THWWIW ♛ฺ 002

✧ The Heart Wants What It Wants ✧

"Finally" " He is now Sin-gle" "We have a chance"

"These girls won't stop." I sighed and continue eating my lunch.

"What are you talking about? Now I have chance too." she started jumping and then she grabbed my wrist, "so, we have to go shopping tomorrow. I have to look good for Jungkook."

"What, no, I can't " I tried to refuse her but then she looked at me with her puppy eyes. And I just cannot refused her. "sure" i rolled my eyes and then she continued jumping up and down while hugging me.

When were done with eating we left cafeteria. I was about to went to the library but i heard someone calling my name. I turned around. He quickly grabbed my face in his hand and then he pressed his lips on mine. I realized it was Taehyung. He was kissing me softly. His arms were warpped around my body. I coudn't even hug him because i was holding my books. Then I felt his tongue breaking my barrier. I pulled away resting my hands on his chest keeping my distance.

"oppaa" i looked at him "not here, what if teachers will catch us?" I said and then weakly pushed him away.

" but i missed you." he said giving me a small smile. "Are you going to library right now?" he asked while holding my hand. I nooded but then i found out his friends were watching us. Between them was also that pretty girl. And I felt somehow relieved. But she didn't look satisfied though.

"okay, then call me and i will take you home." he told me and kissed me on my cheek.

I love Taehyung. Cuz he is so sweet, always can make me laugh and always say things that makes me melt to pieces. I know that I can trust him and he will be always by my side.

" why are you so luckly?" she told me.

"you're beatifull, you have perfect grades, perfect boyfriend" Sora sighed

"if you don't waste your time with Jungkook, you will be like me" I said and placed my head on her shoulder.


As we walked in library we saw him. Again.

"yah yah Jungkook oppa" Sora started literally fangirling. At first i tought that she will faint but then she stopped.

" yah, stop looking at him!" one of his fangirls told to us. "how dare you look at him" "don't you think that after he breaked up with Haeran you will have a chance" "look in the mirror, you ugly ducks" they said, flipping with their hair.

"what do y-" as was Sora about saying something maybe really mean I've put my hand on and took her away from them.

" yes,yes go away." the girl in middle told.

"woah they are really mean" I thought.

"why did you do that?" Sora said angrily. She was about to explode.

" I didn't want you to be beaten by them. Ignore them you're beautiful the way you're ." I told her and then I gave her a hug. After that I went to find some books for our nearly coming test. I didn't saw Sora around me. I picked up some books and then sat down on the nearest table. But Suddenly he cames. He sat down next to me and opened his book. I looked around if Sora wasn't there. Yes, she was running to me. But she wasn't alone. His whole fanclub were.

" where have you been? I didn't find you." she told me while looking at him. Hol

"yeah, i see." I said and rolled my eyes. Every seat around us was occupied. But then I felt his hand. He secretly held my hand. I was totally shocked. What's he doing? I tried to push it away.

"okay i think i will came tomorrow. see you" I told Sora as I patted her shoulder and left.


I was standing next to the school's gate. Actually i was waiting for oppa. I tweeted him, but he told me he'll be a little bit late. Still won't believe what just happened before. Ugh

"why does ti take him so long?" I sighed and then someone appeared in front of me. You don't need to guess. It was Jungkook. Again. Why is this guy always where i'm? But if he is here, then where is Sora?

" hello / annyeonghaseyo " I said quietly and bowed cuz he is my sunbae. But no response.

He came nearer and I took a few step back but then the wall stopped me.

"what's your name,girl?" he asked me while brushing strand of my long hair away from my face.

"umㅡ" I coudn't say anything. My heart started to beat quicker.I have never been before so close to any guys expect Taehyung. I felt how his body was touching mine.

"Oh, Kim Rae Ah" he read a name tag on my uniform. I felt his hand on my waist but then he started kis-s-sing my nose. He kissed it gently and slowly several times. I covered my lips with my hand.

"please stop" I told him but he didn't stopped. "or i'll kick you" I closed my eyes and gave him a strong kick.

"Ugh, my leg!" he growled and then fell. His hands were placed on the place I've kicked him. I opened my eyes "Oh are you okay?" I asked him. Suddenly he pulled my head softly and placed my lips on his. He was lightly bitting my bottom lips and his hand were playing with my hair.

"No, because i've met you" he said after he broke the kiss. We were looking at each other while sitting on grass. No, did Jeon Jungkook just confess to me? No, just no. I was confused. He was the boy every girl in our school dreamed of. Even Sora.

" Kim Rae Ah, I like you" he confessed and kissed my cheeks.

" I'm sorry but I can't accept your love." I told him and lower my head. " I've a boyfriend" I added.

" Hol " he shouted shocked and then looked at other side. He looks really dissapointed.

but then I asked him "let's be friends".

"let me think about it" he told me and then he took his phone out from his bag. "give me your number" he said.

"Kim Rea Ah" I heard Taehyung's voice.

"oppaaaaa" I shouted and gave him a hug.

"oppa? then he's yourㅡ" Jungkook didn't finish his sentence.

"boyfriend / namja chingu" Taehyung said and kissed my hair.

"why did you never told me that?" he asked Taehyung and then his expression changed.

"you have never asked me" Taehyung said and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"oh how about karaoke tonight" he suddenly said.

"no, oppa I can't" I looked at him.

"why, Are you scared to be with two handsome oppas?" Jungkook smirked. And I thought that he will kill me with his eyes. But in the end Taehyung persuaded me.


As we walked in the girls behind service's table came to us. They were wearing a mini dresses and red lipstick. Suddenly they grabbed Taehyung's and Jungkook's hand and softly pulled them closer to their body.

"What does handsome boys like you doing here?" her finger were drawing line on Jungkook's jaw.

