Spill the Coffee


Jimin’s POV

              “Oi. Wake up!” I kicked Jungkook’s . He is startled, groaning. I laughed, putting on my t-shirt to get ready for work.

              “Why don’t you just wake me up like a normal person?” He still groans with eyes closed.


              “Like, Jungkook-ah, it’s morning already, please wake up. Some kind of thing.”

              “Ew. I’m not your wife.” I chuckled.

              He gets up, walking like a walking-dead to the bathroom, “I’m borrowing your t-shirt, okay?” I nodded.

              In 10 minutes, he walks out of the bathroom with towel surrounding below his stomach. Shirtless. Now damn, what a boyfriend material. I sighed.

              “Where’s your cupboard?” He dries his wet hair.

              “What’s with my cupboard?” I asked.

              “I said I’m borrowing your cloth a while ago, didn’t I?” He replied.

              “I don’t use cupboard. Those are my clothes.” I replied, pointing a pile of messy clothes. He sighed.

              “Wow, I thought those were dirty clothes.” He said again, “I should visit you often, I think?” he giggled.

              I chuckled, “That’s how men live.”

              “Nah, I don’t live like this,” he said, putting on the t-shirt.

              “You’re a kid, not a man.” I put on my snapback, throwing one to him. He catches it, putting it on too.

              “Let’s go.” He said.

              We both get out of my house. After I’m sure that the door is already locked, I step down the stairs, meeting the street. We walk side-by-side. I’m reminded about last night. I don’t have the chance to talk to him about it. It feels so hard to tell him. Neither he nor I who talk, I look down, he looks somewhere, he looks so drowned in his own thoughts. The urge to tell him about that is always here but I don’t have the courage too. Tch.

              I’m reminded about that time in the café’s storage. This disease hurt me. It hurts so much that I thought that it’s better for me to die in peace, I cried, silently. I smoked that time. I didn’t care no more. I just wanted the day would end faster than usual, wanted that day would be the last day. I sighed. That day too, he came and held me. The pain reduces. It was the best miracle that the pain gone. He hugged me after that, I even forgot that I have a disease, it felt so great. I wanted more, but I can’t. I can’t. I lied to him after that, that I cried because I missed Pororo –which I really did because I woke up late with that unpleasant pain. He got angry, which was cute and scary in the same time.

              He became a jerk after that. Shouting loudly about me burning the storage and all. He . I got called by Jin, I’ve expected what will happen already. I went in, sit on the chair, nervous.

              “I’ve known about the cancer.” Jin said, I was so surprised, does Jungkook know about this too? I thought. He put a paper bag on his table.


              “Those are medicines for you, the head of your orphanage gave me this, this morning. And- uh, they said if you want to come back to the orphanage, you can come anytime. They sent you a television too, they said.” He smiled, “I’m glad you have people who care you so much.” He then stood up, facing the window behind him, “Don’t you think it’s better for you to be taken care of the orphanage with your condition like this?”

              “No, Jin. I’ve been their burden until now even if I said that they can stop doing it since I’m a grown man now.” I sighed, “Does- does Jungkook know about this?” I continued. Jin turned his head to me.

              “I thought he has known about this?” I shook my head. Jin sat in front of me suddenly, staring at me closely. “What?” he asked, confused.

              “You can’t tell him about my disease.” I replied.

              “He should be the first to know about this, I think?” I shook my head again, “He has been your friend for a long time but why don’t you tell him about this?”

              I snorted, “I can’t make that kid disappointed.” I smiled.

              “When I know the right time, I’ll tell him right away.” Jin nodded in means of understanding me.

              I get my grip again when Jungkook shook his hand in front of my face.

              “What are you thinking about?” he asked.

              “No, nothing.”

Silence again after that. Jungkook opens his mouth, means he wants to talk.

              “Can I ask something?” he asked. I only nod.

              “Why are you smoking?” Boom. This question should be the one I avoid the most. I stay silent, don’t know how to start. I need to confess, right?

              “Because people do so.” WHAT THE HELL I WAS SAYING.

