The Recovery

My Lovable Girl Part 2
The Recovery
The Recovery
"You have to make sure to eat well, Mi Soo ah. Even if it hurts, you still have to try to eat and to take your medication, don't be afraid because Omma is here to protect you..." Mrs Kim said as she fed Mi Soo a spoonful of porridge. Krystal smiled lightly as she heard Mrs Kim's comforting words and her eyes scanned the room for Myungsoo. She was a bit startled to find that he was not here but she hid her emotions well as she bowed respectfully to greet Mrs Kim. "I'm glad you're feeling better, Mi Soo ah, stay strong!" Mi Soo smiled widely at Krystal and expressed her thanks before whispering in Krystal's ear. "I think oppa is in the garden downstairs with sungyeol oppa." Krystal nodded gratefully at Mi Soo, who winked at her.

The breeze was cooling and refreshing, and for a few moments Myungsoo closed his eyes and basked in the warm sunlight. Sungyeol sat silently beside him, reading Myungsoo's body language. He could tell that even though the danger period for Mi Soo was over, the close shave with death had shaken Myungsoo more than he would admit. Sungyeol could understand the worry and love Myungsoo had for his sister, after all Sungyeol had a younger brother as well. Sungyeol sighed as he realised that as much as Mi Soo needed to recover, Myungsoo needed to recover emotionally as well. Out of boredom, Sungyeol looked at his surroundings when his face broke out into a wide smile. There was Myungsoo's recovery.

Looking as fresh as a newly bloomed flower, Krystal entered the garden looking for Myungsoo. She spotted Sungyeol looking at her with a relieved grin and Myungsoo sitting next to him, his eyes closed. Her eyes softened and a warm smile appeared on her face as she tiptoed quietly over to them. Sungyeol got her hint and kept quiet as she slowly approached them. Finally, she reached Myungsoo and hugged Myungsoo from the back suddenly. "Boo!" Myungsoo was so shocked that he leapt from his seat. He turned to look at the culprit, who was currently doubled over with laughter at the prank. He looked at Sungyeol who was laughing loudly next to him as well, and realised that he had been tricked. "Yah Lee Sungyeol!" he shouted half angrily. Sungyeol grinned playfully at him before running off. "I'll leave you two some alone time! I'll be going back to the dorm now!"

Myungsoo turned to Krystal endearingly. "When did you get here?" His tone had completely changed into an affectionate and gentle one, and Krystal giggled at the change. "Just, I went to see Mi Soo before coming here." Myungsoo pulled her into a hug and he her hair softly. "Thank you for coming." He said rather stiffly, but very sincerely. "Why are you being so formal all of a sudden..." "I just...I just missed you very much." He interrupted her. Krystal smiled, despite her feeling of wanting to cry. "I missed you too."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there with you last night...had I known that such a thing happened I would have stayed." Krystal said apologetically. "Aniya...I'm happy that you went home and rested last night. You make me a lot happier when you are happy and healthy yourself." Myungsoo blushed embarassedly as he said it. Krystal pinched his cheek cutely. "Aigoo our Myungsoo is so eloquent with words today!" They linked arms and walked back to the hospital room in this manner, with Myungsoo even showing off some aegyo which he rarely did. He was in good spirits by the time they returned to the room and Mi Soo and Mrs Kim noticed the difference immediately. The creases between his eyebrows had all but disappeared since the morning and he wore a bright smile on his face. Mrs Kim looked approvingly at Krystal. She was grateful that Myungsoo had fallen in love with a woman who would be a vitamin to him, to help him recover from any feelings of loss.

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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 20: OMG this is the best myungstal story I read so far!!!!!!!!!!!!
krystalshipper #2
Thank you for writing this amazing story :D
esther512 #3
I wish Soojung and Myungsoo can really date each other*sigh* Good job author-nim:)
ByunEvelyn95 #4
Chapter 20: OMG this is the greatest MyungStal fanfic I've ever read!!! It caused so much emotion for me, i ship them a lot! :"D Thanks for making this perfect story!! Pls keep going and make another perfect Myungstal fanfic. Much love! <3 <3 <3
chaeminjuliette #5
Chapter 20: aww its finished!
thank you authornim for writing such a good fanfic. ^^
im a shipper of Myungstal! hihi
Chapter 20: A happy myungstal indeed.. d=(´▽`)=b
Zartree #7
Chapter 20: Aww such a cute ending
Chapter 20: Hehe thanks for sweet and happy ending authornim...finally myungstal reunite again :D
I'll waiting ur next story, it's still krystal with myungsoo or other idol couple??
Chenda #9
Chapter 20: A very happy ending indeed...
KhunKrystal #10
Chapter 20: Happy ending finally!!! I really like this story. I love how you try to make up the storyline based on the reality. Krystal and Myungsoo were so loveable here, and they ended up together. Aweeeee :) Thanks for writing this story. My Myungstal feels <3333