Chapter 19

Pretend to be Nice

The next day, Yoongi didn’t come to school. He didn’t mail or call Yisun either. On Saturday, she mailed him, asking if everything was ok, and he replied “sure” and then nothing else for the rest of the day. On Sunday he had a basketball competition, which she knew about, so she mailed him a “you worked hard!” mail at the end of the day, but it remained unanswered. Monday morning rolled around and there was still no word of Yoongi.


That morning, Yisun tried extra hard to keep an eye out for him, but it didn’t seem like he had come to school at all. It wasn’t until the end of lunch break, when she and Jang-mi were chatting by the windows in the hallway that she spotted him. He wasn’t hard to miss; he had dyed his hair a violent shade of orange and was sporting a nasty black eye on the left side of his face. People whispered as he passed. A tiny little first year squeaked as he walked by his group of friends and Yoongi went “RAAH!” at him, scaring the out of him, and he kept on walking as he laughed.


He passed right by them without acknowledging her at all. Yisun just stood there, stunned.


“Well, looks like your pet thug’s not as reformed as we thought…” chuckled Jang-mi.


Yisun looked up at her, distraught. Then she spun and took off after Yoongi at a run, hoping she could still catch him.


“Yoongi…” she said to his back, once she’d caught up to him.


He stopped walking but didn’t turn around. She took a hesitant step and asked “is everything ok?”


He looked at her over his shoulder and said, “Everything’s peachy babe, why wouldn’t it be?” He gave her a scary-looking smirk and kept on walking, leaving her standing there, completely confused. But then a few steps later, he stopped.


“Ahh!” he said turning around and walking back towards her, “I almost forgot to tell you.”


Yisun looked up at him, heart beating in her chest, but it wasn’t butterflies she was feeling, it was dread.


“You don’t need to tutor me anymore.”


“wh… what?” she sputtered.


“You can ask Jenkins. She said so herself. I thought she’d have told you too.” He said, shrugging and looking out the window like he was talking about the weather.


“Oh…” was all she could say, looking down at the floor.


“Well, see ya” he added, and before she even had a chance to say anything else, he’d already turned around and walked away, hands in his pockets.


A few minutes later, Jang-mi found her still rooted to the same spot in the empty hallway. “What happened?”


Yisun just looked at her with giant eyes, and then the bell rang.




Yoongi turned into an empty classroom and closed the door behind him. Then he punched the wall, making a hole in the plaster. He wanted to scream. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply instead; turned around and let his body slide down the wall ‘til he’d reached the floor. He pulled his cap over his face and sat there, shaking, with his arms over his head.




In the next class, Yisun was completely distraught, trying to make sense of what had just happened; replaying the events of last Thursday night over and over in her head. He had seemed so grossed out when his friends had insinuated she was his girlfriend. And now he didn’t want anything to do with her anymore. She felt tears welling up in .


‘Oh no, don’t cry. Don’t you dare cry in class, Han Yi Sun!’ she told herself, shutting her eyes hard, but it was no good.


She got up, suddenly, pushing her chair back so hard it fell behind her, and ran to the girls’ toilets, locking herself in a stall where she started crying silently.


‘Stupid! Stupid girl! Stupid Yisun! Of course he doesn’t like you… Aaahhh….’ And she cried more as her heart was breaking.


A few minutes later, she heard a soft knock on the door. “Sunnie…. Are you ok?”


Yisun didn’t say anything, hoping her friend would go away.


“I can hear you sniffling, I know you’re in there” added Jang-mi, as if she could read her mind.


Slowly, the cubicle door opened from the inside, revealing a red-eyed teenage girl slumped on the toilet seat.


“Oh Sunnie…” she went to give her a hug and just held her for a few moments, “what happened?”


And then she told her everything. About the text messages from Yoongi, the dates, the calls, and that fateful meeting in the park. Everything.


“And now he’s just acting like a total jerk and I don’t get it at all!!” she cried into her friend’s shoulder loudly.


Jang-mi patted her friend’s head and let her cry. A pair of girls came into the bathroom and gave them strange looks, but Jang-mi waved them away like there was nothing to see.


“I dunno girl…” said Jang-mi helplessly.


She wanted to say that he had always been a jerk, but thought that it was probably not what her friend wanted to hear, so she just held her in quiet support. She was so angry at him for making her friend feel like this, but she thought that it would be much better for Yisun if she just forgot about it. Nothing good would ever come out of dating Min Yoongi.




The rest of the week passed by in slow-motion. Even though it was the week before finals, Yisun could not be bothered to open a textbook, and spent all her free time locked in her bedroom, in bed with the lights off, crying quietly. At school, she tried to focus, but it was so hard to maintain a stoic face in front of people that she had no energy left to actually absorb any kind of information.


