Because of You

The Bold Cat Who Fell In Love

Hellooo! It's me the author (yay! XD) Anyway here is the new chapter and let me tell you that from this point everything is going to get intense with some action and magic (or more like I'll try to do it XD) I am now going to use different POV's as I did before suddenly disappearing all POV's completely lol I think that in this part of the story it would fit better so that's why, anyway let's continue!





Sooyoung's POV

Classes were pretty normal and Dami help me a lot the first hours but later on recess she had to go to the bathroom and I lost sign of the short-haired girl.

With no one else to hang out, I thought that it was better to just go get something to eat because the anxiety was giving me hunger.

For the first time there, I actually knew where I was going so after some time I manage to get into the restaurant Kiseop showed me yesterday. I got myself a sandwich, some french fries with a soda and got out searching for a place to eat in peace without being to crowded.

I was looking around but all the benches were taken by couples or by people doing some late homework but when some guys gather in the volleyball court to play my head instantly thought that it would be good to enjoy the match and distract myself.

I never knew that what I was doing was weird here...






Sehun's POV

I was tired as always because I couldn't manage to sleep well, lucky me I wasn't in duty or else I wouldn't even be able to rest for a minute.

Johnny was with me because he wanted some people to see the match they were having in the break, you know, because he made another bet with some dudes and things got serious... but since I wasn't playing I accepted to join.

And so we did just as the bell rang I was already in the volleyball court and the teams were ready to play.

Fast forward... after a few minutes had passed and the guys decided to rest for a bit, Johnny made me realize of someone that had been watching us.

He took a sip of water after I lend him my bottle 一Hey, do you see that girl over there? Is she new or something? It's prohibited to eat on the grass.

I turned to look at who he was referring to 一There are benches for that-... 一I realized of who it was and stop speaking 一(Oh no, isn't she Sooyoung?)

And in fact, it was her 一(Uh... Maybe I should keep her out of trouble or Kris will kill me afterward.)

So I made an excuse and go to save the cat girl or else I'll be doom! (I swear I'm not exaggerating...-.-")






No one's POV

Sooyoung was just lost in her thoughts and in her food as for some reason she was more hungry than ever. Putting in fry after fry and eating them pretty fast.

Sehun saw her like this and she actually looked like a weirdo but he admitted it was kind of cute.

一So nobody told you, you can't eat here? 一The guy tried to catch her attention.

The catgirl returned to her senses immediately and with that almost choking 一*coughing hysterically* Oh it's you! *cough* Wha-What are you doing here? 一She asked.

一Well I study here as well 一He joked 一But seriously what are you doing here? You can eat inside, you know?

The girl returns her stare to the game 一I know, I know but I don't want to be the girl sitting alone in one table 一She puts another fry on .

He clearly understood the situation she was in, as someone new in this place 一I see... Then I won't stop you. 一He sat down beside her.

The brunette looked at him strangely but was actually thankful for having someone to be sitting with. She offered some french fries before all of them end up in her stomach.

He took some with no hesitation as he saw Sooyoung as someone he could be friends with 一So how is going your first day here newbie?

So at this point, Sooyoung's name will be changed to Newbie (jk :v) 一It's just pretty normal like I guess it supposed to.

一Is this your first time in a new high school? 一Sehun clearly noticed that by her answer.

She nodded 一Yeah, I've been in my older school all my life practically.

一Well from all of the other high schools you are lucky to be here, it's pretty cool and you'll get used to it 一He wanted to made Sooyoung like The Academy and to accept the new change.

He manages to do exactly that 一Guess your right... 一Sooyoung looked at him with curiosity drawn in her face 一Soooo if you are here you must have powers or something, right?

He looked at the guys playing volley 一Yeah everyone can but my powers are nothing special, just watch 一With just some hand movements and his eyes following the ball, this one before getting into the hands of someone for it to be tossed, just flew by him and hit the ground inside of the lines making a point for the rival team.

The guys down there were pissed while the others were confused.

一Hahaha! 一Sooyoung laughed in surprised 一Woah! That's some great CGI without the CGI. You can control objects!

He laughed 一No haha! I can control wind and with that, I can move objects 一He replied making a mini-tornado on his hand.

She patted his back 一Well that's equally impressive!

He smiled at her because in comparison to some other powers he felt that he was just lame but this made him feel good.

一I think they are looking for you. 一She said pointing to some guys that were approaching clearly angry about the little incident in the match.

Sehun stood up 一Time to run 一He extended his hand so that Sooyoung could come with him.

She smiled with a fry hanging from .








Time 3:00 p.m. 


Let me tell you that this Sehun was the better version of the one Sooyoung met in her older high school and he spends time with her turning him in the company she needed for surviving the first day. Not only was he similar to her in personality but also they both had similar tastes, in music, TV shows, movies, etc. He was the opposite of his twin back in her school, this Sehun was also kind of lazy but fun to be with.

But she had one question bothering her... respect of Luhan.

