Chapter 14

What She Wants


What She Wants - Chapter 14

by ~Takasumi-Airi

Chapter 14


Sang-Nim was thinking too much. She was always thinking too much. After class had ended, Kyuhyun invited her to join him for a walk around the Gangnam station vicinity. The cool air of autumn sent chivers down her spine but there was another reason for her nervousness. Strolling at a casual pace beside her, Kyuhyun had not talked much. From the ride in the subway to their current position there was a chilly tension between the two.

Desperate thoughts started forming in her mind. Did he hate her? Was something wrong? Had Donghae called him last night? The silence between them only allowed Sang-Nim's anxiety to rise. She already had other worries; she was not doing well in school. Her mind wandered to the conversation she had with her teacher earlier. 

Sun sshi, after reviewing your performance report these past weeks, I have to say that I'm disappointed. You were offered the chance to do this schooling program because you received prestigious honor during your study in England. I know that you're a smart girl but lately, you seem to be very distracted. Please start focusing in preparation for your evaluations. If this continues on, you may not be able to secure a spot in the universities of your choice. 

A push brought her back into the present. People were everywhere; the streets of Gangnam were usually full of students meeting up after school. There were also a lot of couples.

Sang-Nim felt awkward, standing next to Kyuhyun who was in a cover up outfit (shades, scarf, and heavy coat). What was she doing here? She wanted to care about school, she really did. Yet she was so keen on keeping these relationships, those so important to her. In all the blur of the hustle bustle, Sang-Nim felt Kyuhyun pull her closer; more people were streaming in. Someone's purse flew out and struck Sang-Nim hard on the leg. "Aish," she mumbled, instantly reaching down to the pain. There was a small hole on the side of her left sock (she was wearing long socks lately). 

Embarrassed, she bit her lip and pulled her coat down to cover it. Too much was happening and she felt dizzy trying to catch up. And suddenly, she dropped on Kyuhyun, her knees giving way. People were dispersing, trying to give her room. Most of them were either surprised by her fall or excited after recognizing Kyuhyun. 
Or maybe both… 


The last thing she remembered was Kyuhyun with his shades off, shaking her and a look of fear in his eyes. 

"How is she doctor?" The low murmur of a nearby conversation woke her up. She could hear the sound of a humidifier whistling softly beside her. She was in fact lying in bed, in a hospital perhaps and in front of her, a familiar young brown-haired man and a doctor were conversing. "I think she's had too much stress lately. Do you know if she's been eating properly?" A pause allowed Kyuhyun to think before answering. "Yes, she should be eating just fine." There was a pause. "Try to avoid too much spicy and salty foods for now. She doesn't require any prescription medicine but a bottle of vitamins might do her some good. I'll send the list of items up later." Kyuhyun  thanked the doctor and closed the room door behind him. He noticed that Sang-Nim was awake. 


Their coats had been hung up on hooks and their bags were thrown together on a chair. He walked over and dragged the chair over to the bedside. "Hey, how you feeling?" Her eyes glistened and her face so pale; she looked like she was about to cry. She nodded her head, "Just fine." Kyuhyun sensed that she didn't really feel like talking so he fell silent. The room was bare of colors except the dull peach and graying white. If you looked up at the ceiling, you could see some faint water stains, brown against grey like dried coffee on an old napkin. "Where am I?" she spoke up, the silence in the room shattered by her sharp tone. "In a clinic. You fainted when we were walking in Gangnam, remember?" 

She didn't answer so Kyuhyun ruled that she didn't want to recall the previous events. She suddenly started crawling out of bed; in her haste, she hadn't realized that her shoes had been taken off. As her feet touched the cold linoleum floor, she shivered then decided to get back in bed. Her eyes scanned the room over and over, darting quickly pass Kyuhyun's face each time. Then she spoke again:

"Who are you?"
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candyriver1993 #1
Chapter 16: omg please continue this story..sang-nim has to gain her memory fully.she and donghae have to get together pleaaaseee ;___;
I really like your stories... they have believable plotlines and the moment between Donghae and Sang-Nim in chp 13 was really cute (^•^)