Jang-mi tried to comfort her as best as she could, but kept her thoughts to herself.


Yoongi on the other hand was hardly ever at school, and when he was, he seemed to either be tormenting people, or smoking in places he wasn’t supposed to.




On Friday afternoon, as he was supposed to be in his last History class of the year, Yoongi was hanging out at the game center with two of his friends. Rap Monster and J-Hope were having a heated air-hockey match, and he just stood to the side, pretending to be absorbed in the game, but if you looked at his face you could see his eyes had a sort of glazed-over look, indicating that his thoughts were anywhere but here.


“WINNER!!!!!!” shouted J-hope, raising his hands in the air and starting a little victory dance, “I beatchyoaaasssssss!!” he was dancing circles around his blond friend, who was trying to swat him away, with an annoyed expression on his face.


“Yo Shug, you saw that?” the black haired kid turned to flash a toothy eye smile at his friend.


“Uh... yeah, sure, that was awesome” replied Yoongi, with as much emotion as he could muster.


Hobi’s face fell. “Well someone has a stick up their a$s….” but then he perked right up again, turning to Rapmon and exclaiming “Who wants some food? Loser’s treat!” and giggled before running towards the door. “Come on!!”


Rap Monster shook his head and followed him out. Yoongi trailed along behind him.


They headed to Mc Donalds’ and grabbed a table at the back of the 2nd floor. While their leader went downstairs to buy their food, J-Hope took his chance to ask, “Yo, man, what’s wrong with you?”


“What? Nothing’s wrong” replied Suga in a flat voice.


J-Hope tilted his head and gave him a look.


“Why do you think something’s wrong?” he asked, innocently.


“Come on, man, we’ve all noticed. It’s like you have a freakin black cloud raining on your head 24/7”


Suga laughed.


“Seriously! Like, I can’t remember the last time you even looked like you were enjoying yourself. All you do is space out, nod, follow along… it’s not like you man.” Hobi finished his speech looking more sad than annoyed.


“You’re not gonna hug me now, are you?” asked Yoongi with a fake worried look.


“Well… I’m your Hope, after all!! WAAAH!!!” his friend exclaimed, climbing up on his chair and opening his arms wide.


“Wtf, man?”


The voice belonged to Rap Monster who was staring at them from the top of the stairs, trying to balance two trays of food in his hands without dropping anything.


“One of you fools get down here and help me!”




Hey guys!

Thanks so much for all your comments!! They make me so happy!!


And I've just reached 80 subscribers and that makes me really excited! Haha...
I will try to post more this weekend! 

Hope you you all have a good one!! xxx

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Chapter 23: Oh my gosh, it was so adorable!! I'm glad the two of them met Yoongi's friends and he acted the way he did. It was an important scene and the story wouldn't be whole without it in my opinion ^^ It was an awesome story, I enjoyed reading about Yoongi and Yisun a lot! You wrote this story well :3
Chapter 22: Awww! After all this brooding they finally are fine. Ugh, it feels like I waited years for them to be honest with each other >u< It was worth the waiting though! And kyaaa, they kissed! How cute!!! ^^
Chapter 21: W-What? What just happened? Is it the end between Yisun and Yoongi??? Omg, I didn't mean such end in my previous comment!!! +_+
Chapter 20: Yeah, what was that Yoongi? I swear, there's not a single person that can understand you -,-'' He and Yisun are both sad and upset and I want it to end already :(((
Chapter 19: Nooo, Yisunnie :( She's so heartbroken ughhh I want to punch Yoongi for being so stupid. How can he act like that? :(
Chapter 18: Ugh, I'm so frustrated. Why such s have to exist? Stupid es. Poor Yisun! It's such a [ity she didn't slap the stupid chick >u< It would be very bad, but the satisfaction! XD
Chapter 17: Yisun didn't pay attention during class? Is the world going to end??? Joking aside, they're liking each other more and more. I feel that it's just a matter of fact till they'll get together!
Chapter 16: Nooo, I want to know what Yoongi wanted to tell Yisun! >o< It's cute that they started messaging each other then moved on to calling each other. The latter is intimate in a way, so kjvbncvbn!!! THEY are so gfjhbgd hahaha
Chapter 15: So Yoongi knows now his feelings. I'm glad! The things will definitely get more interesting now. I wonder what Yoongi wants from Yisun at such hour. Ahhh, why do I have to study, I want to keep reading this story T-T
Chapter 14: Oh my gosh, Yoongi! XDD the very ending was so funny! Hahaha >< oh man. Anyway, it was so nice of Yoongi to take Yisun to Seoul. Someone's catching feelings hehehe