Testing for Truth

What Does Distance Really Mean? (Sequel 2)

3 months passed.

Mark tilted his head side to side after the weeks past. He was still thinking about the odd reaction he got from Kate during that video call. To ease down his curiousity, he talked about the unusual incident with s. He was already prepared to hear an ear-full of assumptions or how much of a coward he was to not check up on her since.


The others were either stretching or dancing in front of the large mirrors when he spoke up. They turned quite swiftly to hear what the quietest member had to say out of the blue. Seeing the eyes, Mark shyed away a bit, but continued with his words, or more life confession.

"Um...remember that day I had a videochat with my family?" They guys nodded. "Well, Kate looked different and she wasn't feeling well at the time."

Jackson was always the quicker one to reply, "Instead of wasting your time telling us, maybe you should call her and check."

Mark glared at him. JB patted Jackson to not be so harsh. "You should check up on her. How was she like?"

Mark took off his snapback and ran a hand through his hair. "She was throwing up and it just doesn't feel right. My family said she was fine. Even she told me to not worry, but I can't help but think it's a bit weird."

"Hyung, don't think too much. She's probably was having one of those seasonal sickness. Maybe you only feel uneasy because you're so far away from her. Work hard and in no time, you'll finally see her again. 6 more months." Maknae Yugyeom spoke with such sincerity it was astonishing.

6 more months sounded so dreadful now that Mark was putting his mind to it.



My baby bump was becoming more visible and as nervous as I was to watch my body change and react differently, I was also excited to know I was caring another life around with me. Just a couple days ago, my visit to the doctor revealed the gender of my baby and I cried when I got back to the guest room of Tammy's home. I cried hard because it turned out Mark and I were expecting a baby girl. I cried because Mark specifically told me he wanted a baby girl first because he wanted his nieces to grow up with a cousin they could relate to. He was so thoughtful of his princesses that he wanted a princess of his own.


Today, I was invited to reunite with Mark and my high school friends who stuck with us since childhood. Jessica had called me that the guys and girls are gathering at her place for some wine and barbecue and begged that I come out from hiding. They all knew I was expecting by now since Arcadia was a small town and word traveled fast. What they don't know is that Mark has no idea yet. Since they haven't questioned Mark's knowledge about it, I didn't bother to bring it up because I felt that maybe they wouldn't be curious and plus, I wanted to keep Mark and my dispute confidential. The thing about friends is that they can only know so much, but when it comes to a problem between one's marriage, I feel the need of privacy. They didn't need to know why Mark doesn't know about my pregnancy, because heck, I wasn't too sure anymore why I was keeping it away from him. Was I still mad at him for leaving? Most definitely not. Was I too scared to stress or worry him? Partially. Was I starting to feel comfortable with the silence in our marriage? I'm afraid that's mostly it.


When I arrived to Jessica's, our friends greeted me kindly. What I've yet to get use to is having my girlfriends ask to feel my baby bump. It was strange at first but I got use to it. It was heart-warming to see the girls hug my sides and feel the baby kick. I suddenly forget that Mark wasn't around. Being surrounded by friends again after such a long time felt refreshingly good, like a breath of air that has been needed for a long time. Getting to see Mark's closest friends such as Nathan, Andrew, and the rest made me feel somewhat closer to Mark as well.

"Hey, Kate! How's Mark doing? I haven't gotten to call Mark lately." Andrew hugged me.

"Oh, he's busy, you know. He was filming for a drama, so make sure you watch that one since you're such a k-drama addict." I laughed.

"Of course, I will. Yugyeom told me to as well."

I forgot how close Andrew became with Yugyeom. It was almost unbelievable.


The 7 grown men were back at the dorm after an exhausting schedule. JB called the shower first as Jr and Youngjaelooked through their frigde for anything edible. Jackson collapsed on the couch as Mark did the same. Yugyeom and BamBam went straight to their room, leaving their hyungs.

"Gyeom, why'd you rush us in here?" The Thai member questioned.

Yugyeom hushed BamBam by placing his finger to his lips as he placed his back on the door and locked it.

"You would not believe what Andrew told me."

BamBam scratched his head, "Andrew? Andrew who?"

Yugyeomgave him the stink-eye, "Mark's LA friend, Andrew. Andrew Chan! Remember? My homie."

The other male playfully gasped at how he was suddenly forgotten as the best friend.

"Look, there's no time to play around. The other day Andrew and I skyped and he told me....he told me that....Kate noona....is pregnant." He whispered as quiet as possible.


Yugyeom shoved a nearby washcloth into BamBam's mouth before his whole sentence was delivered.


After recovering from the shock, BamBam sat on his bed. "Does Mark hyung know? If he does, why is he keeping it away from us?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. If Mark knew, he would tell us by now considering th fact that she's about 3 months already."


