Chapter 5

What She Wants


What she Wants - Chapter 5

by ~Takasumi-Airi

chapter 5


Donghae was able to get off the train at the right station. It was morning so he decided to go to a petite café for breakfast. As he sat amongst the French eating a pain chocolate, he could feel himself relax. Super Junior wasn't as well known in France so he could easily walk around the streets or go eat at cafes without a disguise. The waitress brought his hot chocolate and set it beside his plate before going away. "Merci," said Donghae. He barely knew much French but he knew the basic words like oui and non. Plus, he had an electronic translator in his bag. He paid for his meal in euros [4,80 €] and  left the café. 

Time to hit the road. 


A blue mini cooper drove around the twisty turns of the road up the mountains. Then it slowed down and stopped near the edge of the cliff. A young man dressed in a black-white checkered shirt with a black vest over and a dark blue beret slanted on his head stepped out of the vehicle. He patted the legs of his tan pants and tapped at the ground with his black shoes. The view from above was amazing from high. If felt like one of those MVs when they climbed up a mountain except it was real this time, and cold. Donghae shivered but nevertheless, he rolled up his sleeves then cupped his hands to his mouth as he shouted out into the open. 


He swallowed and felt his ears pop. Ah, it was such a wonderful day. He smiled and felt the sunlight warm his face. It was good to take a long stretch. The wind blew his hair and he was content. Maybe he should go take a walk. 


Donghae drove into a small village up in the mountains. It was very festively decorated and everybody was either walking in the streets or chatting at restaurants. But mostly, there were a lot of people carrying ski gear and the slopes were only a few feet away from where he was. As he was driving through the village, he stared at all the busy activity in awe. He parked in front of a ski resort and went into the lobby. 

Here, we speak English, French, German and Dutch. 

He chuckled at the sight of the sign. It seemed almost to have been made just for him. The front desk was easy to find as the lobby was small. "Eh, hello,"he greeted the administration awkwardly. "hello, how may I help you?" She was smiling very politely at him. Donghae looked around nervously before replying, "Is there a, uh, party going on?" She looked quizzically at him; hastily, he amended his question. "There are decorations everywhere. Is it a holiday soon?" She seemed to have realized what he was asking for. "Ah yes, Carneval is this coming Tuesday." Apparently, there was some sort of event in three days. "Okay, thank you." She smiled again then went to go answer a call. 

Donghae went back to his car and took out his bag. Out of the bag, he extracted an old stack of photos then he flipped to one which showed a picture of the entrance of the exact ski resort he was standing in front of. Perfect, this was the place.


An hour later, he was sitting in his room, researching about Carneval. Turns out that it was very popular to dress up that day. A lot of people, usually children, would go in costume for that event. It was something like a national holiday where they held parties and the like. Before he could continue reading, he was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Coming," he put down his Netbook and ran to open the door. "Yes?" A young blond Caucasian woman stood at the doorway. "Excuse me, I would like to know if you are Donghae?" He nodded, shifting nervously. What did the woman want with him? "Yes, and you are?" 

She seemed embarrassed for not having introduced herself before, "Ah, My name is Christy and I'm a ski teacher here. I heard that you just arrived. I was wondering if you would like to go skiing anytime soon?"

Skiing? It seemed enticing.

 "Sure," he said, a small grin starting to form. Finally, she stopped twisting her braids and smiled. "Alright, say 10 am tomorrow morning? Is that good for you?" He nodded, slightly flustered to be allowed the courtesy to choose. "Uh huh, ya." They exchanged farewells and he closed the door slowly when she left.

Voila, he had found a program for tomorrow.

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candyriver1993 #1
Chapter 16: omg please continue this story..sang-nim has to gain her memory fully.she and donghae have to get together pleaaaseee ;___;
I really like your stories... they have believable plotlines and the moment between Donghae and Sang-Nim in chp 13 was really cute (^•^)