A Quick Trial

The Dragon Couple

Before We Begin: Somewhat of a medieval theme, this time.

“Bring the prisoner forward!”

The bored eyes of Lord Wu watched his guards dragging in a female prisoner, covered head to foot in the filth of his prisons and identity disguised by the cotton bag over her head. She was thrown carelessly to the floor, limbs flailing until they lay prone beside her body. He could see that his guards hadn’t treated her the best – spots of blood were laced with the grime, and there were bruises and gashes, cuts and scrapes over what bare skin was visible. The guard on her left reached forward and tugged the bag off, long orange and black hair tumbling from its confines to rest in dirty tendrils down her back and front.

“Tora Altona,” boomed the advisor from Lord Wu’s right, “you have been brought here on the charge of witchcraft. How do you answer?” Tora looked up for the first time since she’d been brought forward, a cheeky twinkle in her eye that went amiss by everyone except Lord Wu. He was finally going to get some entertainment today; that would be a first.

“That’s a rather vague question. How do I answer what?” she replied, the wide grin on her face marred only by her black eye and the blood gathered at the left corner of . The advisor ticked his head, and the guard on her right lifted his spear to beat her shoulder with its blunt end.

“Luhan, Miss Altona does need to be conscious to answer your questions. Please refrain from using violence against her.” Lord Wu’s voice severed the tension in the air, and the advisor cleared his throat.

“On the night of the twenty-ninth, it is alleged that you cursed a man you refused to marry in order to keep him from your person. You snuck into his house and muttered a spell over his favourite tunic that caused him severe pain and discomfort every time he nears you. How do you respond to these allegations?” Tora at the blood on her lips as she processed the charges, Lord Wu’s eyes watching her every move. He noticed that she had not attempted to stand once; he wondered if it had anything to do with the swollen ankles she sported.

“Why would I resort to something illicit to restrain a man from nearing me when there are legal processes in place to protect women like myself?” she asked. Luhan faltered visibly, looking over to his lord for help.

“Desperate times do sometimes require desperate measures.” Lord Wu said simply, watching the twinkle in her eye gleam at the unspoken challenge he offered.

“Yet you have only recorded one incident of this occurring. Surely there would need to be a number of incidents before I end up swinging for murder?” Tora’s grin got wider as she sat up a little, reminding Lord Wu of a cobra following the sway of a flute. She at her bloody lip again, a tongue darting out to taste the air. Lord Wu leaned forward in his throne, sizing up the situation. If he were to commit the woman to death, then he would be seen as a great man ridding the world of one more witch. If he were to release her, she would surely return to his throne room possibly more bloodied than she was now.

“ Miss Altona gently to Master Zhang and ask him to treat her injuries. Luhan, clear this woman of all allegations and find the perjurer who sent her to us in the first place.” Luhan scrambled to write down his lord’s orders, Tora’s guards gingerly helping her out of the throne room. Lord Wu reclined in his seat and rubbed at his temples wearily.

“Do you need me to send for Master Zhang?” asked the advisor.

“No, no, I’m going to be alright,” The lord heaved a sigh, “Luhan, why do the pretty ones always end up being framed?” Luhan’s hand paused in his writing, wide eyes staring at his lord as if he were a being from another plane.

“Are you thinking of employing Miss Altona?” he asked. Lord Wu said nothing, standing from his throne and following the guards toward Master Zhang’s quarters.

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Chapter 12: How do i follow this? Was the first chapter the actual beginning of the story and the others are side chapters? Or is this all the story, it just skipped ahead? I like it by the way!, i just dont know how to read it. :)
penguinwriter #2
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Chapter 14: update agaaaain! aweyyysome oh my g
This is a good story