at it till tomorrow morning that’s fine too...” The elder chuckled softly as if there wasn’t any problem in their life. Sehun really didn’t understand him sometimes.

“No, no. We really do have similar features but I had enough of it. ” Or maybe too much.

“Good. Then what about us having a bubble tea while we walk home? I want some. Do you like bubble tea?”


“Can we have some bubble tea before we go home?”

“Oh, so a man like you drinks things like this too, huh? I thought that the heir only drinks delicious wines or cognac with his father.”

“Don’t speak like that, you know that’s not how it is. Plus sometimes I need some fun.”

“Why? Beating up some vile rascals is not counting as fun? Because I love it!”

“You know, you are constantly able to creep me out.”


“Yeah. I do.” Sehun answered thinking back to the memory but he chose to ignore it this time. Maybe later he can spend a little more time on figuring it out. “Let’s go.” He stood up from his place not really noticing that the phone which he had got from Chanyeol slowly slipped out of his pocket…



After the two men bought their drinks – taro for Luhan and chocolate for Sehun because he remembered that this was his favourite – they headed back to their ‘headquarters’ chatting carelessly. The younger male tried to keep up the image that there was nothing wrong so he just smiled back at Luhan who seemed to be so free now. The only time when it was noticeable that something wasn’t right at his ribs was when he was so busy by looking at Sehun’s handsome face that if the other hadn’t held him back by grabbing his side, he would have been crashed by a car. He didn’t pay attention to the road so when Sehun pulled him back, he was just blinking at the sudden action but then the pain slowly reached his brain.

“I think we should still go to the hospital with that. It’s clearly broken and it’s not something we should ignore.” The boy told him when he saw Luhan’s expression turning into a really hurtful one and the colour of his face also went a little paler. But the other was still unrelenting. He kept saying that Yixing didn’t need another nuisance in his life and he had had already enough. A doctor’s life wasn’t easy anyway.

“It’s clearly not broken.” Luhan said pressing the word ‘not’ while he stepped to a trashcan for a second to throw his empty cup into it. But when he was about to return to continue arguing with Sehun, he saw something interesting at the other side of the busy street. “That’s..? That’s Baek.” He stopped suddenly glaring incredulously in the direction of his cause of surprise. “Hey! Baekhyun!” Sehun turned around at the happy shout not understanding what was going on. Then his eyes slid to the man opposite them but when the figure didn’t react he grabbed Luhan’s wrist frowning. He thought that maybe the man was too enthusiastic about the newly discovered track that he started to imagine things just to put an end to this case as soon as possible. Or even worse that maybe the accident confused him this much that he no longer was able to recognise his friends.

“We should go.” But Luhan tore himself away from him. Why the heck was Sehun trying to stop him? That was clearly Baekhyun. His ‘lost’ friend.

“No. That’s him, Sehun. I have to talk to him. Baekhyun!” He shouted again and the man finally noticed him but instead of waving back, he immediately turned around to leave the place. As if he wasn’t meant to get caught there. “What... Baek?” The Chinese male didn’t plan to give up. He needed his friend. He needed the chatterbox, lively man to tell him everything, to get some comfort from him and maybe even to get help from a real policeman.

So he was about to step to the road into the passing cars when Sehun caught his arm again. The man let out a ‘hey’ which was rather a screech than a normal word but it was enough for the people to notice something was happening. They started to draw more attention with this little interlude.

“We are going. Now.” Sehun said demanding and pulled the male back. The brown irises were as dark as at that time when Yixing went a little too far with threatening him but the other wasn’t aware of the dark aura. Somehow he was immune to this behaviour.

“Let me go. Can’t you hear me? Let me go!” Luhan shrieked but the young boy was stronger than him. Somehow he had a bad inner feeling about that man and he was afraid that maybe he was part of the gang which followed and bullied them through the past days. Why would he leave so suddenly otherwise? He couldn’t let Luhan run into the arms of their enemy.

