The Wolves go howling and the dogs go barking

Boys?! I live with 12 of them

"I sure do miss baby Jiyeon, I hope she becomes a strong lady unlike me who is clum-" I looked towards my bedroom door to notice that someone was knocking aggressively "Come in!" The person who came in was wearing a deer headband and was gasping for his life "...Lu oppa?" Luhan had probably been pranked by Sehun (my partner in crime).

So I had to scold the maknae "SEHUN, SEHUN, YAH COME HERE" Sehun entered my room with his hands in his pockets a lollipop while luhan hid behind me "What did you do to your hyung?" Sehun took out his lollipop and pushed it into my mouth before saying "indirect kiss" I then noticed that Sehun was grabbing luhans wrist?

"Luhan hyung, you didn't go bubble tea shopping with me so I decided to punish you" luhan removed the lollipop from my mouth and gave it back to Sehun "Babo I was making sure I did my christmas shopping" Sehun grabbed his hyungs waist and guided his body towards the door "let's go together!" Sometimes I wonder who is the hyung and who is the dongsaeng...

I laid on top of my bed staring directly and intently at the roof "JIA BABY" I then heard Lay calling me from downstairs, I was too lazy so I didn't do anything after about 5 seconds my bedroom door slammed open again, "Did you hear me?" Lay tackled my slim body and tickled my neck "Agh, I did! stop! please!" He stopped and handed me a report card from School (I had my Mock exams) My face immediatly turned dark making Lay scoot back a little, "Did you open it yet?" I questioned "Why do you think its still inside?" Lay gave me a 'Mrs. Obvious' look then I grabbed the card out of the envelope and studied the results.

"I did pretty well~ Better than what Sehun got, I think?" Lay took the card off me and smiled "YES! the results are good enought for you to go to Seoul Arts Acedemy College" My jaw dropped- That School is one of the best Arts Schools in the entire planet, only the most talented and the highly acedemic young adults are accepted there! You know what bugs me the most? All the boys (except for Sehun because he's still in the last year) had gotten in without a slight problem so it would definetly be a burden on me if i didnt get accepted...

"Jia, do you know what this means?" I thought for awhile then responded "I'm clever and talented?" Lay nodded then finally gave me the real answer "You will be in the same college as all of us once you start! Also, Peter won't be there" I moved my eyes towards the window and sighed.

Peter's rank in the School is just below Sehun's (Peter is 3rd place), that means he would pass the acedemic test but the only way he can get in is to have a special talent (mine, of course, is dancing!) So i'm not so sure about the whole 'Peter's not going to be there' thing.I guess, its better not to tell the guys.

Lay told me all about the wonderful courses and the many friends i might meet there, but the only thing on my mind was the doorbell ringing one is getting it! I placed my finger on Lay's mouth and jogged downstairs only to be face to face with a dog on the front doorstep. I felt a shadow cast behind me and can immediatly who this was "Kris oppa? who's this?" I bent down and patted the dogs head, Kris spoke up with his hands in his skinny trousers looking down at me "Beats me, let's ask Kai; he'll probably knows what breed it is" Kris called Kai and the dancer immediatly ran over "Yeah what?...Oh hey baby" I waved and showed him the puppy that was snuggling in the box.

"That's a..zu" A shippoo? A litdoo? A -ZOO! "What a weird doggy" I shook my head and brought the poor puppy inside "He looks frightened, aww dont worry-" I realised that he didnt have a collar so the dog was probably a stray meaning he didnt have a name "What should we call him?" Kai placed his arm over my shoulders and looked at me "How about Snowflake?" Kai furrowed his eyebrows "Why snowflake?" I smirked and winked "because something tells me this was a Christmas present from someone who loves frost!" Kai looked confused as ever.

"Wait..what?" I laughed and shook my head before turning my attention to the doggy, the dog looked at me and barked "I will take care of you! And keep you away from these wolves" I whispered quietly making sure Kris (the main leader of the pack) didn't hear. I guess I spoke to soon as he placed his forefinger under my chin to turn my head so I faced him, "Oh I see you're the meat that we all want to eat?!" 

Chanyeol interupted "Got that bit right" he then seductively his lips while staring into my eyes, but kris handled him well and got a punishment.

To Be Continued...


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My new stroy is out! It's about KAISOO! Warning: contains swearing, and a whole lot of cuteness from Kyungsoo


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 26: So sweet cute,love all the exo boys...,♡
Sandara05 #2
Chapter 26: It was a beautiful fanfic.*bow* kamsamida authornim ;)
Chancey #3
Chapter 16: Are you from or in New Zealand?? Cause I saw Cross Country ang NZ is pretty much the only country that do it every year.. I think? Idk

Anyways, if you are then.. We're on the same country!
ainanilla #4
Chapter 26: Sequel.....please.
ainanilla #5
Chapter 19: I just wanna ask something........where is on earth tao?
CandyCandy1727 #6
Looks interesting and I really love harem so...let's read this!
BabyInspiritExotics #7
Chapter 26: Took me a day to finish this all the way..i'll be waiting for the sequel..wanna know about their life and their love life and who will be the lucky guy to have jia.. ^^..such a beautiful story..
Taelin #8
Chapter 26: aww yes yes pls , and i hope that the sequel wont be after years , it will be great if it begins when everything stopped here like when she graduates , hwaitiing
Chapter 26: A sequel?! I'm looking forward to that! Since this story was really cute and fluffy, I hope the sequel is similarly adorable! I can't wait!!!! Hwaiting for the sequel ∩__∩
Dustwolf13 #10
Chapter 26: Sequel?! There is a sequel?! Damn, you'll definatley see me there :P :D