

"Girls, there is a woman attacking innocents! Let's go!"


The girls stand before the woman in front of them. She's dressed in a full length, black dress. She tilts her head, letting her blonde hair fall. She smirks, and eyes Kongsook for a moment.
The woman blindly charges at them, lunging when she gets close. Kongsook and Taewoon swing their blades upward, slicing at her body. The metals dig in, and she doesn't even flinch. It heals, and Sanghye starts screaming. Blood spills from the blonde's chest, and she sinks down.
"What?" Taewoon whispers, looking at her friend. Kongsook looks up into the woman's eyes. They flash to cross for a single moment, before returning to brown.
"No," the doll whispers, taking a step back.
"Kongsook, what is it?" Hyeyeon asks, grabbing a medical pack out of Sanghye's belt.
"She's a doll. She's like me," Kongsook explains, scanning the woman's body for a cloth doll.
"How do we stop her?" Taewoon asks, as the doll charges again.
"We need to find her doll," Kongsook explains, grabbing the doll.
"What does it look like?" Wonsook asks, running to help her friend.
"Like this," a deeper voice states, walking out of the shadows holding the cloth doll. Kongsook freezes, and the doll escapes to him.
"No," she whispers, looking at the familiar face.
"Hello my doll," he smirks, walking to her.
"Hyoshin," Kongsook mutters, backing away. He reaches her, and cups her face.
"You're looking well, doll. I'd almost take you back," Hyoshin speaks, rubbing her cheek.
"No," she denies, shaking her head. Hyeyeon charges at the man, sinking her fangs into his neck. Hyoshin chuckles, and pushes her off.
"I'll return, my doll," he smirks. He kisses her forehead, before walking to his doll. Kongsook pants heavily, as her old master walks away.


"Kongsook? Kong? Kongie?" Sanghye coos, knocking rapidly on the door.
"Go change, Sanghye. She won't be coming out soon," Hyeyeon states, looking at the door.
"Fine," Sanghye sighs, walking to her room. Hyeyeon walks to the door right after, knocking after.
"Kongsook, it's Hyeyeon. Do you want to talk?" The vampire asks, standing beside the door.
"No," the doll denies, her voice cracking.
"Kongsook," Hyeyeon whispers, tears in her eyes. "You need to talk about this."
"I can't," Kongsook cries. "Will you bring me, Wonsook?"
"Yeah," Hyeyeon whispers, moving away. She walks to the room with a clock on the door.
"Won, Kong wants you," Hyeyeon states, knocking on the door. It opens to reveal her blue hair all over the place.
"She's talking?" Wonsook asks, adjusting her grey sweatpants.
"She wants you," Hyeyeon explains. Wonsook nods, and walks out of her room.
"Alright. Should I bring her food and water, too?" She asks, attempting to flatten her hair.
"Yeah," the vampire agrees, rushing to the kitchen quickly. She runs back with a bottle of water and crackers in her hands. Wonsook takes them, and walks to the doll's room. She knocks on the door.
"Kongsook, you wanted me?" Wonsook asks, standing by the door.
"Yeah, come in," Kongsook whispers. The time-controller opens the door, stepping inside.
The room is dark, almost pitch-black. Kongsook sits in a corner. The whites of her eyes surround her black crosses. She's curled onto a ball, and looks up at the noise.
"Hey," Wonsook whispers, walking to her.
"Can anyone in your family remove memories?" The doll asks, her breath shaking.
"Maybe my brother, but it's tricky. The longer it's been in someone's mind, the more it connects to other memories," Wonsook explains, sitting beside her.
"I need him out of my mind," Kongsook speaks, leaning against a wall.
"Who was he, Kongie?" The time-control asks, grabbing her friend's hand.
"Hyo-Hyoshin. My ex-boyfriend, a-and my old master," the doll whispers, as a black tear falls from her eyes.
"That was him?" Wonsook asks back, pulling the limp doll closer.
"Yeah. We met when I was human and still in college. He'd call me perfect. We'd talk and laugh and people started wanting us to date. I had asked him about it. He asked me out. He became clingy." Kongsook goes into a round of hiccups, and Wonsook starts rubbing her back.
"Shh, he's not going to get you. I'm right here," the blue-haired girl coos, rubbing small circles.
"I told him that I wanted to break up. He wouldn't listen. He made me into this. He made me his doll," Kongsook continues.
"He's gone. You escaped him," Wonsook encourages, as more black tears escape the doll.
"Physically. Oh, but mentally he's still there. His touches, his words, his smirk. He would touch me, and as along as he had the doll; I could do nothing," Kongsook whispers, as her tears stain her friend's shirt.
"Kongie," Wonsook coos, holding her tighter. The doll cries herself to sleep, snuggled into her friend's chest. Wonsook moves slowly, gently setting her friend down on her bed. She grabs the cloth doll, and sets it in her arms. She slips out of the room.
"Learn anything?" Hyeyeon asks, as Wonsook enters the living room.
"The man was her old master. His name is Hyoshin. I think he abused her. She wanted to know if any of my family can remove memories," Wonsook explains, looking at the rest of her friends. Blank stares gaze back, as they absorb the information.
"Oh my," Jaehwa whispers under her breath. She starts floating upward. "If we see him again; I swear I'll..." She punches the ceiling. Pieces rain down on Sanghye and Taewoon. "Sorry."
"What do we do?" Sanghye asks, pulling her hair back.
"Next time we see him. We make him pay," Hyeyeon decides, curling her hands into fists.