“I said we go now. He is not Baekhyun, Luhan.” His facial expressions were hard and Luhan knew that he wasn’t allowed to go against his will but the urge to go after his friend was stronger than Sehun’s effect on him. They weren’t on that level yet.

“Yes, he is.” He said ending their argument and dived into the traffic leaving Sehun with an obtuse expression on his face behind.

“.” And another person jumped into the crowd of cars too…



By the time the two boys got to the other side there was no track of Baekhyun or the gangster or whoever it was. The man just simply disappeared and Luhan thought it was Sehun’s fault. He was the one who hadn’t let him go, he was the one who had tried to hold him back. And why? Because he was a ing arrogant, stupid brat who thought that he ing knew everything better than the elders. Or at least that’s what Luhan told Sehun but it was not a problem because the boy had already learnt that his partner swore a lot when he was frustrated so he didn’t say much just let the other let off steam. He silently tolerated that Luhan didn’t communicate with him from then on but when in the evening he still appeared at his door and told him that he was still angry but would sleep there, he just moved aside and let out a small sigh while the supposedly older man placed himself on his bed and turned his back to him. He knew how to wait and he was able to occupy himself the next day thank you so much when Luhan decided that he will work on the articles the whole day. Sehun didn’t need to question why they wouldn’t visit Baekhyun’s flat to make sure he hadn’t returned. The pictures of their last visit were still living freshly in Luhan’s mind and no matter how hard he tried to hide the fact that it had made a huge impact on him, Sehun knew the truth. And totally understood it.

The first time they had a real interaction was in the late afternoon when Luhan started to grab his things and put on his jacket.

“What are you doing?” Sehun asked confused. He was sitting on the couch and was busy with writing into his notebook. Since the day before a lot of memories broke out from the back of his mind and he had to collect them just to recreate the puzzle which was now his own life.

“To the editorial office. I want to give them a little taste of my work.” With that Luhan already grabbed his bag but the younger boy didn’t plan to let him go this easily.

“Exactly to whom do you want to give a little taste?” He asked with narrowed eyes. He had a suspicion and he totally rejected this idea. No. He won’t let Luhan go there. Especially not alone.

“Minseok. He is my boss after all.”

“I’m going. You can stay at home.” The sudden offer surprised Luhan, so when Sehun jumped up from his place immediately, he backed away a little startled and also confused.

“It’s fine. You don’t have to….” But he couldn’t finish it because the blonde male waved him off already taking the bag away from him.

“You shouldn’t move so much and especially not alone. Rest with your rib, I will take care of your writing. Just tell me what I have to tell that hams… err, Minseok.” It was obvious that the real reason wasn’t his care for Luhan. He just simply didn’t want him to go near his boss or at least not alone. It was still not clear to him what kind of connection was between the two men but he had an inner feeling that it was not as simple as someone would think. And nowadays all of his instincts were almost right.

In the end Luhan agreed on sending his printed article with Sehun to his workplace and the boy tried to get it over with as soon as possible. It wasn’t his hobby spending his precious time around Kim Minseok. Not to mention the annoying questions like ‘Where is Hannie?’ or ‘Oh, so he really started it. I knew he would do this for me. He can’t resist me.”

Sehun just wanted to punch him in the face because he forced the other to write something which brought unpleasant memories back to him but in the end he just nodded politely (not wanting Luhan lose his job because of his unacceptable behaviour) and left the place. Although he was dying to ask the question what was going on between them, he chose to escape quickly. He was afraid that maybe knowing the truth would make him do something inappropriate that he would regret later.


“Try to aim at the target. Yeah, just like that. You are really good at it.”

“At least I’m good at something.”


“This will be your first mission, isn’t it? How do you feel? Nervous, eh?”

“Why should I? It’s not like I care about this kind of business too much.”

“How could you say that? Your father wouldn’t be happy hearing such low words.”


“Hey, Sehun. Do you want to play football? The university’s team needs one more person.”

“No, thanks Chanyeol. I need to finish something.”