"one room, please" I said as I tried to stand next to Taehyung but she didn't let me.

"So guys if you'll need company for ㅡ" they smiled and winked on them. I swiftly took the keys and grabbed Taehyung's ear while searching for the right room. Ugh who they tought they were?

"It huuuuurt" he said and i stopped. I gave him a offensive look.

"What are you jealous? Really?" he laughed and i turned around. Yes, i was.

"No." i lied and then he just kissed me on my forehead. 

"Uhg" Jungkook coughed "let's go" his finger pointed on the door.

As soon as we walked in the room Jungkook opened one of beers and drank it. I sat down against them.

"Jungkook-ah let's sing" Taehyung said and the pressed the button. The song started playing and Jungkook grabbed his mic and then gave Taehyung his beer. They were so cute. Later on they seem so drunk at least Jungkook. He sat down and unleashed his tie while Taehyung was still singing.

Suddenly Taehyung's mobile rang.

" MiㅡRae" I read. Who's that? It was so curious. No. Maybe someone of his girl classmates.

"oppa, you have one missed call" i told him and gave him his phone.

" give me just a minute" he said and left us. Alone. 

As i was going to take a juice, he stood and came to me. He sat on the table in front of me. We didn't say a word.

"Why do I want you so much?" he said and his dark eyes attacks me. But I didn't believe him. I I think i'm not the first girl he've told this.

"I don't know." I mumbled and then he came nearer.

" just stay like this for a while" he said. We stayed like this for a few minutes. I didn't know what he could do but I just stay doing nothing except looking at each other. But then he turned around, took his bag and left before saying a word.

"what's with him?" I tought but then suddenly Taehyung came back.

"why did he left?" Taehyung said, pointing towards the door.

" I don't know oppa, let's go" I said tiredly and took my bag.

"wait. I'll take you home." he said and then held my hand.


It was too late. We went through the park to make it faster.

"Is dad at home?" Taehyung asked me.

"No, you know how my parents are so workaholic." I answered.

"So should I come for a while?" he whispered and then he bit my right ear.

"No, oppa go homeeee" I giggled, trying to push him off. Finally we came. We stood opposite the door to my house . I opened the door without giving him a goodbye kiss and went in. I saw his sad face through the windown but then he pressed his lips on it. He looked so cute. I just knew what he wanted so I presssed my lips on his.

"byee" i smiled and gave him a little shy wave.


The loud music waked me up. I went downstairs to see what just happend and I saw Sora watching TV.

"Yah Lee Sora, who let you in?" I shouted before throwing a pillow at her.

"your dad" she said and I just knew the reason why she is here. Shopping.

"just wait a little bit." Isaid and went upstairs to prepare myself.


We left our house and then went shopping.

"So what do you want to buy?" I asked her while finding my wallet in bag.

"I don't know. Maybe some dresses." she said. "Tomorrow will be at Jung Mirae sunbeanim party. We have to go!" she continued.

"Who's Jung Mirea sunbeanim?" I was curious. Maybe it was that girl who called oppa last night.

"I think she is from the same class like Taehyung" Sora said.

"Oh so maybe she called to invite him" I thought for myself. After shopping we stopped at Starbuck's for lunch and coffe. Ugh man was really hungry. As we walked in Sora saw something or should I said someone?

"Isn't that Jungkook?" she whispered and I turned around to see if it was him.

"It seems like him" I said while looking at him. But he wasn't alone. He was sitting right next to a girl. And then he placed his hand on her shoulder. I was shocked because didn't he just told me yesterday that he loved me and now he is sitting next to theㅡ? Hol. Let's not think about it Raeah. But on the other side I felt relieved.

" go pick something first. I need to use the bathroom" Sora said and then left.

"um what should i buy." i said for myself.

"do you need help, miss?" I heard and turned around, saw Jungkook standing in front of me. He was holding a latte. It seems like he was about to leave.

"Hi. what are you doing here? " I tried to look shocked.

" I saw that you were looking at me before so don't try to deny it ,you stalker" he smirked and then looked at the other side.

"what staㅡstalㅡker?" i yelled and he just nooded. He was totally like someone new.

" and you know who you are?" i paused, searching for the right word.

" who am I ?" he came bit closer and our lips were about to touch but then his girlfriend interrupted us.

"honeeey / yobeo" she shouted and then wrapped her arms around his waist. "who's that?" she asked, pointing her finger at me

"my stalker." he said and then winked on me.

"Oh this guy." i said and bit my bottom lips.

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TaeVKimHyung #1
Chapter 7: omg where are you authornim??? T.T T.T T.T
Chapter 7: Don't worry, this was a sweet chapter, you definitely didn't disappoint ^^... Woah :O two weeks?? You work so hard.... that ending though :O, I have a suspicious feeling... ahhhh I'll just wait till the next chapter... I'll be anticipating it, don't overwork yourself either okay? ^,^ We'll be patiently waiting ;)
MinnieMingie #3
Chapter 7: aw...... so sweet love it! ^^
TaeVKimHyung #4
authornim why u didnt update?? ㅠㅠ palli update I love your fanfic sooooo muuucchhhh
farahyasmin_ #5
Chapter 6: thanks for the update, Jungkook and Raeah are sweet ^^ I feel kind of bad for Taehyung though (only a little) and Mrs.Jeon doesn't seem that nice D: ah well, we'll see what happens later on.... thanks for updating :)))
sassyjune #7
Chapter 1: Chapter 5: update soon plsss
shindaekyung #8
Chapter 5: How can you make me melting rn?
Heeellllooo I don't have a wattpad account, but I still read your story... It's really interesting so far and I'll suscribe ^^ I can't wait for the upcoming chapters. Keep writing and update soon when you can ♥♥
shindaekyung #10
Chapter 4: Mwoya ....