Chapter 2

Pretend to be Nice



Both teenagers jumped out of their seats.


"There’s no way I'm tutoring him!"

"There’s no way she's tutoring me!"

They both shouted at the same time.


"Sit. Down" said the teacher sternly, although she was still sporting a small smile.


"Ms. Jenkins…" started Yisun politely, after having sat down.


"Ms. Han," her teacher interrupted her, "I didn't think that I would get this kind of reaction from you… but please, if you'll both hear me out."


Ms. Jenkins paused and they were both quiet. Yoongi was still standing up. She silently motioned for him to sit down but he remained standing.


"You have nothing to say in the matter," she was speaking to Yoongi, "you are failing English, and this is your last resort before being kicked out"


Yoongi was about to reply something but she cut him again, "and before you say that you don't care, I’ve already had a word with your father about this situation and he was very surprised, to say the least… I wonder how he would take your expulsion?" she added raising an eyebrow.


Yoongi looked as if smoke was about to come out of his ears, but he kept quiet and sat down, looking out the window.


"As for you, Ms. Han, to be honest, I'm surprised at your refusal. I thought you'd appreciate the extra credits this opportunity would give you, and the positive effect on your record. But if you don't want to, that's fine. I guess I will have to find someone else" added Ms. Jenkins.


"extra-credit?" echoed Yisun. She wanted to apply to a very prestigious University in the future, and therefore needed every kind of extra-credit she could get to up her average.


"Yes, and I've discussed it with the school board… this could also replace your mandatory 3rd language course next semester."


Yisun debated the facts in her head: extra-credits and tutoring is always a nice addition on anyone's college applications, plus the chance of having one less class for the next semester… but then she turned, stared at Yoongi and frowned again.


'Why does it have to be him??? He obviously doesn't want to be tutored… why are you making me??' Yisun pleaded mentally.


"Well, what'll it be?" asked the young American teacher, seeing as Yisun had been quiet for several minutes now. "Will I have to find someone else? You know you are the best one for the job…"


Yoongi rolled his eyes, making a face like 'what kind of er would fall for that?'


"Alright. I'll do it" finally decided the teenage girl, with a determined look.


Yoongi turned around in surprise and stared at her like she was some kind of freak-of-nature. 'What?!? She actually agreed??'


"Great!" exclaimed the teacher getting up, "that settles it. You two can start tomorrow. You can use the Chemistry lab on the 3rd floor. "


Yoongi got up and headed for the door.


"Mr. Min" said the teacher sternly, making him stop as he was about to cross the threshold, "I better hear from Ms. Han that you are showing up for your sessions every day, otherwise your father will be receiving a very unfortunate letter".


Yoongi snorted and left. Ms. Jenkins sighed. Yisun was starting to despair.


"I know this is a lot to ask of you, Yisun" said the teacher apologetically, "but I'm sure you can do this. Just come to me if he becomes too much trouble, alright?" she smiled fondly at her student.


"Okay" Yisun nodded and got up, "I'll do my best"





"Jang-mi, this is terrible!!!"


Yisun's despaired voice echoed over the phone. She had just finished telling her best friend of the day’s events, and now that she had done so, she wasn't sure it was such a good idea anymore.


"Don’t worry about it. This is a school thing. He has to show cuz he's afraid of his daddy" replied Jang-mi dismissingly. "Hey! Now that you know that, you have a weapon against him!"


"What do you mean?" asked Yisun, rolling over on her bed.


"He’s always acting rough 'n tough, like he doesn't give a about anything that happens, but now we know that he actually cares about staying in school! Or at least, his dad does anyways, and he's afraid of him! So now you can blackmail him into doing pretty much whatever you want!" exclaimed Jang-mi before breaking into laughter.


"I'm not like that!" exclaimed Yisun.


"I know… I know… sheesh… if only you were a little! People wouldn't walk all over you like they do!"


Yisun pouted and let a wimpy sound come through her lips in reply.


"Oh, Sunnie…" chuckled Jang-mi.


"How am I gonna do this?"


"You just are. Don't think about it too much."





Jang-mi's last words of encouragement still resonated through Yisun's mind when she arrived in front of the chemistry lab after 5th period, but she still didn't feel any more confident about the whole situation.


Yoongi wasn't in the lab. She waited, 10 minutes… 20 minutes… 30 minutes… an hour. Yoongi never showed.


'I should've known…' grumbled the teenage girl, looking at her watch before finally deciding to leave.


"Hey! There you are!" a voice called out to her as she was exiting the school gates.


She turned around and the shadow behind her slowly transformed into a grinning red-haired boy.


"What are you talking about? I waited for you one hour!" Yisun bursted out in anger.


"What?!" exclaimed Yoongi, faking a surprised look, "I waited in the lab like the teacher said"


"Don’t play dumb Min Yoongi, I was there, you weren't! Ok? I'm never late!"


"But I did wait" said the boy, "first lab on the left on the second floor, like she said"


"3rd floor!!! She said THIRD floor!!!!"


"Oh, really?" answered Yoongi, playing innocent, "I could've sworn she said 2nd…"


"Well she didn't!" grunted Yisun.


"Oh, so sorry. I'll get it right next time, forgive?" he apologized, giving her this most adorable smile that seemed completely incongruent with his whole personality.


'Why is he smiling at me??? Hurgh! He's always messing with me! He makes me so mad!!' Yisun fumed inwardly and then just spun around, leaving him there, deciding he was not worth arguing with.


"Hey, where’ you going!? I'll be a good boy from now on!" he called out after her before breaking into laughter.


'Hurgh! He makes me so mad!!!'

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Chapter 23: Oh my gosh, it was so adorable!! I'm glad the two of them met Yoongi's friends and he acted the way he did. It was an important scene and the story wouldn't be whole without it in my opinion ^^ It was an awesome story, I enjoyed reading about Yoongi and Yisun a lot! You wrote this story well :3
Chapter 22: Awww! After all this brooding they finally are fine. Ugh, it feels like I waited years for them to be honest with each other >u< It was worth the waiting though! And kyaaa, they kissed! How cute!!! ^^
Chapter 21: W-What? What just happened? Is it the end between Yisun and Yoongi??? Omg, I didn't mean such end in my previous comment!!! +_+
Chapter 20: Yeah, what was that Yoongi? I swear, there's not a single person that can understand you -,-'' He and Yisun are both sad and upset and I want it to end already :(((
Chapter 19: Nooo, Yisunnie :( She's so heartbroken ughhh I want to punch Yoongi for being so stupid. How can he act like that? :(
Chapter 18: Ugh, I'm so frustrated. Why such s have to exist? Stupid es. Poor Yisun! It's such a [ity she didn't slap the stupid chick >u< It would be very bad, but the satisfaction! XD
Chapter 17: Yisun didn't pay attention during class? Is the world going to end??? Joking aside, they're liking each other more and more. I feel that it's just a matter of fact till they'll get together!
Chapter 16: Nooo, I want to know what Yoongi wanted to tell Yisun! >o< It's cute that they started messaging each other then moved on to calling each other. The latter is intimate in a way, so kjvbncvbn!!! THEY are so gfjhbgd hahaha
Chapter 15: So Yoongi knows now his feelings. I'm glad! The things will definitely get more interesting now. I wonder what Yoongi wants from Yisun at such hour. Ahhh, why do I have to study, I want to keep reading this story T-T
Chapter 14: Oh my gosh, Yoongi! XDD the very ending was so funny! Hahaha >< oh man. Anyway, it was so nice of Yoongi to take Yisun to Seoul. Someone's catching feelings hehehe