THWWIW ♛ฺ 007

✧ The Heart Wants What It Wants ✧



" What?? "oppa"??" his mom shouted in rage. " Who do you think you are to call him oppa?" she added.
" Omma / mum !" he shouted, still holding my hand.
" It's okay oppa. I think I'll leave." I said, trying to put his hand off from mine but he didn't let me.
" I think it's a right decision too." his mum said, crossing her arms against her chest.
" Stop it, she's not going anywhere. And what are you doing here?" he asked her, raising a bit his voice.
" IㅡI ㅡI just miss you, Jungkook-ah." she stuttered, slowly approaching to Jungkook.
" Aigo my Jungkookie, you have to change into warm clothes to not catch a cold. " she continued.
" I know! I'll tell our maid to cook for you the tastes soup. I'll bring it tomorrow." she said as she was trying to find her phone.
" Go to my room." he whispered in my ear and I left them.
" Omma / mum I'm alright." I heard him saying it before I walked in his bedroom.
His room was large enough with a beautiful view of Seoul and in the middle was his bed. I looked around but then I found some pictures laying down on his bedside table. I took one of them and realized that girl in the picture is the same as before.
I was really curious what kind of relationship they had. She was so pretty. I put the picture back on the table and waited for oppa come back.
" My mum just left." he said as he walked in.
" It seems like she doesn't like me." I said, standing up.
" Go change into this. I don't want my girlfriend catch a cold." he said, giving me his oversized white shirt. 
" Just change here, I won't look." he said and turned around.
He started to his shirt and then he took it off.
" Stop looking at me and start to change your clothes." he grinned.
" I wasn't." I turned around, sniffing the shirt he gave me as I was blushing.
I took off my uniform and wore the shirt he gave me.
I peeked over my shoulder to look at Jungkook.
" I'm done." I said, putting a strand of hair behind my ear.
He turned around to me and coughed as soon as he saw me in his shirt.
Morning sunlight in the windown woke me up. I was resting my head against his muscular chest, breathing in at his neck. 
The scent of his skin was so indescribable. I felt his hands wrapped around my back in the right spot. I softly pulled myself away from him, trying to not wake him up and gave him a morning kiss on his lips.
I stood up and went to the kitchen. I was searching for cornflakes. I found them on the top shelf. I stood on my tiptoes, reaching my hand toward for them.
But then I felt a hand on my belly which frighted me. I turned around and our foreheads pressed together as he pulled me closer.
" Good morning." he said. But he didn't care that he was still shirtless. And me? I was just wearing his pale white shirt he gave me yesterday.
He was staring at me, slowly lowering his lips onto mine. His tongue slipped pass my lips as he kissed me hungrily. His lips slowly nipping and these mine. Our chest lie against each other. My arms eventually wrapped around his neck and his arm went on my hips.
I moved my hands from his chest to his stomach as I broke the kiss.
" It's time to go to school,oppa." I said, bitting my lower lip as I pushed him off gently.
We were on the way to school, getting on the bus. We entered in but there were no empty seats. We were standing next to each other as I was holding him to not fall. I blushed while our fingers were linking up together.
He sighed,slowly pressed his head against mine.
" You slept yesterday so peaceful even when you have a wolf beside you." he sniffed, cuddling up against me.
" Why are you begin like this? / Waeㅡgeuㅡrae?" I grinned, slamming into his chest.
The bus stopped and we got off. His hand swung around my shoulder.
At the bus stop was a boy standing there, waiting for someone. He was wearing the same uniform as us.
" Yah, Park Jimin!" Jungkook shouted, running towards him.
" Jeon Jungkookie!" he replied, giving him an eye smile as they did their handshake.
" Why it took you so long?" he asked but then his eyes widen when our eyes met.
" And who is this stranger? Miss, have we ever met before?" he his lower lip, slowly approaching me.
" What do you think you are doing?" Jungkook said, pushing him back.
" Annyoenghaseo." I said while bowing down , giggling at Jungkook's reaction.
" She's my girlfriend / yeoga-gingu." Jungkook said, patting my hair.
" Oh Jeon Jungkook, you grow up into man already." Jimin said, reaching his hand to give Jungkook a highfive.
