Chapter 21

Pretend to be Nice

Finals week sprung up on them like an unwelcome houseguest and, for a while, there was no time for heartbreak. They had two tests every morning, and evenings were devoted to reviewing and cramming for the next day’s events, so Yisun was so exhausted by the end of each day that she just fell into bed. She kinda liked it since she knew it was something she could devote all her attention to. And even though she hadn’t studied at all the week before, she still managed to do pretty well.


Jang-mi on the other hand was rather distracted. She couldn’t stop thinking about the little scene with Yoongi at the mall (which of course she hadn’t told a word about to Yisun ‘I’m not that crazy…’) and wondering what was wrong with him. Until finally, it hit her like a ton of bricks as she noticed him stealing glances at Yisun for the 5th time during the math test.


Yoongi stood, hands against the railing, staring into the distance at the view from the school rooftop. It was painfully cold up here, but he felt like it matched his mood. He reached in his pocket to find his pack of cigarettes and lit one up. A while later, he heard the rooftop door open and close behind him, but didn’t turn around.


“You know, I’ve finally figured you out.”


He recognized Jang-mi’s voice, but kept staring ahead, puffing on his smoke.


“And it’s so painfully obvious too.”


He kept on ignoring her.


“You like her.”


He didn’t say anything, but stiffened up, trying to keep his cool.


She walked up a few steps so that she was standing right behind him.


“What are you gonna do, keep on denying your feelings because you’re too much of a badass?” she sneered at him, “oooh, you’re a bad-boy, you! You can’t be seen with a dork like Sunnie, right?”


She waited for him to say something but he remained quiet, refusing to acknowledge her.


He let out another cloud of smoke.


“You’re so predictable…” Jang-mi shook her head in disgust and turned around to leave. Then, with her hand on the door handle, she added, “she won’t wait for you forever, you know. One day, high school will be over and she’ll become a brilliant journalist or something, with a wonderful job and a great life… and what’ll you be? An over-grown thug who’ll wish he hadn’t missed his chance.”


And with that, she closed the door behind her.


After she’d left, Yoongi realized that he had been gripping the railing.


It was much later when Yoongi finally climbed down from the roof. Most students had already left since tests had been over for hours, so the school felt eerily empty. He wandered around aimlessly, turning Jang-mi’s words over over in his mind and wondering why they stung so much. He knew why though. It was because they were true. Finally, he let himself admit it. “I like her.”


He stopped walking. Without realizing it, his feet had taken him back to the A/V room where Yisun and he had spent so many afternoons over the last few months. He tried the door but it was locked. “I like her” he repeated, letting his forehead bang against the door.


‘and I don’t deserve her’


Before anyone knew it, Friday came knocking, and then, just like that, Finals were over. That evening, while most kids in her class were probably out celebrating, Yisun was making her way through the first floor hallway of her school to go see if they had posted the tests results yet. She paused in front of the score board and looked up, searching for her name. She didn’t hear the quiet footsteps coming up behind her, so she jumped when she heard him speak.


“I knew you’d be here” he said, with surprising fondness in his voice.


She turned and stared in shock at Yoongi, who just stood there awkwardly in front of her, trying hard not to let his nervousness show.


“Yisun, I…” he reached out for her, but stopped when he saw her back away from him, her expression guarded and hurt.


He let his hand drop and looked down.


“Look, I know I’ve been a jerk…”


“You’ve been much more than that, Min Yoongi…” she whispered; because if she spoke any louder, he would hear the trembling in her voice.


He looked up, blinking, and sighed. “aaah… I know…”


And they just stood silently in front of each other for what seemed like an eternity to both of them, but was in fact only a few seconds.


“Yisun, I’m sorry.” His voice sounded sincere, but she couldn’t believe him.


“Me too…” she shook her head.


“Can’t we star over?” he asked, looking up at her tentatively?



“No, we can’t.”


And she walked away quietly.




I know this chapter is really short... I'm sorry!! But next one will actually be pretty long because it's THE LAST ONE!!! I'm pretty excited about it... Also, I'm almost at 100 subscribers, guys! I can't believe it! Thank you!

By the way, I've just started a new story. If you enjoyed this one, please go check it out. It's an EXO fic, not BTS, but you might still like it anyways! haha...

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Chapter 23: Oh my gosh, it was so adorable!! I'm glad the two of them met Yoongi's friends and he acted the way he did. It was an important scene and the story wouldn't be whole without it in my opinion ^^ It was an awesome story, I enjoyed reading about Yoongi and Yisun a lot! You wrote this story well :3
Chapter 22: Awww! After all this brooding they finally are fine. Ugh, it feels like I waited years for them to be honest with each other >u< It was worth the waiting though! And kyaaa, they kissed! How cute!!! ^^
Chapter 21: W-What? What just happened? Is it the end between Yisun and Yoongi??? Omg, I didn't mean such end in my previous comment!!! +_+
Chapter 20: Yeah, what was that Yoongi? I swear, there's not a single person that can understand you -,-'' He and Yisun are both sad and upset and I want it to end already :(((
Chapter 19: Nooo, Yisunnie :( She's so heartbroken ughhh I want to punch Yoongi for being so stupid. How can he act like that? :(
Chapter 18: Ugh, I'm so frustrated. Why such s have to exist? Stupid es. Poor Yisun! It's such a [ity she didn't slap the stupid chick >u< It would be very bad, but the satisfaction! XD
Chapter 17: Yisun didn't pay attention during class? Is the world going to end??? Joking aside, they're liking each other more and more. I feel that it's just a matter of fact till they'll get together!
Chapter 16: Nooo, I want to know what Yoongi wanted to tell Yisun! >o< It's cute that they started messaging each other then moved on to calling each other. The latter is intimate in a way, so kjvbncvbn!!! THEY are so gfjhbgd hahaha
Chapter 15: So Yoongi knows now his feelings. I'm glad! The things will definitely get more interesting now. I wonder what Yoongi wants from Yisun at such hour. Ahhh, why do I have to study, I want to keep reading this story T-T
Chapter 14: Oh my gosh, Yoongi! XDD the very ending was so funny! Hahaha >< oh man. Anyway, it was so nice of Yoongi to take Yisun to Seoul. Someone's catching feelings hehehe