Chapter 15

What She Wants


What she Wants - Chapter 15

by ~Takasumi-Airi



Chapter 15


Kyuhyun ended up taking Sang-Nim back with him to his dorm. The idea of leaving a girl completely vulnerable without her memories was a horrible thought. Confused about what to do, he decided to take her to Leeteuk and hear what the leader had to say. Shindong opened the door to greet them, "Hey dongsaeng!" The girl looked curiously at the stranger. "This is Shindong, one of the Super Junior members," explained Kyuhyun." She nodded, accepting this information. "안녕하세요, Annyeong haseyo sunbae," she said, bowing her head. 

Shindong didn't know how to react but decided not to ask any questions yet. 

"Come in." 

They stepped into the warm building out of the night chill. Once inside, her eyes absorbed every angle of the dorm.

"Something smells good." 

They had entered the kitchen where Yesung and Leeteuk sat to the side, peeling onions. 

At first, the doctor couldn't explain her memory loss. 'I don't understand. She is in near to perfect health.' He ran some tests and diagnosed it as the results of stress. That's when they noticed the scratch on Sang-Nim's leg. It was still bleeding, the old blood drying in layers. As he bandaged it, the doctor suggested that Sang-Nim stay for the night so that they could run some more tests. Did Kyuhyun know if she had any legal guardians in Korea? Kyuhyun wasn't sure; Sang-Nim lived in a house by herself. 'I'll take her home and bring her back tomorrow…' he heard himself say… 

"Sang-Nim! How nice to come and visit!" The leader patted her on the head. Usually, Leeteuk kept to himself (even in Suju fanservice, it was mostly indirect) but he and Sang-Nim had been good friends. "Annyeong sunbae," she said, bowing.

Leeteuk's smile froze,


Kyuhyun took the leader by the arm and pulled him into the hallway. "Sang-Nim's sick," he said. "She lost her memory." The elder one frowned; a scowl threatened to appear. "Then what is she doing here? How much did she lose?" 

It could be a small piece of memory for a short amount of time. On the other hand, it can be a big chunk for a long period of time and vice versa. But from what I see, it's probably selective deletion of memory… 

"I don't know. She seems to remember her past and basic everyday life. But if you ask me…"


"She seems to have forgotten everything related to Super Junior." 

"Even him?"

Leeteuk was mentioning Donghae.



They make dinner together, Sang-Nim always smiling her sweet smile despite everything that was now strange and foreign to her. Kyuhyun would steal glances at her ever so often, worrying for her. "Stop over worrying, you're being too protective of her," said Leeteuk, patting him on the shoulder. The elder was balancing a basket full of tomatoes in his arms and several cooking utensils. He started humming the tune to "Cooking Cooking" then belted to full song.

Sang-Nim giggled at the sight which made Kyuhyun worry a little less. 

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candyriver1993 #1
Chapter 16: omg please continue this story..sang-nim has to gain her memory fully.she and donghae have to get together pleaaaseee ;___;
I really like your stories... they have believable plotlines and the moment between Donghae and Sang-Nim in chp 13 was really cute (^•^)