" Okay, so I will leave you guys alone. Nice to meet you. I'll go first, oppa. See you later." I said, waiving hand.
Jungkook POV
" Um." I nodded, bitting my lip as she walked away.
" Are you serious with her?" Jimin asked me.
" I don't even understand my feelings." I answered.
" She looks like a nice girl. I have never thought that you will date other girls beside Sewon noona after she broke up with you." he said.
All these feelings are back. She was my first love. The first person I have ever date and kiss. She was the person that I truly never get over, even when I thought I have moved on.
" Honestly, I dated all these girls before just to forget about her." I revealed.
" but now I'm sincerely with Raeah." I added.
"Oh no, now is PE period." Sora rolled her eyes. We both hate PE cuz we're so stiff.
" Girls, today we will spend lesson with boys from older grades." mrs.teacher surprised us.
" No mrs. teacher / seon-saeng-nim. Why didn't you tell us about it earlier?" all girls started grumbling.
" Um, do you think Jungkook oppa will come too?" Sora asked me.
" I don't know." I shrugged, putting my hands onto my hoodie's pockets.
I saw as everyone was fixing their hair and PE uniforms. Heran was also putting makeup on.
" Pay attention, please." teacher shouted before she whistled.
All faces turned out to her after they realized boys came. We stood in line in front of teacher.
" So today, we have few boys from the second grade. Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin .. etc." she introduced them to us.
" Jungkook is here." Sora whispered in my ear immediatly as she saw him.
I looked at him. But our eyes didn't met yet. He took a hurried glance from the first girl after he found me and then we keep staring at each other.
" So , let's start." teacher said but I didn't know what should I do when I didn't pay attention to her before.
" What's going on now?" I asked Sora confused.
" What's wrong with you? Oh, It's because Jungkook, right? You didn't focus because of him, right?" she started teasing me.
I looked at her, giving her a face you-are-right-but-let's-dont-talk-about-it.hat?? "oppa"??" his mom shouted in rage. " Who do you think you are to call him oppa?" she added.
" Omma / mum !" he shouted, still holding my hand.
" It's okay oppa. I think I'll leave." I said, trying to put his hand off from mine but he didn't let me.
" I think it's a right decision too." his mum said, crossing her arms against her chest.
" Stop it, she's not going anywhere. And what are you doing here?" he asked her, raising a bit his voice.
" IㅡI ㅡI just miss you, Jungkook-ah." she stuttered, slowly approaching to Jungkook.
" Aigo my Jungkookie, you have to change into warm clothes to not catch a cold. " she continued.
" I know! I'll tell our maid to cook for you the tastes soup. I'll bring it tomorrow." she said as she was trying to find her phone.
" Go to my room." he whispered in my ear and I left them.
" Omma / mum I'm alright." I heard him saying it before I walked in his bedroom.
His room was large enough with a beautiful view of Seoul and in the middle was his bed. I looked around but then I found some pictures laying down on his bedside table. I took one of them and realized that girl in the picture is the same as before.
I was really curious what kind of relationship they had. She was so pretty. I put the picture back on the table and waited for oppa come back.
" My mum just left." he said as he walked in.
" It seems like she doesn't like me." I said, standing up.
" Go change into this. I don't want my girlfriend catch a cold." he said, giving me his oversized white shirt. 
" Just change here, I won't look." he said and turned around.
He started to his shirt and then he took it off.
" Stop looking at me and start to change your clothes." he grinned.
" I wasn't." I turned around, sniffing the shirt he gave me as I was blushing.
I took off my uniform and wore the shirt he gave me.
I peeked over my shoulder to look at Jungkook.
" I'm done." I said, putting a strand of hair behind my ear.
He turned around to me and coughed as soon as he saw me in his shirt.
Morning sunlight in the windown woke me up. I was resting my head against his muscular chest, breathing in at his neck. 
The scent of his skin was so indescribable. I felt his hands wrapped around my back in the right spot. I softly pulled myself away from him, trying not to wake him up and gave him a morning kiss on his lips.
I stood up and went to the kitchen. I was searching for cornflakes. I found them on the top shelf. I stood on my tiptoes, reaching my hand toward for them.