“A new choreography? You are really working hard for the good grades. Your exam surely be the best among the dancers.”

“Oh, it’s not like that. I have some… family issues.”

“I see. Then, meet you later. I have to practice my kicking skills.”


More and more memories flew into his mind on his way back home and he knew that the picture was the reason behind it. The tattoo. If he hadn’t seen it, now he wouldn’t have the knowledge about these things and he was almost sure now where he belonged to. And he didn’t like this idea.

“I can’t tell him this. He would really break down if he heard it.” Sehun sighed touching his aching forehead. He wasn’t quite sure if it was due to the sudden images or the injury on his head but he had to admit that the pain started to grow larger. But then a shadow caught his attention. “Hey.” His hand slowly lowered to his side and his legs were moving on their own.

At the sound the figure tried to get away quickly and Sehun didn’t know what he was doing but one thing was sure. They saw that man the previous day and he had to catch him. Maybe he could get some important information from him or at least find out why he followed them. Because he was clearly following them.

But the chasing didn’t last long. Sehun lost track of the mysterious person after the second block of buildings and while he was agonizing in which direction he should go after him, his phone suddenly rang. Yixing. What the hell did he want at this time?

“Hello?” He picked up in the end when the ringing just didn’t want to stop. Like an annoying lullaby which rather keep the baby awake than make him sleep.

“Sehun? Where are you?” The man’s voice sounded impatient but Sehun had already got used to it. He thought that it was just his usual self this time too.

“I’m on my way back to Luhan’s home. I took an article to his boss.” The purpose was to avoid mentioning the broken rib. He wanted to tell him, he really did but Luhan forbid him to do such thing and he didn’t want to get involved in another fight. The argument about ‘Baekhyun’ was enough yesterday.

“You left him alone?? When he can have a new panic attack? Are you insane?!” The doctor almost screamed in the phone and the boy had to hold it away from his ear. Yeah, that’s how he ignores another fight.

“Calm down, he is totally fine. Or else I wouldn’t have dared to leave him there.” He answered simply but instead of another scold that he was expecting, Yixing’s voice sounded strangely small.

“You sure?”


“Good. By the way you should have appeared in front of me today, did you forget? Luhan needs to be examined again.”

“Sorry Yixing. We, I mean I totally forgot it.”

“Yeah, I noticed.” A long pause followed his resigned answer and Sehun thought that the other had hung up when he spoke again. “How is he? Did he have another attack?” He was worried. Not like a doctor. No. Rather than a friend. And it just moved something in Sehun’s heart.

“No. He was fine today. But yesterday he thought he saw Baekhyun which I don’t think is possible. The man on the other side of the street noticed us so if it had been Baekhyun, he would have come to us, wouldn’t he?”

“Yeah, I think you are right. But what do you think, who was it?”

“I don’t know. But maybe not a friend of ours.” Pause again. Yixing tried to process the information and as much as he didn’t like the situation, he couldn’t do much just accept it. He wasn’t a god. He was just a doctor who was able to save strange people’s lives but wasn’t able to save his own best friend’s one.

“Just… take care of him, okay? And tomorrow please really come.” And there Sehun understood again what real friendship meant…



Meanwhile in the flat Luhan decided to take advantage of the opportunity and call his mom. He hadn’t spoken to her since the day they visited Korea News so he thought that now it would be the right time.

“Hi Mom.” He greeted her smiling and just sat down in the chair. “Yes, I’m fine, everything is okay. Really…” Luhan didn’t want to tell her the truth. He knew that she would worry so much that it would be bad for her health so instead he saved her from this problem. He didn’t need one more person who bothers herself with Luhan’s issues.

His mother told him how their life was in China and how empty their house felt after their son left and the boy’s heart twisted painfully. He wanted nothing more just to go there, to his real home. He wanted to leave behind this screwed up country where nobody spoke Chinese, where the mafia wanted his life, where the only thing which he could have loved was a boy on who he could never set his eyes. He just wanted to cry for his mom but it wasn’t allowed. He had to show her how happy her son was.

