bless this mess continuation

Bless this mess

Continuation: Last time on bless this mess Moo moo had rejected a confessions from the #2 swag master Namnoon. After much inquiry we learned that Moo moo had been seeing Jimin’s thighs and that’s why she couldn’t accept. Moo moo may be a mess but she wasn’t about tto make a cheater of herself.

Namnoon was the first to hear it. Suga and his swag were aproching. Swag masters can sense each other. Namnoon knew he had to get outta there before Suga arrived he wasn’t allowed to have his swag on ultra-mega when Suga was around. Because Suga was the #1 swag master, Namnoon was only #2. But Namnoon couldn’t turn it off. He became drunk with swag. His heart pounded with Doki doki’s. He’d never had it this high before and now the he did he couldn’t let go.  Namnoon gave gazed over to Moo moo and thought ‘I can’t runaway. I can’t have my woman thinking I’m a coward. It’s about to go down and my miss right’s about to be here to witness the birth of the new swag master #1!” Moo moo’s mind started to fill will images of Suga. Her vision became blurred and soon everything she saw was Suga. His swags precence was too strong. Then there he was. The swag master. Suga and all his swag. The confrontation began

“Namnoon you know your supposed to turn your swag down in my precence.”

“Urusai!!! Imma danger!” Was all Namnoon said.

Suga grunted and said “We on!!!!?”

Namnoon looked over to his miss right Moo moo and said “Put my song on you kawaii !”. The one that only gives him power and his strength. Moo moo still blinded by images of Suga yelled “You baka a** mother ****er” while tripping over the radio. Luckily Namnoon’s song played. It was Kris’s rap in the star.( Namnoon could feel kris hyungs swag energy. He was ready to faceoff with Suga. To be continued.

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Chapter 11: nicechapter authornim:)
hoppofeet #2
Such an interesting concept! <3
JibbyBaby #3
Chapter 6: i crei erytiem
JibbyBaby #4
JibbyBaby #5
I HATE THIS STORY!!! YOU ARE KILLING MEE!!!!! write more pls