But then I felt a hand on my belly which frightened t me. I turned around and our foreheads pressed together as he pulled me closer.
" Good morning." he said. But he didn't care that he was still shirtless. And me? I was just wearing his pale white shirt he gave me yesterday.
He was staring at me, slowly lowering his lips onto mine. His tongue slipped pass my lips as he kissed me hungrily. His lips went slowly nipping and mine. Our chest lied against each other. My arms eventually wrapped around his neck and his arms rest on my hips.
I moved my hands from his chest to his stomach and I broke the kiss.
" It's time to go to school,oppa." I said, bitting my lower lip as I pushed him off gently.
We were on the way to school, getting on the bus. We got in but there were no empty seats. We were standing next to each other as I was holding him to avoid fall. I blushed while our fingers were linking together.
He sighed,slowly pressed his head against mine.
" You slept so peaceful yesterday even though you had a wolf beside you." he sniffed, cuddling up against me.
" Why are you being like this? / Waeㅡgeuㅡrae?" I grinned, slamming into his chest.
The bus stopped and we got off. His hand swung around my shoulder.
At the bus stop there was a boy standing and waiting. He was wearing the same uniform as us.
" Yah, Park Jimin!" Jungkook shouted, running towards him.
" Jeon Jungkookie!" he replied, giving him an eye smile as they did their handshake.
" What took you so long?" he asked but then his eyes widened when they met mine.
" And who is this stranger? Miss, have we ever met before?" he his lower lip, slowly approaching me.
" What do you think you are doing?" Jungkook said, pushing him back.
" Annyoenghaseo." I said while bowing down , giggling at Jungkook's reaction.
" She's my girlfriend / yeoja-chingu." Jungkook said, patting my hair.
" Oh Jeon Jungkook, you have already grown up into a man." Jimin said, reaching his hand to give Jungkook a highfive.
" Okay, so I will leave you guys alone. Nice to meet you. I'll go first, oppa. See you later." I said, waving.
Jungkook POV
" Um." I nodded, bitting my lip as she walked away.
" Are you serious with her?" Jimin asked me.
" I don't even understand my feelings." I answered.
" She looks like a nice girl. I have never thought that you would date other girls after Sewon noona  broke up with you." Jimin said.
All these feelings are back. She was my first love. The first person I have ever dated and kissed. She was the person that I truly never get over, even when I thought I had moved on.
" Honestly, all these girls I have dated before were just to forget about her." I revealed.
" but now I'm sincerely with Raeah." I added.
"Oh no, now is PE period." Sora rolled her eyes. We both hate PE cuz we're so stiff.
" Girls, today we will spend lesson with boys from older grades." mrs.teacher surprised us.
" No mrs. teacher / seon-saeng-nim. Why didn't you tell us about it earlier?" all girls started grumbling.
" Um, do you think Jungkook oppa will come too?" Sora asked me.
" I don't know." I shrugged, putting my hands onto my hoodie's pockets.
I saw everyone fixing their hair and PE uniforms. Heran was also putting makeup on.
" Pay attention, please." teacher shouted before she whistled.
All faces turned out to her after they realized that boys had come. We stood in line in front of teacher.
" So today, we have a few boys from the second grade here. Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin .. etc." she introduced them to us.
" Jungkook is here." Sora whispered in my ear immediatly as she saw him.
I looked at him. But our eyes have not met yet. He took a hurried glance from the first girl after he found me and then we kept staring at each other.
" So , let's start." teacher said but I didn't know what to do cause I had not paid attention to her before.
" What's going on now?" I asked Sora confused.
" What's wrong with you? Oh, It's because Jungkook, right? You didn't focus because of him, right?" she started teasing me.
I looked at her, giving her an you-are-right-but-let's-not-talk-about-it look. I immediately turned around and went to get a ball.
I stood on my tiptoes, trying to reach the top shelf where balls were. But then I felt a cold hand slipped under my PE shirt uniform which really startled me.
" Did you miss me?" he whispered in my ear as he playfully bit my neck.
" Oppa, not here." I whispered, slamming into his chest. To be honest I liked it. 
He took a ball down from the shelf for me and then slowly pressed his body against mine. He leaned his forehead to mine as I felt his warm breath on my face. 