“Who is it?” Luhan heard suddenly in the distance on the other side of the phone and he instantly recognised this voice. His father. Who sent him to this hell in the hope of a great career at a big newspaper.

“Luhan.” The woman answered but there was something in her voice that was similar to caution. Luhan didn’t know why. “Do you want to…”

“Why do you always have to talk to him? He called you three days ago, wasn’t it enough for this week? I didn’t send him to Korea just to be bothered by this failure even from the distance. I don’t want to get a reminder every day of the fact that my son has become this .” Every word hurt. Every word entered his soul like sharp stabs and if his heart wasn’t torn enough already, now it became nothing just an empty organ. That contains nothing just veins and thick, black smoke.

“Luhan dear, please don’t…” He didn’t hear his mother’s voice. His fingers slowly let the phone slip out of themselves. But before it fell down into the soft cushions he said his farewell to his dearest parent.

“Mom…?” Silence. “Goodbye.”



The flat was so quiet when Sehun arrived that he thought maybe the other was already sleeping in his room. But as he stepped into the leaving room he noticed a sitting figure on the sofa, so he started his storytelling time because Luhan had to know the previous events.

“Hyung, guess what happened.” His steps were slowly approaching the Chinese male who didn’t even flinch. He was just sitting there motionless, his arms hanging down in front of himself. Only when he got closer was the time that the young boy noticed the empty bottle in his hands. “Hyung? What is this?” The bottle fell onto the floor and Luhan slowly raised his eyes. Sehun didn’t know how much alcohol had been in the bottle but from the glance that came from the man, he knew that it wasn’t little. His brown orbs were red now and there wasn’t any signs of life. As if a dead man was looking back at him.

Sehun carefully sat down next to Luhan but he kept his distance. He wasn’t sure if he was allowed to touch the man although he wanted it so badly. He didn’t know what caused this state for the other but he was ready to do his best just to ease any kind of pain or uneasiness for him.

“I’m just… nothing.” He was meaningless. In his lonely being he meant a nobody that could only lit up when someone stronger was around him. But was it a crime to desire a little attention? A little care? “Can I hug you?” Luhan asked suddenly like a lost boy and Sehun just silently opened his arms motioning that the other could come to him. So the Chinese male climbed up into his lap embracing the slim body with his face buried into the boy’s neck.

“Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” Sehun asked softly his hands never stop caressing the other’s back. But Luhan just lifted his head curiously looking into his eyes. His inner self was fighting against his will of talking too much, his mind was just a huge chaos. He just wanted to break into an ugly sob, he just wanted to let out everything. But no. He was a man. And a man shouldn’t cry. Especially not this often like he did. So maybe… maybe he wasn’t a man. He was really a failure. But does a failure deserve anything? For example love? Even it can get a little love too, doesn’t it?

“Sehun-ah.” Luhan’s alcoholic breath roughly but still softly caressed his lips but Sehun couldn’t do much just stare into the brown eyes which seemed so clear now that he almost questioned the other’s drunken state. He just mused on the fact how beautifully the Chinese male looked and didn’t even notice that he reached out for Luhan and placed his warm palm on his cheek. The man leaned into the touch pleasing electricity running through his body, but only for a moment. After a second his eyes fluttered open and he glanced down, an unsure sigh leaving his mouth.

“Luhan…” Sehun didn’t know what to say but it felt so good to spell that one name and oh god it felt so good to hear that name. Luhan liked how it was formed by Sehun’s mouth, how it rang on Sehun’s voice and how it rolled down from Sehun’s tongue. But he even more wanted to taste it from there.

The boy could only gasp when chapped lips took his own between themselves and Luhan immediately took advantage of the opportunity. He slid his tongue into Sehun’s mouth before the other could even comprehend that he was being kissed. Pressing himself against the other male’s chest the elder attacked Sehun till the point that the boy gave in and started kissing back. It was harsh, unromantic and only the need for touch, for forgetting led them but they were still doing it.

