Cute Kiss Meme

The Dragon Couple

Before We Begin: The inspiration for this is taken frm the 'Cute Kiss Meme' ion DeviantArt. I credit its creator, because I'm certainly not creative enough to come up with a meme.

Kiss on the forehead:

The evening couldn’t have been any more of a disaster if it had been planned that way. In between wearing food instead of eating it, having a nearby couple loudly express their distaste for the restaurant, and even being snubbed by one of the waiters it was a night that both Kris and Tora wanted to forget and quickly. Neither spoke a word on the ride home, nor while they were changing into comfortable sleepwear. Tora stole the shower first, wanting to remove the smell of spiced pumpkin soup from her slightly reddened skin.

“I was really proud of you tonight.” Kris called when he heard the water turn off.

“Oh yeah? What did I do?” was his answer.

“It was more what you didn’t do.” Damn it sock, come off already!

“O…kay, what didn’t I do?” Tora emerged a few minutes later winding her long, damp hair into a plait over her shoulder and wearing an oversized shirt and a pair of loose shorts. She walked around to her side of the bed and slowly sat down, feeling Kris slink up beside her and rest his chin on her shoulder. He inhaled deeply, smelling her cherry blossom body lotion override anything else he was smelling.

“You didn’t lose it.” he murmured.

“The temptation was there, trust me.” She rolled her eyes, though she’d be lying if she said she didn’t feel proud of restraining herself from yelling until she was blue in the face. Turning her head, she gave Kris a small smile and flicked her plait over her shoulder, the damp ends accidentally brushing the exposed skin of her boyfriend’s arm. Before she could go too far on him, Kris quickly kissed her forehead then moved back and laid down on his side of the bed.

Tora gaped, then crouched. “Uh-uh, you don’t do that then expect to get away with it.” She pounced on her boyfriend and pushed down on his shoulders so he was lying on his back, but in her haste she’d forgotten to restrain his hands.

Which she found out too late when she felt his fingers tickle her sides – her greatest weakness.

Eek!” In an instant, their night had become much better.

= = =

Kiss on the nose:


Tora closed the book she had been reading and placed it down in front of her, looking over her shoulder for the source of the sound. “Are you alright, Kris?” she called to the hallway the sound had vibrated through.

“Mother of a…” Kris emerged seconds after the call, both of his hands blocking his nose from view, “I was attacked!”

A pierced eyebrow was raised in scepticism. “You were attacked…” Tora hinted at him to continue.

“I was! The doorframe to the bathroom decided to pounce on me!” One of Kris’ hands was removed from his face so he could gesticulate wildly about his encounter with the bathroom doorframe. Tora let him rant for a few moments before standing up and walking to him, coaxing his other hand away from his face so she could see the extent of the damage the stationary object had caused her boyfriend.

“Well, there’s no blood…” She lifted her hands to his cheeks to hold him steady as she conducted her ‘investigation’, “I think you’re going to be alright. Let me apply some medicine.” She slowly rose onto her toes and pressed her lips to the reddening tip of Kris’ nose, smiling at him when she lowered herself back down again. Kris hooked his arms around Tora’s waist as she began to move away from him.

“I think I’m going to need some of that medicine every day.” he said lowly, slowly rocking them both from side to side.

Tora giggled. “I’m sure that can be arranged.”

= = =

Kiss on the ear:

“Tora, are you-”

“Shut up, I missed having two holes in each of my ears.” Kris raised a brow as she slowly ambled past him, her fists curling as she resisted the urge to reach up and play with the new silver studs sitting just above her first lobe piercings. He knew the story behind the new jewellery – she’d taken out her earrings when she was living with her mother in Italy and had never replaced them. Her first holes were redone six months ago, before they began dating now that he thought about it.

 “Oh God, the itch!” Tora lifted her clenched hands to her face, pressing them tightly against her cheeks as she huffed out breath after breath of frustration. She’d completely forgotten what it was like just after getting a new piercing, though she really shouldn’t have; the last time she got her eyebrow redone that hurt for a week afterward. Mostly because she was a sleeper of many positions.

“Come here.” Kris held out a hand, which Tora took. The taller male pulled her to his body, making sure she was comfortably pressed against him before twitching his head up and pressing his lips to her ear nearest the new jewellery. Tora stopped moving for a few seconds, relishing in the itch-free feelings she felt just after he’d kissed her.

“Could you do my other one?” she asked, turning her face to his and pointing to her other ear. Kris chuckled, but complied with the request.

= = =

Kiss on the lips:

There was no early morning alarm to wake them up, just the feel of the other’s presence and the warmth under the duvet. Tora was the first to open her eyes, which was the usual routine. She shifted her head a few times to shake the sleep from her consciousness then looked over at her still-asleep lover, one of his arms draped loosely over her waist. His other arm was in between the two of them, hands interlinked just as they had been when they’d fallen asleep talking about sushi, of all things. He kind of reminded her of a slumbering prince awaiting the kiss of a beautiful maiden to break the spell of the evil witch.

Well, she was no maiden, but would she do?

Slowly leaning forward, Tora brushed her lips delicately over Kris’, leaning back after only a second to gauge his possible reaction. What she didn’t expect was him to chase after her and insist on a longer kiss, one she was more than willing to give him. The arm around her waist tightened and pulled her along the bed towards him until she was nestled neatly against him. Their once intertwined hands found purchase on the other’s face, cupping a cheek and allowing a thumb to softly graze the skin underneath the eye.

Eventually their lungs played the drums on their rib cages, and they slowly parted. “Good morning.” Tora whispered. Kris let his fingers dance over the clothed back of his lover, tracing illegible patterns that seemed to make sense to him.

“Mm, indeed.” he whispered back, his voice rough from being aroused out of sleep, “A very good morning.” And in the feel of the other’s presence and the warmth under the duvet, they leaned in again.

Author's Note: There, some teeth-rotting fluff for you all because I'm still angsting over this damn wedding I'm supposed to be writing.

-GuardianOfTheDawn :3

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Chapter 12: How do i follow this? Was the first chapter the actual beginning of the story and the others are side chapters? Or is this all the story, it just skipped ahead? I like it by the way!, i just dont know how to read it. :)
penguinwriter #2
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Chapter 14: update agaaaain! aweyyysome oh my g
This is a good story