Origins (1)


Wonsook sits in her world. She plays with a small clock, tinkering it to her reveal the time in all worlds. She hums, swinging it around.
"Wonsook. It's time for you to train with your father."
She sighs, rising to her feet. She follows her servant, playing with her watch. She winds it up, making it tick properly. "We're here miss."
Wonsook nods, dropping the watch into her pocket. She enters the throne room, dipping her head down as she enters. "Greetings Father."
"Wonsook, have you practiced at all?" He asks, looking down at her. Wonsook flinches, knowing better than to lie.
"No, I haven't Father. I don't believe elements have a place inside me," she answers, looking up at him.
"Maybe if you practiced, instead of tinkering with that stupid clock," he counters, stepping down to her.
"I'm trying Father. What you make me practice doesn't work with me," she complains, as her cheeks are grabbed between her father's fingers.
"You could be powerless. A powerless goddess, how pathetic," he scoffs, throwing her to the ground. "You are the daughter of a Titan. You are my daughter. I'll throw you to the Earth realm before accepting this."
Wonsook pushes herself up. She glares up at him. "Then send me. I'd rather not spend another minute in here, listening to the time-keepers tick."
"So be it," her father decides, moving his hands over her. A pattern emerges, and she panics. Her arms are thrown into the air.
"No, I didn't mean it. Stop!"
His hands keep moving, as the ticking of the clocks stop. He realizes this when the portal is created. Their eyes lock, and his own widen. "Time."
Wonsook is taken through the portal.


Wonsook awakes in a patch of snow. She panics, shivering from the cold. She stands and begins wading through the waist-high drifts. She wraps her arms around her exposed body. Her purple outfit was not made for these conditions. She feels watched, despite the open field and few trees around her. She grabs at the watch at her side, pulling it close. She opens it to find it broken. She closes it, holding it close to her chest. The cold metal bites at her skin.
Her father’s words consume her mind. She stops and lets herself shed a single tear. She wades over to a tree, slowly climbing up it. “I'm not pathetic,” she whispers, curling into a ball. A sharp breeze rips through her. She shivers, fixing her gray shoes. She pulls her skirt down, attempting to cover more of her body.
Wonsook looks up to find a pair of gold eyes staring at her. A black cloak whips around them. A hand reaches out, offering aid. Wonsook gulps, as she tries to remember any gold eyed creatures she's had to study. None come to mind, and Wonsook takes the hand.
Speed makes everything blur. She finds herself in a cave, with a small fire glowing in the middle. Wonsook is dropped down. She crawls over to it, allowing it to cover her.
“You aren't human.”
Wonsook looks up. The hood is down, revealing silver hair.
“Neither are you,” she counters. The cloak is removed and set over Wonsook’s shoulders.
“My name is Hyeyeon. You're going to need to leave at dusk. My coven won't like you,” she speaks, turning back to the entrance.
“Why?” She asks, looking at her.
“You aren't like us,” Hyeyeon answers, as she slips out from the cave. Wonsook pulls the cloak closer around herself, smiling weakly. She pulls out her clock, opening it up again. She rubs the metal, sighing at its state.
“Who are you?”
Wonsook turns. A man looks over her.
“Sungjae, you shouldn't be here,” Hyeyeon gasps, flying back into the cave.
“Why is there a— She's not human,” Sungjae utters, looking over Wonsook.
“Look. She was freezing,” Hyeyeon speaks, moving over to her.
“Jackson and Ryeowook will be mad,” Sungjae whispers, as Wonsook fixes her top.
“We’ll leave at dawn,” Hyeyeon speaks, looking down at Wonsook.
“They'll be so upset,” Sungjae says, as Wonsook looks up at him.
“I know,” Hyeyeon confesses, looking down at Wonsook. “But there is something about her, and I just can't explain it.”


“What's your name, and why don't you smell human?” Hyeyeon asks as they come to rest in a small town.
“Wonsook. I'll tell you why when we aren't around humans.”
Wonsook walks to an inn, slipping inside. Hyeyeon follows after, frowning deeply. She rolls her eyes, easily paying for a room. She pulls Wonsook up to it, leading her in.
“We aren't around humans,” she mutters, turning back to her.
“Have you heard of the Titan Jonghyun?” Wonsook asks, walking over to the bed. She opens her clock, rubbing the metal.
“My family used to worship the Kim Family. They failed at protecting my family. I'm not sure they exist,” Hyeyeon confesses, walking to a window.
“They exist,” Wonsook voices, snapping the clock shut.
“Anything is possible. But if an almighty Titan such as Jonghyun can't take care of his worlds, what both her having faith,” Hyeyeon says, sitting on the ledge.
“My father isn't the most compassionate,” Wonsook chuckles, looking over at her. She shakes her head. “I doubt you know of me. Father likes his more powerful children.”
“There was no Wonsook with my family,” Hyeyeon speaks, tilting her head.
“I don't know my power, and I'm the youngest,” Wonsook speaks, laying back on the bed. “I want to know.”
“You'll figure it out,” Hyeyeon voices, smiling at her. She hops down, lifting her hands up to stretch. Flat, tanned skin is revealed, and Wonsook tilts her head.
“What are you?” She asks as Hyeyeon brings her hands down. Hyeyeon smirks, easily revealing two fangs. She pushes her hair back, showing crystals around her eyes. Black claws grow out from her nails.
“Vampire. Turned by a pureblooded,” Hyeyeon offers, over beside Wonsook in an instant. Wonsook flinches back at the closeness. Hyeyeon smiles, returning back to how she was. Wonsook pants, looking over her. Hyeyeon pulls back, slipping back to the window. “I'll be back by dawn.”
She slips out, blending into the night.


Hyeyeon returns to find Wonsook asleep. She slips in, walking to a corner. She washes her face, looking at her reflection. She sighs, cleaning off the blood. She smiles weakly, before walking over to Wonsook. She brushes a blue lock of hair back, smiling weakly.
“Something tells me that we can be very good friends.”









A/N: Surprise, another one. This begins the origin chapters, aka how our girls meet and form their group. I hope you grow to look forward to them as well as normal updates. Also, I need more kpop Kims. Wonsook needs a family, if you have any suggestions, hit me up? Until the next update~ (-<) <3 ^_^

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Chapter 6: I meant to comment about two chapters ago when I had first found out about this but I guess I forgot. >~<
Anyway, I love this story so far and the fact that here is a Tumblr account for fanfic ideas just amazes me. I might take a few ideas from there when I start to come back into writing.
P.s. This story is just utterly adorable and awesome and just asdfghkeibdb. ^~^