Luhan tasted like alcohol, smelled like alcohol and his movements were uncontrolled, his brain not functioning anymore. He was just simply taking his time with , biting and into that innocent kid’s mouth, tasting every sweet forbidden inch of it. But on the other hand Sehun couldn’t relax totally. There was that very little part of his mind that still tried to hold onto the memories, trying to bring them out from the darkness. From the forgetting.

“Sehun, please…”


“Sehun, please. Look at yourself. You have been like this for a month now and it kills me seeing you in this state. I know it’s hard, it hurts me too, but you have to move on. Your life is moving forward.”

The boy’s face was blurred but somehow his voice seemed so familiar to Sehun. Like he had heard it before somewhere, he just didn’t know where. But in the past four days.

“But his not. Don’t you understand?! He is not alive anymore!” The blonde one cried, voice filled with agony and anger. He just wanted to be alone. He just wanted to mourn in peace.

“Then at least let me ease it for you. Please, Sehun, just let me make you forget it for a night.” Sehun looked away shaking his head, biting into his lower lip. He didn’t want it. It was not that he didn’t need some distraction but not this kind and especially not from his best friend. Because the other was only his best friend. Nothing more and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to give him the love that he wanted. That he deserved. “Please.” The boy pleaded but there was no use. Sehun was still Sehun. The stubborn, unwavering one.

“I-I can’t.. I can’t do it. Sorry. I’m really sorry. But you know that I don’t feel the same way. And I don’t want to use you. So I’m sorry. I really am.”

“I don’t care, Sehun.” Two warm palms came in contact with his cheeks and he was forced to look into the other boy’s eyes. He felt miserable. He just lost everything, he just lost the meaning of the life into which he was born and the only thing that remained was his friend. He didn’t want to lose him too.

“I…” But maybe the best way to keep him was this. “Okay.” Maybe this one occasion won’t do any harm.

“Huh?” It was the last chance to turn back…

“Without any emotion. From my part.” But he didn’t back out.


“Luhan, stop. We shouldn’t…” The blonde boy suddenly stopped with wide eyes and slowly pushed Luhan down from him. He just… He didn’t know what to think. “Not like this.” He was continuously shaking his head, burying his face into his palms. He didn’t want to make the same mistake twice. Sure, Luhan was more than a friend to him but he was drunk and Sehun couldn’t use this as an excuse to kiss him. He wasn’t allowed to do it, not when he was just a burden, a moron, maybe a member of the mafia. Luhan was more precious than he ever could become and maybe if there was another chance to kiss the male, he wanted it to be memorable, passionate and gentle. Not two teenage boys’ attempt to get rid of the frustration.

“I totally understand.” Luhan’s voice was so firm but still so full of sadness that Sehun immediately looked up just to meet with two dark, dim orbs. Something wasn’t right. He could feel it.

“No, Luhan, I…” He wanted to explain. He didn’t want the other to feel bad for his own mistake but he was cut off by Luhan’s steady voice.

“I really understand. I don’t even know what I was thinking. I should apologise.” Tears of despondency welled up in those deer-like eyes and Sehun wanted to touch him so badly. He wanted to pull him into an embrace and confront him and tell him that this was not his fault and not he was the reason why they couldn’t continue. But the Chinese male just moved further from him on the couch. “I-I didn’t want to dirty you. I really didn’t know why I thought that you were like me, that you could love someone like me. How could you love or like me?! Nobody does. They… they all think the same and they are right. I’m nothing just a wreck. A failure. I can’t keep anything because everything goes wrong in my hands. I can’t sleep anymore, I disappoint everybody and… and even my own parents hate me because of who I am! Even you…” Luhan whimpered and suddenly stood up from his place covering his mouth with the back of his hand but even this wasn’t able to suppress his loud sobs. His whole face was wet by cold tears, his tiny body was trembling as if he was on the edge of hypothermia death and Sehun felt his heart falling into small pieces at this sight. He didn’t know what to do, what to say, he was frozen to the spot where he was sitting. “I really don’t know why I’m even living. Nobody has any benefits from my life, I should have really just died in the train accident.” It hurt. This scream really caused physical pain to Sehun as if someone had grabbed his heart and started to slowly twist and squeeze it. None of the words that left Luhan’s mouth was true. He wasn’t a failure. He wasn’t a wreck. He was a wonderful person who deserved to be loved, who was gorgeous and who was caring enough to take home a totally stranger man because he was in danger.

