Spill the Coffee

thank you guys for the advice, im using it. hahahahahahaahhhh and once again i still don't know when will it ends but im trying to make it ends as fast as possible. thank u, i love u guys <3



                Jungkook walked out of the room, leaving depressed Jimin. He wasn’t sad that he was being kicked by Jimin. He was just debating with his mind about what was Jimin hiding from him. He knew that Jimin was not that kind of person. He was clean, immature, and innocent. But suddenly this smoking problem came. It frightened Jungkook so much. Jimin had changed. Jimin was not Jimin anymore.

                He kept walking into he bumped to someone’s chest. Looking up, he looked at the person. Jungkook’s eyes widened.

                “Hello?” Taehyung said –the person Jungkook bumped into.

                “Oh, hey.” Jungkook replied.

                “What are you doing here in the middle of the night?”

                “What are you doing?” Jungkook asked back without answering the older’s question.

                “I’m just strolling around.” Jungkook snorted at Taehyung’s answer.

                “Your house is pretty far from here if you are only walking.”

                “Nah, I bring my car with me. I stopped by the market and bought some instant stuff to cook for tomorrow’s lunch. Don’t know if I will meet you here?” Taehyung smiled, showing a big plastic bag.

                Jungkook chuckled a bit, “Well, this is only coincidence, right?”

                “Of course, who says I stalk you?” Taehyung laughed.

                Jungkook furrowed his brows and sighed, “Oh great, you stalked me, didn’t you?” Jungkook smirked.

                “N-no, I didn’t!” Taehyung stuttered, which was so unnecessary and embarrassing.

                “Why were you following me?” Taehyung kept silent, “Wait. Since when?” Jungkook asked again, but no answer.

                “I’m not going to be mad,” Jungkook continued.

                “Uh- since café’s closing time? I guess?” Taehyung smiled awkwardly, making the younger giggled.

                “Why didn’t you just call me?”

                “W-when I saw you went home with Jimin, I thought I needed to just stay away…”

Taehyung’s POV

                I don’t know since when, but I start to like him. He listened to my story, he smiled so much, that’s why I like him. Although at first I thought we won’t be anything closer than friends, now I think we can be, if, just if there’s no Jimin between us. The more I look into his eyes, the more I know that he only looks at me as a friend, not much. I do know that he is comfortable with me, but just that. That’s it.

                “W-when I saw you went home with Jimin, I thought I needed to just stay away…” I said, calmly. I just hope he won’t listen because that was so embarrassing.

                “Tch, so envious.” He snorted again, “I am- I’m yours already so don’t worry.” He smiled. He is thinking of Jimin right now. God, don’t be so obvious, will ya?

                “It’s cold here, wanna go somewhere else?” He nodded, it is quite surprising that he wants to have a longer conversation with me.

                We went to a nearby café that opens 24-hours. We’re lucky that it’s near, because outside is so cold and it is kinda unbearable for me. Haha.

                “What do you wanna order?” I stood in front of the cashier.

                “Americano.” I nod and order, “And banana split.” He giggled while I just nod.

                “Just sit anywhere. I’m going to wait for our order.” I smiled. My eyes follow his back to where he sit. It’s just near the cashier. He smiled.

                “So you won’t be looking for me anymore, I’ll just sit here.” He chuckled. Damn, he is so sweet.

                Within 3 minutes, the order is ready. I sit on the chair in front of him. His eyes sparkles when he sees his ice cream. I am so damned.

                “Thank you.” He smiled.

                It’s just all silence after that. My brain keeps replaying about Jungkook and Jimin’s argument. They are so loud so it’s not my mistake to hear them. I was not eavesdropping seriously. But, Jungkook seemed so furious there, and so did Jimin. I’m wondering if it’s okay if I ask him. I look at his face. He is still eating happily, like a kid. I don’t know a 21-year-old man will be so cute like this. Somehow, he reminds me of her. Tch, here comes my memories again.



                “Can I ask you something?”

                He nodded.

                “What were you arguing about with Jimin?”

                He doesn’t reply.

                “It’s okay if you don’t want to answer, I’m not forcing you, anyway.”

                “He smokes, I got angry, that’s all.” He continues eating.

                “Why are you getting angry about him smoking? Isn’t he above seventeen already?” He nods, “So, why?”

                “He smokes so much.” I just nod.

                “Can I ask another question?” I said carefully.


                “Why do you agree about marrying me?” He stops eating, looking at me full of question, “I mean, you don’t have to marry me. Your mom has passed away, your dad is- well, I don’t know where, and you’re only by yourself. I mean, who will scold you if you aren’t marrying me?”

