The Twin One

Boys?! I live with 12 of them

I dreaded...for this day to actually come...and now in less than a couple of hours, I would eventually face the nightmare. Yes, going to school and facing Peter the damned ert!

My head literally feels like its gonna fall off from the stress / chanyeol's constant nagging about keeping away from peter! I was able to lift my feet up and place them on the ground, with the help of Suho I got to the bathroom "thanks you can stop following me now" I smiled faintly while trying to shoo Suho away with a flick of my hands.

My day started out fine; with everyone rushing to get the younger 'children' to school, Suho said a I was old enough to go on my own, but Chanyeol insisted that I went with Sehun on the bus (mind you school is a 6 minute walk). 

I got my bag and started to set off not caring about Sehun who was trying to catch up to me while still holding his piece of toast "Sehun, I'm going as slow as I can" yeah right! I started to sprint after I saw peter get off the bus station! No time to wait for 'my night in shining armour' just RUN JIA RUN!

I panted hard before hiding behind my best friend (this time it's a girl) "Minty! I missed you!" Minty is the nickname I gave her because she always smells like freshly picked mint! "Mong~ me too!" She calls me mong because I daydream too much and my expression turns into a 'mong~' one.

We both walked to our lockers "did you hear about the new guy?" New guy? I wonder who it is? "No, who is he?" Minty smirked and patted my shoulder "you'll know who he is when you see him!" She seems to know more than me...and that's not DAEBAK; I'm supposed to be the smart one!

i trudged to my class, but got pushed over by some guy who looked so familiar "Oh sorry!" I picked up my books and bowed exactly 90 degrees thinking it was a senior student, turns out I was wrong it was...

"FUDGE.....Oh that's fine...JIA? Lee Jia?"

I replied with a jolly face;


Yes me and Baek are called the twins because we are exactly alike; same brown hair  (exept he dye's it more than me, heck I never dye my hair!), same bubbly personality and equally loud and clumsy (althought I am loud in our house he is loud everywhere). We chatted all the way throughout school and I even asked minty if she would pass a note back to Baek!

"Guess what?"

"...Hmph" minty has been grumpy all day because I didn't give her my donut!What? it was a chocolate one, CHOCOLATE!

"Come on guess, please!" Pleading always works out in the end!

"..You're dating someone?"

"Wha-" just then baekhyun interupted but I covered his mouth before he could complain.

"NO! I found out Baek is the new guy!" 

"Took you long enough" Minty sighed and went back to her sleepy position.

"Let me Finnish!" 


"Well aren't you gonna say something?"

"But you just told me to be qui-"



"Okay I'm finished!" Baekhyun face palmed himself while minty flicked my forehead!

"Yah, That hurts!" Minty giggled "I wonder why?" Seriously- Of Flip! Peter is here... "Hey Jia~ oh i see you have two of your knights here" He points to Baekhyun (dis-respectful) and rolls his eyes towards Sehun who was watching from afar. "Go away Peter!" I tried to shoo him off, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled my waist closer to his body; Peter is very handsome, smart and kind, but he just turns into this female-eating monster!

I tried to squirm out, although it was no use Peter had already landed his lips onto my cheeks "KYA!" Baekhyun got up and twirled me around (out of Peter's reach) while Sehun grabbed his collar and whispered his 'death whisper' in Peter's ear.

Sehun's 'Death Whisper' is no joke to mess around with, once you hear his threat you cannot- I say CANNOT get it out of your head until you die! Peter has recieved many, many no LOTS and is still messing with me. Yet, this time I know Sehun will not try to be kind anymore! Let me just give you a little close up on their so called 'Whispers'

[Contains Strong Language- not my fault Sehun just hates Peter~]

"Bastard, lay off our baby because if you keep harassing her with your filthy hands...You won't even be alive anymore to get a second chance"

"What makes you in charge of her! she's perfectly fine to be by herself- she doesnt need a couple of bastards protecting her!"

", that's what you are!"

"Right back at you!"

"And before I get even more mad and start to abuse you, Get.The.Heck.Out.Of.Her.Life"

"Yeah? No. How could I? she's just too...Easy!"

"Take that rubbish talk back"

"Whatever you say 'Prince of the Bastards'"

"I'll never spare you if you try to do anything..ridiculous"

"Yeah, yeah you should go back to Jia because you never now I could be there any minute~"

"I hope you die un-remembered Bastard"

"Can't hear you~"

Me and Baekhyun sat outside near the benches waiting for Sehun to come back, "Sehun-nie? are you okay?" Sehun looked pissed as ever! looks like Peter has denied his last chance to leave me alone "Baek hyung, i need you to look after baby becasue you're the only one who is in the same year and is in most of her classes!" I've never seen Sehun so determined to keep me safe! I feel thankful that I have these wonderful boys.

Sehun had a detention for forgetting his homework so me and Baek had to walk home alone, "Baby? are you okay? you seem less...clingy?" This little diva! Me and Baekhyun get on so well he expects me to do skinship on him everytime we meet! "Pfft I'm just hungry thats all and plus I can smell Kyungsoo's cooking from here!" Baekhyun grabbed my hand and slid it into his arms "Me too~" He's smelling me? "Baek thats my perfume you're smelling" Same old Baek!

We got home, Home was empty then we saw a note on the table written by Kris!

Dear, Jia and probably Baekhyun as sehun texted me about you comming back here!

We are at the dance practise building and are waiting for both of your butts to get down here and dance, especially you Jia- i havent seen you dance yet!

Oh, and Baekhyun please protect her on your way here.

From: Kris,Suho,Lay,Kai,Kyungsoo,Luhan,Sehun and Chanyeol

Well, me and Baekhyun got changed in our casual clothes and headed towards the dance studio...

To Be Continued...


A/N : Guys wish me luck on running cross country, I came fourth place out of my School last year and now im doing it on Thursday...Dreading it because i'm suppose to aim top three this year! XOXO 







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My new stroy is out! It's about KAISOO! Warning: contains swearing, and a whole lot of cuteness from Kyungsoo


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 26: So sweet cute,love all the exo boys...,♡
Sandara05 #2
Chapter 26: It was a beautiful fanfic.*bow* kamsamida authornim ;)
Chancey #3
Chapter 16: Are you from or in New Zealand?? Cause I saw Cross Country ang NZ is pretty much the only country that do it every year.. I think? Idk

Anyways, if you are then.. We're on the same country!
ainanilla #4
Chapter 26: Sequel.....please.
ainanilla #5
Chapter 19: I just wanna ask something........where is on earth tao?
CandyCandy1727 #6
Looks interesting and I really love harem so...let's read this!
BabyInspiritExotics #7
Chapter 26: Took me a day to finish this all the way..i'll be waiting for the sequel..wanna know about their life and their love life and who will be the lucky guy to have jia.. ^^..such a beautiful story..
Taelin #8
Chapter 26: aww yes yes pls , and i hope that the sequel wont be after years , it will be great if it begins when everything stopped here like when she graduates , hwaitiing
Chapter 26: A sequel?! I'm looking forward to that! Since this story was really cute and fluffy, I hope the sequel is similarly adorable! I can't wait!!!! Hwaiting for the sequel ∩__∩
Dustwolf13 #10
Chapter 26: Sequel?! There is a sequel?! Damn, you'll definatley see me there :P :D