“Luhan, please listen closely..” But he couldn’t finish it because the elder’s knees trembled and he fell backwards fortunately onto the couch mouth hanging open and eyes half closed. The boy didn’t know first if the other was still alive but then he saw his chest rising and falling unevenly and he knew that it just had to be because of the dizziness. Luhan reached to his head then tried to stand up again but he was just continuously falling back. The effect of the alcohol surely reached its maximum level. “I’ll bring you some water.” Sehun said quietly. His look radiated disappointment but there was no time to express his feelings about this situation. Anyway, Luhan wouldn’t be able to comprehend what he would be telling him.

The tall man hurried to the kitchen but when he was about to pour water into the glass, he discovered something on the counter.

“Oh no. No, no, no.” He tried to deny it. He tried to tell himself that it was not what he was thinking but there was no use. The pills were undeniably there. And the pack was almost totally gone.

Suddenly everything became clear: why Luhan was oddly calm sometimes, why he was able to sleep so deep despite the nightmares, why he could change his mood in twenty minutes from lethargic to cheerful and why he didn’t whine about his broken rib. With the sleeping pills, antidepressants, painkillers and tranquilizers it was a miracle that Luhan hadn’t overdosed himself yet. Overdosed… Overdosed.

“God, no! Luhan!” His legs were moving on their own. His brain was repeating only one thing. He knew that he didn’t have much time. “Luhan, look at me please.” He pulled the other boy onto is lap when he arrived to the couch. Luhan’s eyes were unfocused and he tried to breathe properly through his mouth while his lungs were burning for more oxygen. “Can you hear me? You have to... I don’t know, maybe you should try to throw up. Or something. Just try it. I’ll call Yixing and you just have to regurgitate the alcohol and the medicine because that’s why you don’t feel so well. Fine? You will be okay. You will be….” He wanted to laugh into his own face. Don’t feel so well? Haha… Luhan will be on the edge of dying if he doesn’t hurry and he was talking about it like a simple sickness? Even he himself didn’t believe his own words. He was ridiculous. And he should have known what was going on behind his back all this time. “You will be okay, just try to do what I told you. I’ll help you. Just please.. ” Almost unnoticeably but Luhan slowly nodded trying to keep himself together.

After it Sehun lifted the light body and carried it into the bathroom carefully placing it in front of the toilet. He didn’t want to leave Luhan there in an almost unconscious state but he had to find his mobile to call Yixing.

He had to be quick. So he firmly held Luhan’s chin preventing his head from falling down and with his other hand he pushed two fingers down into the other’s throat. He didn’t know if it will help or not but it was the most he was able to do for Luhan. And it seemed that at least it was effective because the Chinese male turned towards the toilet bowl retching and coughing and soon his stomach reacted too.  

For Sehun there was no time for being disgusted, he just quickly wiped his hand into his trousers and headed out of the bathroom not wanting to hear the man’s struggle.

“Yixing. Yixing there’s a huge problem. It’s an emergency, you have to help. Yeah, Luhan…” Two minutes later Sehun’s fingers were buried deep inside his hair with a worried expression on his face and his eyes were almost teary. After he found the mobile, he dialled the right number in and now he was standing in the bathroom again, Yixing speaking on the other end of the line. Sehun pressed his phone to his ear with so much power that his knuckles were all white while he was leaning against the door frame with his other hand and was desperately watching Luhan’s bending body over the toilet bowl.