"Kongsook, do you think you can come and fight with us?" Hyeyeon asks, standing outside her door.
"No," the doll denies, curled into her ball.
"Alright. We'll be back," the vampire states. "Don't forget to eat."
"I-I won't," Kongsook whispers, looking at the floor of her dark room. She holds tightly onto her doll, stained slightly with her black tears. She pushes stray strings back, looking at the cloth doll.
"I hate you, Hyoshin. I hate what you did to me. I wish I had never met you," the doll mutters, starting to cry again.
"Are you sure you don't miss me?" His voice asks, emerging from the shadows of her room. Her head snaps up. She pushes herself away, hitting the wall.
"No," Kongsook denies, as Hyoshin knees in front of her.
"I've decided to make you my doll, again. Isn't that wonderful?" Hyoshin smirks, grabbing the cloth doll again. The doll cries, as she's forced to move through the shadows with him.


"Kongsook, we're home," Hyeyeon yells, walking to her room, still dressed in her outfit. "Kongsook?" The vampire opens the door. She walks inside, not finding her friend. She looks around, feeling dark energy. "Wonsook, will you come here!"
"Yes?" The time-controller asks, walking into the room.
"Will you look back in time, from when we left until we returned? I have a bad feeling," Hyeyeon asks, looking at her.
"Is this about Kongsook?" Wonsook asks, looking back.
"Yes," the vampire states, shifting slightly.
"Alright," the blue-haired girl agrees, holding her hands out. "Review."

A small bubble appears before them. Kongsook sits in her corner, holding her doll.
"I hate you, Hyoshin.  I hate what you did to me. I wish I had never met you." She starts crying her black tears.
"Are you sure you don't miss me?" The large figure blocks their view.
"No." He kneels.
"I've decided to make you my doll, again. Isn't that wonderful?" He grabs her, and they both disappear.

Wonsook waves her hand through the image, removing it. The two stand together, absorbing what they saw.
"What do we do now?" Wonsook asks, looking at Hyeyeon.
"We get our friend back," the vampire whispers, curling her hands into fists again.