                He sighed, “I respect my mom. She must be so close with your family that marrying me with you made her so happy and until she made a contract. Like, how can mom and dad being so sure about our marriage even if I was just born?” He smiled, “And I am pitying you because you’re disowned. You said marrying me means you will be owned again, right?” He giggled.

                “No, no, that’s not the matter anymore, honestly. Seeing you so happy with Jimin, I realized that I don’t want to be the third.”

                He sighed, “Jimin doesn’t love me anyway so you’re allowed to marry me.”

                “What if Jimin loves you?” His mouth stayed close.

                “About that, I’ll think it again. But, the reality is not that. So don’t worry. You can divorce me after you get owned again.”

                “I can’t.” I looked down.

                “Why? Isn’t it written in the contract that after 200 days any side can divorce the other side?”

                “Because I think- I think I’ve fallen into you already.”


Author’s POV

                “Good morning.” Jungkook walked in the café. Not finding Jimin there. He sighed, Jimin will be punished again if he didn’t come in 5 minutes.

                5 minutes has passed and Jimin hadn’t showed up yet. Jungkook wondered if Jimin’s still angry about yesterday night. But Jimin was a type to let go things behind. Jungkook sat down facing the door. The café wasn’t very crowded as usual, maybe because highschool students had exams. Usually, certain students will just skip class and sat here all day for fast free wi-fi.

                It rained. Jungkook still sat silently. Jin had been asking him where Jimin was for the fourth time. He suddenly felt sorry. He should’ve just stayed silent when he was being asked to. But he couldn’t blame his ego.

                A wet body came in the café, walking leisurely. Jungkook realized someone walking in when he thought it was customer, he was about to bow and say welcome, but it turned out to be Jimin.

                “Why are you coming so late?” Jungkook checked the clock once again, “You’re an hour late. Seriously?”

                Jimin hadn’t replied, “You’re so wet, gosh. You might get sick, dude.” Jungkook continued, ignoring Jimin’s eyes glaring to him.

                “Go change, I brought spare cloth. Just use mine.” Jimin just continued walking. When Jimin hadn’t talked a word, it meant that he was angry. And Jungkook understood about that. Jimin was always childish.

                5 minutes and Jimin came out of the employee’s room with an apron. He was scheduled to cook food today. Unfortunately, there wasn’t so much customer who came and they didn’t order any food except French fries or pancakes which were so easy to make and not helping him to ignore Jungkook. Jungkook asked many questions and it irritated Jimin so much. After the confession, Jungkook started to talk a lot, he wasn’t that cold and cool Jungkook anymore. He laughed now. Jimin knew that it was just Jungkook’s initiative to warm the atmosphere but it looked like it didn’t work so successful until Jungkook cracked a joke. Classic, but Jimin liked that.

                “Look! Look! You smiled!” Jimin got his grip again and glare to Jungkook. It wasn’t so easy to ignore Jungkook if he already cracked a joke, any joke. He might be cold outside, but once he got to know someone, he is warm as f that a glacier might melt in a second.

                Jimin smiled silently when Jungkook excused himself to use the bathroom. He knew that Jungkook didn’t mean to upset him. He knew that he was the one Jungkook adored the most because Jungkook said that Jimin was the only one who supported him so much. Jimin felt sorry all of sudden. He was just feeling guilty last night. He didn’t want to disappoint Jungkook. They’ve been bestfriend for four years and last night accident won’t separate them, he thought. He was thinking of the way to befriend with Jungkook again in a cool way instead of saying sorry because he was just too embarrassed to do that.

                Jungkook showed up after a few minutes as well as an order. A pancake. Jungkook sat nicely beside the stove, looking at the pancake. In a few minutes, the pancake was ready, needing only the topping and chocolate sauce.

                “Pass me the choco sauce,” Jimin said. Jungkook blinked his eyes and smiled, Jimin finally talked to him, he thought.

                Jungkook passed Jimin the chocolate sauce, letting the older spreading the sauce all over the plate to make it looked even more delicious.

                The pancake was already served and Jimin got nothing to do which was kinda awkward.

                “You aren’t mad anymore?” Jungkook stared into Jimin’s eyes.

                Jimin didn’t respond until suddenly he nodded. He just couldn’t resist Jungkook with his eyes widening like a cute bunny.

                “Don’t look at me that way.” Jimin said, wiping the stove with a napkin to make himself look busy.

                Jungkook smirked, “I know you, Jim.” He laughed, “You can’t resist if I have done the aegyo thingy, can ya?” Jungkook tickled Jimin which was making Jimin hit Jungkook’s head out of sudden.

                “Ouch.” Jungkook whined for a while then he laughed again.

                “I’m sorry about last night,” Jungkook said. Jimin only nodded,

                “Where did you sleep?” Jimin asked, Jungkook smiled after realizing that his hyung is still worrying about him,

                “At Taehyung’s. He insisted me to sleep there.” Jungkook said.

