THWWIW ♛ฺ 005

✧ The Heart Wants What It Wants ✧

" what?" I said quietly. I still couldn't believe it. I almost fainted.

" You've heard me" he smirked.

There were so many thoughts in my head. I didn't even know if I had the strength to fall in love again. I didn't want to get hurt again .

" So..."

" Oh, I don't think I'm ready for the next relationship." I mumbled.

" Just think about it " he said, stooped holding my hand and stepped out of my way. I glanced at him one more time and then left.


I was walking down the street to my house. I wasn't paying attention because I was really excited about Jungkook's confession. I was also confused. I couldn't have any feeling for him even if I really wanted, because I still loved oppa. This situation was horibble like from a bad romatic drama. Suddenly I slammed my head on something hard.

" Achr." I said, rubbing my forehead. I lifted my head up and realized It was oppa. I tried to avoid him but he quickly pulled me against him. His face was inches away from mine. If I did move even closer our lips would come together.

" It was all a misunderstand." he whispered. I wanted to run away from him. I really didn't have the energy to deal with him right now.

" Oppa ㅡ It's over." I said, looking into his eyes while trying to hold back my tears. I pushed him away, opened the door and went in.


After shower I went to check my phone. There were many missed calls from oppa but between them were also Jungkook's calls. I decided not to answer.


I was on my way to school. I locked the door, turned around and saw familiar face standing near a tree in front of our house. I found out It was Jungkook. I pretended that I didn't see him.

" yah, why didn't you answer my calls?" he asked, running toward me.

" umㅡum you know, my phone was dead." I lied, pretending my shoes were very interesting.

" oh really / jinjja?" he said, trying to look cool.

" But why're you here?" I asked him.

" what do you mean, I came to see you, babe." he said, sneaking his arm around my waist.

" First don't babe me and second,why are you suddenly so romantic." I frowned and pushed him away.

" Why? Don't you like it?" he smirked, giving me a small smile.

" Ugh aigooo." I pinched his cheeks like a little kid. He gave me a strange look.

" What do you think you're doing?" his voice suddenly changed and I let go of his cheeks and slipped my hands into the pocket of my jacket. I walked a bit faster because I thought he was upset. I was unaware of my surroundings until he reached his hand in front of me. I heard beep of car.

" Pay attention. Didn't you see that car?" he yelled, his bottom lip. He looked worried.

" Be more careful next time, okay / araso?" He was so caring.

" Okay. I'm sorry / Araso, Mianhae." I replied but then he snatched my hand to hold them. I was surprised.

" I can let you go alone." he mumbled,trying to not look into my eyes. I gave him a smile as he held my hand tightly. Actually, I knew that was just a excuse to him to hold my hand.

But then I let go of his hand when we nearly reached the school's gate.

" Just a moment. / Jamkkanmanyo." I said, looking around if there wasn't any of Jungkook fangirls.

" What? Are you looking for someone?" he asked.

" No just-" I spun around again to get a better look. Nobody was there. I quickly went in before they could saw us.

" Wha-wha-wha-wha- where do you think you are going." He stopped me. I pointed at the way to school. He raised his eyebrows and then reached his hand out. He wanted me to held them. But I couldn't. At least here.

Suddenly I heard the girls giggling in the background. I was panic all of sudden. I swiftly grabbed Jungkook's hand and we hid behind a tree. We were standing against each other, hinding behind the tree. I was worried meanwhile Jungkook seemed like he enjoy it. I felt his strong arms wrapping around my body tightly.

" yah, I can't breath." I gasped into his neck while quietly slamming on his chest. They already went in and I pulled myself away from Jungkook.

" What? You don't want them to see us together?" He asked, glaring at me. I nodded.

" And did you -" he coughed and slowly approaching to me, " think about the answer you'll give me?" he asked as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. But then the bell ring interrupted us.

He quickly grabbed my hand because he already knew I'll left him.

" I still need more time to think about it." I said slowly pulling off his hand from mine and then left.


I couldn't concentrate during classes. I tried to pay attention to our teacher but all I could think of was Jungkook . I heard a loud noise which made me look out from windows.