              He snorts, “Well, okay. But, why so much?” he asks again.

              “Because people do so too.” Why can’t my mouth say the truth?! What’s wrong with me?!

              He doesn’t respond. He looks like he is thinking.

              “What the hell are you trying to hide from me?” he asked again, out of sudden. My head turns to his face. He now looks so depressed and all. I’m trying to guess what he is thinking about, but none. I found none.

              “Why are you hiding things from me?” He asked again, his eyes become teary, which I got surprised at.


              “What did I do wrong, seriously?!” he shouted. Stopping his step, which I do too. I only stare at him. His eyes become so scary. It looks like they are going to eat me. I can find his face depressed. He is thinking so much, and he has reached his limit. I guess.

              He grabs my shoulders with both his hands, staring at me while he tries to hold back his tears. He is crying.

              “Tell me, Jim.” I stay silent, my heart beats so fast. This isn’t Jungkook. His grabbing hurts my shoulders, I want to push him away but he is way too strong and tall. I hate being shorter than someone younger than me.

              Receiving no answer from me, he weakens his grabbing after finally releases me. He only sighs.

              “Jungkook!” A voice is heard. Jungkook and me turn our head, searching the source of the sound. Right in front of us, running. Taehyung.

              “Hey, why are you guys here? Doesn’t it supposed to be the café’s open ti- holy, why are you crying?” Taehyung’s hand lifts up Jungkook’s face, wanting to see Jungkook clearly.

              Jungkook pushes Taehyung’s hand and start walking, leaving Taehyung in confusion. Taehyung glances at me, “What happened?” I shook my head, “I don’t know.”


              The rest of the day was just like that. He ignored me, I ignored him. It wasn’t ‘ignoring’, I bet. He wanted to talk to me, but he didn’t know how to start, I think. Well, at least I was feeling that way. My body hurt too. I forgot to bring that paper bag. I coughed many times, more than usual. I forgot to bring my cigarettes because of Jungkook staying. Duh, what is happening today? Taehyung haven’t moved an inch staring at Jungkook all day. He only stood up for bathroom, that’s all. Wow, Jungkook has made that Taehyung fell in love, huh?

              Jungkook has finished cleaning the table. The only thing left is locking the door and going home safely.

              “Kookie, are you okay?” Wtf, man. Kookie? Tch.

              “Yes, I’m okay. Can you stop asking? I’m sick of it.” Jungkook said, locking the kitchen.

              “But you don’t look like you’re okay!” Taehyung raised his voice, making me startled. I walked out, understanding the atmosphere. I peeked from behind the letter box in front of the café. They kept arguing, unfortunately I couldn’t listen to them, I was way too far.

              I widened my eyes when I saw Jungkook slapping Taehyung’s face. The next second, Taehyung’s lips already landed on Jungkook’s. 

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330nai #1
Chapter 15: I will wait. n good luck for your study..
totallynotMyaSoriano #2
Chapter 15: good luck!! Just make sure you update from time to time.
Chapter 15: Okay I'm gonna wait, good luck with the essay... i feel you >< hate it too
Can't wait for you to continue writing~
seohyunnie_snsd #4
Chapter 14: Update pleaseee
redhairbaby #5
Chapter 14: I hope u will continue this story :")
RedRoses96 #6
Chapter 14: Pleaseee update soon authornimm... i'm so freaking in love with this fic. It's so beautiful. I do really hope that you're still working on this fic. Please don't abandon us, it's been a while since your last update. T^T I'm sorry its feel like nagging but i just can't help myself...
Still waiting and wishing u the best for this fic. ^^ Fighting authornim and dont give up!!! >< luv ya <3
Sorry for my eng though~
jazzy3120 #7
NurinFar_ #8
Chapter 14: it has ended ? like- really ?
blueffect #9
Chapter 14: will u write again ? I want to read more i loved this fic but u dont write it...its make me sad :(((
blueffect #10
Chapter 14: It is been very while since your last uptade why aren't u writing ?