                Jimin only ‘Oh’ him. Silence again after that.

                “Can I come to your house again?” Jimin looked away, sighing.

                “Will you stop asking question then?” Jungkook nodded enthusiastically, “Okay, then.” Jimin smiled.


                “Where did I put the key…” Jimin put his hand in his pocket, grabbing the key and unlocking the door. As soon as the door opened, the smell danced in Jungkook’s nose again.

                “Don’t be offended but this room must be cleaned.”

                “Right now?”

                Jungkook nodded.

                “Seriously? It’s late already.” Jimin said.

                “I can’t sleep with the smell of cigarette, I might die.” Jungkook said, chuckling.

                “Okay then.”

                Jungkook went to Jimin’s neighbor’s house when he heard them still watching TV, “Excuse me, ma’am. Can I borrow your vacuum cleaner?” Jungkook knocked then shouted a bit.

                A huge man opened the door, “Who are you?”

                “Jimin’s friend, Sir. Your neighbor’s friend.” Jimin popped out his head, looking at the huge man.

                “Oh, that smoking kid. Are you going to clean his smelly house?” The huge man sneered, indirectly mocking Jimin.

                “Yes, Sir. Sorry for the inconvenient time.” Jungkook said, bowing.

                “Honey, bring him our vacuum cleaner!” The huge man shouted from the door, receiving a ‘yes’ from his wife, he looked at Jungkook again.

                “Are you his boyfriend or what?” Jungkook smiled, “No, Sir, I’ve told you I’m his friend.” Jungkook said, politely.

                “This is the vacuum cleaner.” The huge man’s wife handed Jungkook the vacuum cleaner.

                “Thank you for cleaning his house. I really want to clean his house but he made me so angry by giving us the smoke. I am too mad to clean his house,” the wife said, sighing.

                “We’re sorry, ma’am.” The wife nodded, “Go ahead.” She said, making Jungkook moved his body into Jimin’s house.

                “Wow, Jimin, you are embarrassing me so much. Say, who is older once again?” Jungkook shook his head in disbelief, snorting the air so hard.

                “Sorry.” Jimin rubbed his nape.

                They started to clean the house, it was not as big as his neighbor’s house but it had so many unpacked things that made the house harder to clean. Jimin only laughed when he found out Jungkook having hard time wiping the floor because Jimin promised to make the food to thank Jungkook and Jungkook said that was fair enough.

                Jungkook hung the air-fresher, it sprayed pleasant smell once per fifteen minutes. He jumped down the table after hanging it on the wall. He must’ve accidentally kicked something on the table when he jumped down. A paper bag. He checked inside it. His eyes widened instantly. He looked around not finding Jimin anywhere. He hid the plastic bag in his t-shirt, then went to the kitchen.

                “You’ve done cleaning it?” Jungkook nodded, “Sorry, the sandwiches will be ready in a few minutes.” He said.

                “I need to go bring my clothes first. I’m sweaty and my spare cloth is being used by you, so- uh- I gotta go home for a while. I’ll be back in minutes, bye!” He said, leaving Jimin.

                Jungkook ran from the house as fast as possible, finding any PC café near the house. Gotcha. Just a few meters from Jimin’s house. He sat down in one chair, started to find in the internet what was inside the paper bag. He kept scrolling down, until he found what it was.

                Jungkook’s lips made a big gap. His body suddenly felt weak. His breath felt unstable.

                “This- this can’t be…”

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330nai #1
Chapter 15: I will wait. n good luck for your study..
totallynotMyaSoriano #2
Chapter 15: good luck!! Just make sure you update from time to time.
Chapter 15: Okay I'm gonna wait, good luck with the essay... i feel you >< hate it too
Can't wait for you to continue writing~
seohyunnie_snsd #4
Chapter 14: Update pleaseee
redhairbaby #5
Chapter 14: I hope u will continue this story :")
RedRoses96 #6
Chapter 14: Pleaseee update soon authornimm... i'm so freaking in love with this fic. It's so beautiful. I do really hope that you're still working on this fic. Please don't abandon us, it's been a while since your last update. T^T I'm sorry its feel like nagging but i just can't help myself...
Still waiting and wishing u the best for this fic. ^^ Fighting authornim and dont give up!!! >< luv ya <3
Sorry for my eng though~
jazzy3120 #7
NurinFar_ #8
Chapter 14: it has ended ? like- really ?
blueffect #9
Chapter 14: will u write again ? I want to read more i loved this fic but u dont write it...its make me sad :(((
blueffect #10
Chapter 14: It is been very while since your last uptade why aren't u writing ?