I saw boys and on my expectations he was there. They had PE. But I wasn't the only one who was watching them. The half of our class were. Girls were excited especially when Jungkook came out.

" Oh, doesn't oppa look good in PE uniform?" I heard. But then he scored a goal.

" Oppa you're best! / Oppa jjang!" 
" Omg He looks so good." " He is so sweaty, y and manly" they screamed like literally.

I peeked out from the window to see him clearly. He was sweating like crazy. But then all of sudden he took his T-shirt of which relieved his six packs. He took a bottle of water and poured it out on himself.

"Oh my goodness."I gulped. But then our eyes met. He saw me looking at him. He put a towel around his neck and then gave me the most sweetest smirk.

" OMG, he was looking at us!" They screamed.

" Everyone knows that he was looking at Heran." one of girls said. 
"Oh, Heran-ah are you guys together again?" someone asked. 
" Didn't you see that he was looking at me?" she said, glancing on me.

" Go back on your seat!" Teacher said and everyone went back on their seats.
" What was going on in your mind when you saw Jungkook?" Sora asked, giving me a smile.

" What? Whaㅡt I wasn't looking at him." I lied.
" Okay. The look on your face says it all." she said and turned back to her seat.

What was she talking about? But he was looking at Heran as she said. I wouldn't blame myself.


" Girls, please help me take this books to my cabinet." she said to me and Sora. We stood up and took them.

As we walked down a hallway the books dropped. I was holding about 15 books so you can imagine how hard was to hold them.

" Go ahead, I'll catch you up." I said while picking up the books.
" Okay." she replied and went first.

I tried to pick up as quickly as possible but then someone appeared.
" Hey stalker." he screamed. 
" You should stop reading so much books at once." he said as he was picking up the books.

" Thank you / Gomawo." I said, giving him a large smile. He helped me to pick up all the books and we took them to cabinet together.

" You are good in sports." I started a conversation.
" What, do you like man who sports well?" he smirked while holding the tones of books.


" I saw you looking at me. Don't try to even denie it." he said and we finally came to the cabinet.
" So what's your decision?"he asked, slowly approaching his face against me.

" Where have you beㅡ." Sora interrupted us and Jungkook took his head away from mine.

" He helped me. Where should we put them?" I said, trying to change the theme.
" Here." she said, pointing on the table beside us.
" Go on." she whispered and I gave her a what-do-you-think face.

We placed the books on the table and left the cabinet. Before I could left softly he grabbed my hand.

" Let's meet on stairs for a while." he said, dragging me along with him. He pushed me against the wall.

" So.." he sighed.
" How Can I know you're not playing with me?" I asked him and he slowly leaned his head towards me.
" Playtime It's over. I got no time to play games with you."

[ A/N ] Thank y'll for liking this fan fiction. I hope I won't disappoint you guys and thanks a lot again xoxo 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞🙌

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TaeVKimHyung #1
Chapter 7: omg where are you authornim??? T.T T.T T.T
Chapter 7: Don't worry, this was a sweet chapter, you definitely didn't disappoint ^^... Woah :O two weeks?? You work so hard.... that ending though :O, I have a suspicious feeling... ahhhh I'll just wait till the next chapter... I'll be anticipating it, don't overwork yourself either okay? ^,^ We'll be patiently waiting ;)
MinnieMingie #3
Chapter 7: aw...... so sweet love it! ^^
TaeVKimHyung #4
authornim why u didnt update?? ㅠㅠ palli update I love your fanfic sooooo muuucchhhh
farahyasmin_ #5
Chapter 6: thanks for the update, Jungkook and Raeah are sweet ^^ I feel kind of bad for Taehyung though (only a little) and Mrs.Jeon doesn't seem that nice D: ah well, we'll see what happens later on.... thanks for updating :)))
sassyjune #7
Chapter 1: Chapter 5: update soon plsss
shindaekyung #8
Chapter 5: How can you make me melting rn?
Heeellllooo I don't have a wattpad account, but I still read your story... It's really interesting so far and I'll suscribe ^^ I can't wait for the upcoming chapters. Keep writing and update soon when you can ♥♥
shindaekyung #10
Chapter 4: Mwoya ....