
The Dragon Couple

Before We Begin: In this AU, EXO debuted as a ten member group originally, Yifan and Luhan are HUGE in China (we're talking Russia-huge), Super Junior are happy as a fifteen member group with their subgroups, and f(x) is awesome. Much like they are now.

You scour the official SM Entertainment website with eagle eyes every day, desperately waiting for some news ever since it was announced that a new group was going to be debuted. You write down everything you know about the new group in a book you decorate with images of various idols that you like. So far all you know about this new group is that there will be four members and their group name is 'Compass'. The teaser image released by SM Entertainment depicts a compass-type circle divided into four, with four silhouetted bust shots at each of the four points - North, South, East and West. You puzzle over the image with your friends, who each have their own ideas and theories about the group and its members. Their questions don't help much, and you are left to watch and wait for each reveal.


The first member to be revealed is the leader of 'Compass' - Super Junior's Henry. You shriek and flail at the cuteness of his teaser images, which show him wearing a variety of sports uniforms, his snapbacks and a cheeky grin on his face. His bust shot appears on the 'North' point of the group compass image. You print off all the released images from the website and glue them into your book for "tracking purposes" (you're just genuinely excited about the new group, honest!) and you show them to your friends. They shriek and flail at Henry's cuteness, too. You hug your book to your chest a little and wait impatiently for the next member.


F(x)'s Amber is the next member to be revealed, her bust shot appearing in the 'South' point of the compass image. You squeal with glee at Amber's trademark tomboyish look and her bubbly personality, an assortment of food spread out on a table in front of her. Her images go into the book as well, on a new page just after Henry's. When you show the images to your friends, they all agree that the photos are so good that they're making everybody hungry just looking at them. Amber wears a wide smile as she samples the food in each image. You are super excited for the current members, and you cannot wait for the other two to be revealed.


The 'East' point of the compass is revealed to be the Chinese entertainer Wu Yifan, or 'Kris' as he had stated he can be called in his new contract. You can't help but gape openly at him in his teaser images, standing behind a mixing table or sitting in a recording studio wearing what can only be described as casual chic - layers and denim and high tops on his feet. He looks ready for both business and pleasure, comments one of your friends when you show him off to them. The others  just agree quietly, still swooning over the smouldering glances Kris is directing at the camera. You blush at the implications of your friend's words and silently pray that the final member of 'Compass' is female.


It's another new signatory to SM Entertainment that appears in the 'West' point of the compass: Tora, an actress best known for playing the lead role in the Japanese drama 'Guardian Of The Dawn'. You nearly scream the house down when she is revealed, having watched every episode of every series three times each. Your friends agree with you when you say that Tora is gorgeous, as she models many fashionable outfits in her teaser photos, wide with a smile as if she is laughing at something. You study the finished group photo of all the 'Compass' members and wonder what they sound like as a cohesive unit. You hope that the audio teaser is released really soon.


The debut track is called 'Point To You', with each member apparently showing off their unique characteristics to try and win over their intended dates. This is what the teaser video hints at, while the audio suggests it is an upbeat song that will become catchy really quickly. Henry flaunts his cute charms. Amber dazzles with her bubble personality. Kris turns on his suave demeanour. Tora shows off her funny traits. You smile and hit 'replay' on the video, watching the group again as they attempt to convince the people on the other side of the camera that they want to point to them. To be fair, you think as the video comes to an end, I don't need much convincing.






"Hello! We are Compass!"

Author's Note: The origin of my name is no coincidence now, is it?

-GuardianOfTheDawn :3

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Chapter 12: How do i follow this? Was the first chapter the actual beginning of the story and the others are side chapters? Or is this all the story, it just skipped ahead? I like it by the way!, i just dont know how to read it. :)
penguinwriter #2
Hey, we're a new graphic shop!
Want to request a graphic or maybe be the staff for our shop ??? Please go to our new shop!
Chapter 14: update agaaaain! aweyyysome oh my g
This is a good story