Kongsook sits in a small glass cage. She bangs on it, as Hyoshin chants foreign words at her doll. She feels her control slip with her sanity. Black tears escape her eyes, as the glass refuses to crack.
"Haena, bring Kongsook here," Hyoshin commands, looking over his black book. The blonde doll moves to the glass cage, smiling evilly. Kongsook crawls back, as Haena opens the cage. She's dragged to the center of the circular room, and set into a chair.
"Hello doll," Hyoshin greets, smirking at her. Kongsook is forced to still, as the doll is set in her lap. "You've been crying. Dolls don't cry." Hyoshin stands, and walks to Haena. He cups her face, and she leans into it. "Haena is a good doll. She hasn't run away or cried or disobeyed me."
Hyoshin removes his hand, and walks back to Kongsook. "You'll give in again. This time you won't break. You'll be a good doll, right?" He asks, cupping her face. He lets his nails slide down her cheek. His hand slides down her arm, to her side, onto her outer leg, and slowly moves inward. "Did you miss my touches?"
A flash of silver pushes Haena against the wall. She sinks to the ground, as Hyeyeon shows in front of the entrance. Jaehwa flies over her pushing Hyoshin to the ground.
"I claimed dibs on hurting you first," she spits, crushing his bones. He laughs, as his injuries move to Haena.
"You're feisty. I like it," Hyoshin states. Jaehwa just pushes harder.
Sanghye walks over to Kongsook, and at the table around her, as Hyeyeon and Wonsook hold back the doll. She looks at the book, and flickers through it. Taewoon stands beside Hyoshin, as Jaehwa pulls him up. Taewoon punches him in the jaw, smiling at the crack it makes. Hyoshin smirks, and pushes the girls away. He sprints, and grabs the cloth doll off Kongsook's lap.
"Get them," he commands, holding the doll close. Kongsook rises, her eyes opening to reveal her crosses.
"Nmi, we have a problem," Jaehwa states, looking at her.
"Come hold this doll then," Hyeyeon responds, as Kongsook staggers over to Taewoon. Jaehwa flies over, pushing the doll against the wall. Wonsook and Hyeyeon run to Sanghye's side, as Kongsook moves closer to Taewoon.
"I don't want to hurt you, Kongsook," she states, drawing her needle from its sheath. The doll's eyes fall, before locking with her friend's.
"I serve Master," she mutters, her voice echoing off the walls.
"No, Kongsook. You're our friend. You love dark chocolate, and cheesy romance movies," Taewoon whispers, moving closer.
"Master loves me," Kongsook states, still moving closer.
"We love you, Kongsook," Taewoon speaks softly. The doll stills, as her friend moves closer. "I love you, Kongsook." Taewoon cups her cheek, and looks into her eyes.
Kongsook's eyes crosses slowly fade to circles. She blinks, as Taewoon sheathes her needle. She leans forward, and presses her lips to the doll's forehead.
"Taewoon?" Kongsook whispers, as they lock eyes again.
"Yeah?" She replies, giving a small smile.
"Thank you," the doll thanks, blushing slightly.
"NO!" Hyoshin screams, throwing the doll to the ground. "You are mine! I created you! I made you perfect!"
Hyeyeon runs at him, shoving him against the glass cage. He groans, as Kongsook looks to the table.
"Get me his book," the doll whispers. Sanghye picks it up, and passes it to her.
"What are you doing?" Taewoon asks, as Kongsook flips though the pages.
"Looking for a spell," the doll whispers, finding pages she's looking for. She smiles, and looks to Taewoon. "Get everyone out."
"What are you going to do?" She asks, looking at her.
"Removing Hyoshin," Kongsook explains, as her eyes flash to her crosses.
"Will you be able to?" Taewoon questions, causing the doll to nod rapidly.
"Yes, but you all need to get out," Kongsook repeats, looking around to find Hyeyeon struggling to keep Hyoshin back.
"We'll go," Wonsook states, speaking for the first time. Kongsook smiles weakly, allowing her dimples to show. They get Jaehwa and Hyeyeon, before running out.
"You're friends decide to leave you?" Hyoshin taunts, as Haena absorbs his wounds.
"I sick of you haunting me. You will feel what it's like to lose everything now," Kongsook growls, looking down at the book. "Magicus removere. Geven zu mij."
"No," Hyoshin denies, running at her. He stills, as a pure black orb moves out of his chest. It floats for a moment before zooming at Kongsook. It hits her chest, pushing her to the ground. She grunts, pushing herself upward.
Hyoshin screams out, as falling to the ground. His skin slowly peals away, followed by his muscles rotting away. He fades to a small pile of white bones, as Kongsook stands.
"What happened?" Haena asks, shaking her head.
"Nothing, why don't you go home?" The doll lies, smiling sweetly. They lock eyes, and she nods.
"Alright," she agrees, falling for Kongsook's charms. They walk out; her doll and the book in the doll's hands. They meet the others.
"Where is he?" Hyeyeon asks, walking forward.
"Gone, forever," Kongsook states, giving a small smile. "Nmi, could you bring Haena home?"
"Alright," the vampire agrees, smiling at her. They walk off, as the other walk to their home.


Kongsook sits on her bed, holding the black book before her. She opens it slowly, looking at the first page.
"Magic is what you make it," she whispers, running her fingers over the black ink.
"Kongsook?" Taewoon asks from outside her door. The doll closes the book, and slips it under her pillow. She grabs her doll, and adjusts herself.
"Come in," she calls out. The door opens, and Taewoon walks inside. She sits down beside the doll, smiling smaller than Kongsook.
"How do you feel?" Taewoon asks, gently interlacing their fingers.
"Free. Thank you for coming to get me," Kongsook states, locking their eyes.
"Always," her friend replies, leaning in closer. Taewoon's lips press to Kongsook's forehead.
"Guys, get out here," Hyeyeon commands, from outside of the doll's room. Taewoon pulls away, smiling wider.
They continue to hold hands as they walk out to their leader.















A/N: Look, I updated. I hope you liked it. Please comment. (-<) <3 ^_^

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Chapter 6: I meant to comment about two chapters ago when I had first found out about this but I guess I forgot. >~<
Anyway, I love this story so far and the fact that here is a Tumblr account for fanfic ideas just amazes me. I might take a few ideas from there when I start to come back into writing.
P.s. This story is just utterly adorable and awesome and just asdfghkeibdb. ^~^