He told the doctor everything that he knew about the situation and Yixing promised that an ambulance will arrive soon to the house. But before he could give further instructions to Sehun, Luhan’s body awkwardly slid down on the toilet and the line was cut off suddenly. Only the empty beeping sound welcomed him from the other side. Like the one which signals somebody’s death….




I really don't promise anything. I don't know when I will update but it seems that my inspiration has returned.

And I really really like this story so I will continue it no matter what. I just don't know when it will be finished. >.< 

By the way here's another story till the next chapter (HunHan of course), I will update it soon too. It's a little lighter story than NPNF, but if you would like, you can read it -> I'm the king and you are nothing

I'm trying to be as fast as possible~ <3

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Daeyon-shi #1
Chapter 10: Oh my god I can't believe it! You're finally back how awesome is that?! :D
I'm so happy that you found your inspiration again. I nearly thought you'd never finish this story. I'm so glad to hear that it never was your intention to abandon this story, because I love this one so much actually.
And you really got me with this chapter! You really know how to build up tension, don't you? I almost can't handle it anymore, because I really want to know why this is all happening and what is the truth? Who can be trusted? Who are the bad guys? What's up with Chanyeol? Is he really who he says he is? And with the last paragraph...omo! I can't! That was beautifully written (not only that part of course! Every single word you choose is perfect, but I liked how you presented the last scene the most. That was a really clever and an effective way to emphasize the dramatic situation. Really well done!) You won't let luhan die, won't you? No you wouldn't...or maybe you would? Ahrg, this is so confusing, I don't know what to believe anymore!
I really hope there will be a scene where sehun tells luhan that he's a wonderful person and explains why he actually stopped the kiss.
Awww, I really wanna know what happens next. No, need to know! I wish you lots of inspiration and time to write, can't wait for the next chapter. And thank you so much for coming back : ) Really, I mean it. I missed you.
LuHanM #2
Don't leave me here hanging !

thank you for the update.
the_twelvesxoxo #3
Chapter 8: This story is full of mysteries gosh you make me so nervous each time the chapter was done! I like the way you wrote it :) so please continue the story as I really want to know what's behind those attacks TT
mai_mei #4
Chapter 8: wow I really like this story
Keep up the good work ^^
Daeyon-shi #5
Chapter 4: The death crawled into his brain as a poison which never seems to go away, infecting all of his thoughts and he didn’t want anything else just get out to the free air.

OMG! Your writing is absolutly gorgeous! I love it <3<3<3!!!!
I'm so sorry that I don't have time for a longer comment :( I'll really try to comment later! But you're doing really, really good!!! And a big thumbs up for the longer chapter ;D
Until then~
Chapter 2: Yaiii i like it, i'ts really interesting :)
Chapter 1: You wake up my curiosity, daebakkk~
Please update soon :)
lyahan #8
Chapter 1: Whoaaaa!! I love this!!
Daeyon-shi #9
Chapter 1: WOW! That was fantastic! I knew this'll be good but this is even better! :O
You're right. You've surpassed all of my expectations.
Well...don't get me wrong. Your foreword was super nice and I expected a lot, but now your writing style is also great! No, really. I love your style of writing an it fits your story just fine and I think that's not a commen thing nowadays. It happens all too often that I read a good foreword but then I'm disappointed because it turns out the author...uhm, how do I put it...wasn't capable of writing it (...u know what I mean?).
So...what I'm trying to say is your. story. is. awesome~ :D And your writing style is, too.
And please let me quote this one line because it was so perfect and it shows how F*UCKING CREATIV YOU ARE (maaaan I'm jealous<3):
...the sharper stones painted tiny, red lines on it.
So beautiful...I'm crying.
I'm looking forward to your next chapter and keep up the good work! <3
791 streak #10
Your other story was fantastic, I do believe this one will be great too!
I am looking foreword to reading it!
Good luck =^.^=