"Aish, shut up! Why can't you whisper?!" Yugyeom paced back and forth like a detective trying to detect some clues. "But, if Mark hyung doesn't know, I wonder why Andrew talked to me as if he was so sure Mark knew?"

*Flashback to Yugyeom & Andrew's Videochat*

Andrew: Man, Mark must be so excited to be a father!

Yugyeom: A father?!

Andrew: Yeah, man. Kate is 3 months pregnant already. Mark hasn't told you or the others yet?

Yugyeom: No, he hasn't. We've just been talking about work.

Andrew: You guys must be so busy that's why he hasn'tsaid anything, but pretend you don't know about it yet. I don't want him to kill me for telling you first.

*End of flashback*

"I have an idea!" BamBam chirped. " Let's drop hints about wanting kids or being a father one day when we are around him. Let's test his reactions."

Thinking for awhile about it, Yugyeom then agreed it wasn't a bad idea to try, but he warned to not make it obvious.

"Want to go with Andrea and me to the park for a jog? Of course, you won't be running, but walking would be nice for the baby." Joey tapped my opened bedroom door as Andrea appeared next to him and waved to me.

"I don't know. Should I barge in on a workout date? I'd hate to be the third wheel." I teased.

Andrea sweetly invited me, "Come on, the weather is nice. Come with us!"


I found myself walking down the pathways that surrounded the park. Joey and Andrea jogged in front of me as I strolled behind, admiring their young love that took me back to how Mark and I were at some point. My eyes trailed from them to the sun that was starting to set and inwardly asked how Mark was doing and it the sun was rising on his side of the world. I ran my palms over my swelling belly and felt some light kicks.

"Are you enjoying the sunset as well, baby? It's beautiful isn't it? Days like this makes me miss your daddy, don't you miss him too? You met grandma, grandpa, aunty Tammy, aunty, Grace, uncle Joey, cousin Kylie and Leila and even mommy and daddy's friends, but you haven't even met your daddy yet. Be patient, baby. You will sometime soon." I spoke to her as if she understood my every word, as if she was already right in my arms.

Thankfully, today was rest day for Got7. It has felt like forever since a free day for them so they were grateful to finally lounge around without having to dress up or wear BB cream of some sort. Everyone was relaxed besides one, that being Mark. He was lacing up his shoes by the door.

"Where are you going?" Youngjae asked.

"I have my last shootings with Becky today."

"I thought we all were cleared with schedules today?"

"We as Got7 don't have schedules, but I have my own today." The older male clarified without being ignorant.

Out of nowhere, BamBam shows up, walking in between Mark and Youngjae to get to the kitchen. "Days like today, I think about spending time with kids. I can't wait to be a father one day."

Yugyeom, who sat in the living room tuned in his ears. Youngjae praised BamBam for suddenly being so manly.

Mark furrowed in his brows, "You can't even take care of yourself yet, how could you be thinking about kids? Your focus needs to be on Got7 first." He pointed a finger at BamBam like a father would do to his own son.

BamBam found it a great opportunity to reply, "Wow, hyung. You seem like you're ready to be a father speaking to me like that."

Yugyeom waited for Mark's comeback.

"Yah! BamBam, watch what you say. That's such an insult just because I'm your hyung."

Inwardly, BamBam contemplated if Mark's remark meant he was clueless about Kate expecting. Not once did Mark hesitate about the whole topic of kids and being a father.

To bring clarity, BamBam pressed on for more information as Yugyeom eavesdropped as witness. "So you're saying you don't want to be a father? It shouldn't be an insult if one tells you that you have a father figure."

"Kids? You're kidding right? Marriage is already a headache. Kids is far from my mind right now." Those were Mark's last words before he left the dorm.

Youngjae shrugged off the whole conversation and made his way to the TV whereas Yugyeom and BamBam connected eyes, speechless. They both knew for certain now that Mark really had no idea that he was already a father-to-be.



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Chapter 11: Knock knock? Would this story be active soon. I’m so intrigued by Mark’s behavior. It seems like he’s not ready for the commitment.
Is this done?
got7mark1993 #3
Chapter 11: update
gmarktuan1993 #4
Chapter 11: plz update
Cherry14 #5
Authornim, I've been following this series for a long time and I dearly miss it. Please don't forget about this story. It's okay if you don't update soon, but please don't forget it. I really hope to read this story until the very end.
Saeda18 #6
Chapter 11: Update pleaseeee
Pls update :( ive been reading this fic repeatedly cuz i love it so much ;-;
Galaxy04 #8
Chapter 1: please update T^T are you still going to continue this fic ??? :'(
pls update ;-;
indahsrc #10
Dear authornim, I miss this story quite terribly.

Honestly, truly, sincerely ur fan<3