Our noses already touched. Our lips were so close that if one of us twitched they would touch.
I took a deep breath and grabbed the ball from his hand.
" Okay. See you later, oppa!" I shouted as I was walking fast away.
As time goes by our love grows stronger. I am more in love now than anytime I could dream of. We're together for about 3 months. After school he always escorts me home and we spend more time together than  before. 
Today he invited me over to his house.
" Don't you guys have a 100 days anniversary today?" Sora asked me and I nodded happily.
" Do you think this is the reason why he invited me to him?" I asked, my face getting red as I blushed. 
I looked at my watch to see if I wasn't late to our date. 
" Okay. I think I will go. I don't want to be late." I said, putting on my bag.
" Good luck ! / Fighting !" Sora shouted, putting her fingers bent in the palm and held them tightly.
I waited for Jungkook outside of school gate. I put my headphones on as I waited for him. I was curious what he has prepared for our 100 days anniversary. 
" Did you wait long?" he asked, putting out my right headphone. 
" Um. It's alright." I shook head.
" Did you guys have PE again?" I asked because I saw how sweaty he was. He nodded and I immediately opened my bag if there wasn't any tissue.
I found one. I pulled it out and then started to wipe the water trickling down his face.
He closed his eyes with a bright smile on his face as he enjoyed it.
" Done." I said, putting the tissue back into my bag.
" So, let's go to have some ice cream first." he said as he grabbed my hand, dragging me to the nearest coffee shop.
We walked down a street while our ice cream. Suddenly he grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to kiss but then my ice cream unexpectedly ended up on his t-shirt.
" Ohh." I said shocked, slowly getting to laugh. He lifted his head and looked at me.
" You should be more careful next time." I said, giggling when our eyes met.
" Maybe I should." he smirked, slowly approaching with an ice cream in his hand.
I stepped back and then ran as fast as possible away from him to avoid his ice cream.
In the end he caught me. He grabbed my elbow, pulling me a bit closer. I already felt our bodies touching.
" No, oppa. / Andwae, oppa" I begged, closing my eyes.
I felt how his hand was wrapped around my waist and the cream he has put on my nose. Then he pressed his warm lips against my nose, slowly kissing and it with his tongue. Later on, we kept holding each other hand. 
We were a few meters from his house. We stopped all of sudden. There was a girl with a long brown hair, who was wearing a white dress, standing in front of his door. 
" Do you have some special visitor?" I asked.
" No." He shook his head.
" Excuse me but ㅡare you looking for someone?" he asked, slowly approaching as he dragged my hand along.
She turned around to us. She looked really pretty and also familiar to me.
" It's been a long time, Jungkook-ah. / Orenmanida, Jungkook-ah ." She said, giving him a bright smile.
{ A/N } Yayaya I finally updated. I was working on this chapter two weeks. So, I hope I won't disappoint you. Don't forget to give me your opinion and also vote. Bye~❤️


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TaeVKimHyung #1
Chapter 7: omg where are you authornim??? T.T T.T T.T
Chapter 7: Don't worry, this was a sweet chapter, you definitely didn't disappoint ^^... Woah :O two weeks?? You work so hard.... that ending though :O, I have a suspicious feeling... ahhhh I'll just wait till the next chapter... I'll be anticipating it, don't overwork yourself either okay? ^,^ We'll be patiently waiting ;)
MinnieMingie #3
Chapter 7: aw...... so sweet love it! ^^
TaeVKimHyung #4
authornim why u didnt update?? ㅠㅠ palli update I love your fanfic sooooo muuucchhhh
farahyasmin_ #5
Chapter 6: thanks for the update, Jungkook and Raeah are sweet ^^ I feel kind of bad for Taehyung though (only a little) and Mrs.Jeon doesn't seem that nice D: ah well, we'll see what happens later on.... thanks for updating :)))
sassyjune #7
Chapter 1: Chapter 5: update soon plsss
shindaekyung #8
Chapter 5: How can you make me melting rn?
Heeellllooo I don't have a wattpad account, but I still read your story... It's really interesting so far and I'll suscribe ^^ I can't wait for the upcoming chapters. Keep writing and update soon when you can ♥♥
shindaekyung #10
Chapter 4: Mwoya ....