Spill the Coffee


              Jungkook searched up for more information. His eyes was still glued on the monitor even if the PC café’s owner calling his name to ask how long he will be there because there were more students who wanted to use it too.

              Jungkook gave up finally. In every websites he looked up to, it was always true. That those were painkillers and some other medicines to treat lung cancer in the paper bag. It was just quite surprising. He was sure that those things weren’t for Jimin, but some parts of him claimed that those were Jimin’s. He chuckled in despair. He never noticed Jimin brought those medicines to the café even if they worked there for fifteen-hours or even more –or maybe Jimin didn’t bring it.

              Jungkook kept walking until he reached Jimin’s door. He sighed, hiding the paper bag again inside his cloth. He opened the door, noticing Jimin putting down some foods on the small table on his small house.

              “Hey,” Jimin smiled, “You don’t change?” Jimin tilted his head, knowing that Jungkook’s cloth didn’t seem like a different one.

              “I changed. It’s the same kind of t-shirt I used.” He smiled, Jimin nodded.

              “Here. Sandwiches. I don’t have heavy food for dinner so…” he rubbed his neck.

              “Cool. I love sandwiches.” Jungkook sat down, eating the sandwiches hungrily like he hadn’t eaten for weeks. Jimin stared at Jungkook in surprise. Does he really hungry? Jimin thought. Fortunately, Jimin wasn’t that hungry and he made many sandwiches for Jungkook’s hard work. Jimin stood up, going to the kitchen to see if he got more ingredients to make sandwiches some more for Jungkook.

              Tears slipped down from Jungkook’s face while he kept eating like a bunny monster. He had never cried before for years in his life. Didn’t care if he was about to choke and die for eating too much and too fast, he just kept eating with tears like there won’t be any tomorrow. He shoved every food, every food in his sight to prevent himself sobbing loudly. He didn’t want Jimin to hear it. It was just too miserable. He wiped his tears when he heard the sound of the steps got louder and louder.

              “Dude, you need to calm your down.” He said, putting another plate of sandwiches. Jungkook almost threw up.

              “It- it’s just too delicious. I need to recommend your sandwich to Jin.” Jungkook said, swallowing the food carefully.

              “Tch. Don’t. You’ll get jealous if I get more salary then yours.” He laughed.

              Jungkook could feel that he had no more space for the food in his stomach, but Jimin brought more. He knew Jimin was pretty proud of himself when Jungkook at his the sandwiches that much.

              “I made more, yeah, in case you want more.” Jungkook smiled, feeling sorry.

              “I’ll just put the plate in the bedroom, I get hungry in the middle of the night.”

              Jimin only nodded. Jimin brought a small TV from his bedroom.

              “Wow, now you can afford to buy TV?”

              “It’s a gift from someone.” Jimin smiled.


              “I thought you promise not to ask me anything when we got here?” Jimin said, turning the TV on. Jungkook only kept silent.

              It was only silence from the two of them, only the sound of TV that showed action film. Jungkook’s mind went somewhere. Thinking about those medicines and Jimin. Is Jimin sick? He thought. He secretly glanced at Jimin who had his eyes glued to the TV, watching in awe. It was true that both of them were poor. And it’s kinda shocking Jungkook that Jimin could afford to buy those medicines too. Aren’t those expensive? Jungkook thought again. Who afford the TV and medicines? Does he need treatment too –if he was really sick?

              Jimin noticed that Jungkook was staring at him, “What?” Jungkook gasped. He was caught, obviously.

              “Nothing.” Jungkook replied.

Silence –again.

              “Jungkook,” Jimin started, his eyes were still glued to the TV.

              “Hm?” Jungkook replied.

              “Do you remember when we played ‘Guess the Bra’?” Jimin chuckled, but not Jungkook, Jimin sounded so forcing himself in front of Jungkook.

              “Hm.” Jungkook replied again.

              “I won, right?”

              “Hm.” Jungkook nodded.

              “I still have one wish, right?” Jungkook smiled and nodded, “Is the wish still valid?” Jungkook nodded. Yes. It will always be valid, Jim.

              “Can you please stop meeting Taehyung for 3 months only?” Jungkook turned his head to Jimin who had the blank stare to the TV.


              “Uh- you know- wait, you don’t. So, uh- don’t freak out. Listen to me, okay. I’m not going to repeat,” He said, taking a deep breath. Jungkook’s hand shook. He knew what Jimin wanted to say. It was about that.

              No. Don’t tell me anything. Jungkook shouted in his mind.

              “I- uh…” Jimin rubbed his nape, “God, I need to tell him.” Jimin mumbled to himself, finding it so hard to say a word.

              No. Shut up, stupid. Jungkook cried in his mind.

              “It has been 1 month now. And uh-“ Jungkook shut his eyes close, wishing that he will die right in his place.

              “Shut up, will ya?” Jungkook whispered.

              “Huh? What?” Jimin said, not hearing clearly what Jungkook just said.

              “I’m tired, let’s just sleep, okay?” Jungkook smiled weakly. Jimin nodded, confused. Maybe next time, Jimin thought. Jungkook walked first to the bedroom, putting the paper bag back to its place, hidden. He laid on the floor. Trying to sleep. He just wanted to pass the day. It was so tiring, so tiring that it even hurt his body, mind and his heart.



uh hi. so u have read that the lung cancer thing in this story exist. im sorry if i have mistakes here, im not sure too if cancer can be treated by medicines. i've searched through the internet and i found some. the medicines doesnt directly cure the disease but it helps. am i right? it will be so embarrassing if its not-_- duh sorry guys.

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330nai #1
Chapter 15: I will wait. n good luck for your study..
totallynotMyaSoriano #2
Chapter 15: good luck!! Just make sure you update from time to time.
Chapter 15: Okay I'm gonna wait, good luck with the essay... i feel you >< hate it too
Can't wait for you to continue writing~
seohyunnie_snsd #4
Chapter 14: Update pleaseee
redhairbaby #5
Chapter 14: I hope u will continue this story :")
RedRoses96 #6
Chapter 14: Pleaseee update soon authornimm... i'm so freaking in love with this fic. It's so beautiful. I do really hope that you're still working on this fic. Please don't abandon us, it's been a while since your last update. T^T I'm sorry its feel like nagging but i just can't help myself...
Still waiting and wishing u the best for this fic. ^^ Fighting authornim and dont give up!!! >< luv ya <3
Sorry for my eng though~
jazzy3120 #7
NurinFar_ #8
Chapter 14: it has ended ? like- really ?
blueffect #9
Chapter 14: will u write again ? I want to read more i loved this fic but u dont write it...its make me sad :(((
blueffect #10
Chapter 14: It is been very while since your last uptade why aren't u writing ?