The thing about him was kind of complicated, having a strong power such as telepathy made him become someone important in the protection against the spirits with evil intentions. But he wasn't happy about that and he refused to go to the Academy and ended up getting into trouble with his behavior. In the end not wanting to hurt others and freak out people around him he agreed to stay in the Academy.

In the end, Sehun helped her clear the empty spaces she had as doubts and warned her that she must stay inside as it was safe for her now that she is... well turning into a cat...

...but then again she had Yuri and Kai pretty worried about her. Disappearing all of a sudden and hasn't even contacted them in almost 4 days straight. She needs them to know... but there was a problem. Sooyoung totally forgot she once had a phone and never realized that after leaving the "prison" her pocket was empty.

一I must have lost it when I was in the principal's office. 一She stopped walking 一 But I'm scared to go there and ask Kris about my phone. o(╥﹏╥)o 一She sighed 一I just hope that they are well.





In the principal's office. Same time.

Kris was just getting some work done while drinking a cup of coffee (expresso to be precise). He had been having headaches for the last days so now he was taking a pill to reduce the pain and continue.

He opens one drawer and there he picks a white pill followed by both of his eyes landing on the empty space where it was supposed to be the water bottle he never manages to finish ever since he brought it.

一Where is it? 一He thought about it for a few seconds 一Ahhh... Jessica, why you bother on messing my stuff? I can't find anything... 一He started searching through the drawers while thinking in her friend that always gets inside his office without him noticing.

He suddenly opens the one that had his water bottle and noticed that beside it there was a phone so he took it out turn it on and saw the lock screen with a background image of the K-pop group Big Bang.

He had no clue but when he played the music that was on pause and almost startled him to death was when he remembered about the catgirl he had on his office.

一I completely forgot that I had her phone. I should return it to her. 一Kris analyze the situation 一You know what, I'll tell Kiseop to give it to her later.

The man put the phone aside and drink his water with the pill on it.




It was late and everyone had already begun their special training but for their luck, Yoona and Sooyoung weren't going to be on practice for unknown reasons that they prefer not to ask and just went back into their dorm.

Sooyoung kept silent through the walk which made Yoona concerned 一Are you alright Soo? Did you have a bad day?

She shook her head 一No, no it's not that. 一The tall girl paused briefly 一I'm just wondering about Kai and Yuri.

The dog girl now understood 一You must be worried about them... And they too.

一Yeah, I wish I could talk to them but I can't get out because it isn't safe.

Yoona looked at her 一Then why don't you talk to them? Can't you use your phone?

The catgirl looked at her 一I lost it (;ゝ; ) 一She cried.

一Then use mine. 一She took out the device and extended it to her.

Sooyoung forgot that she had a phone but it was comprehensive as she rarely uses it, she is a dog in a person's body so why would she need a phone anyway? 一Ahhhh! I knew it! Buying you phone doesn't seem pointless now, does it?

Yoona accepts it that if Sooyoung hasn't forced her to have a cellphone... well let's just say that they would have got in a lot of trouble 一A-ah just take it and made the call.

She hated to admit that Sooyoung had made a valuable point.

Already in their room, Sooyoung started calling Yuri as she was probably with Kai in extra classes and with luck she answered her phone 一Hello? Ah, I can't believe I'm relieved of getting a call from you Yoona.

一Pfff! Ahahahaha!! 一She busted laughing off the comment of Yoona 一Ow Yuri you never change haha.

The girl on the other side of the call got shocked after hearing her voice 一Sooyoung? CHOI SOOYOUNG!? 一And soon after she was screaming at her.

一I'm sorry Yuri I never meant to just leave.

一But still we were worried, W-O-R-R-I-E-D!

Yes, Yuri was spelling the words in anger towards her friend 一I know, I know... but listen to me, there is an explanation for all of this so meet me at the park near my building ok? I'll tell you guys everything but you better make it hear me?

Yuri calm down and answered 一Alright... but you better come, we also need to tell you something.

一Deal. See ya! 一She hang up and looked at Yoona and with just looking to her eyes she knew what she needed to do.




一So she doesn't have to go to practice... 一Kiseop sighed while playing with Sooyoung's phone, throwing it from one hand to another 一Well I guess it makes sense since we are rearranging the groups but I can't believe Jaejin got picked up to be part of the main defense line while I wasn't... Something seems fishy here.

He kept talking to himself until he got into Sooyoung's room. Knocking twice someone opened the door.

一Oh you are Kiseop, right? 一Yoona said.

He nodded 一Yeah... Is Sooyoung here? I wanted to give this to her. 一He showed her the pink phone.

一Her phone! She must have left it at Kris's office...

一Yeah, she did and Kris just found it so here I am.

一Thanks. 一She took the phone 一I'll give it to her. 一With nothing else to say she was ready to close the door when she couldn't.

Kiseop maintained the door from closing 一She isn't here? But she can't be at practice either...

一( ̄▽ ̄;Hehe... You see.

He facepalmed 一She got out.

一 (/ ̄▽)/Yes she got out. 一Yoona was bad at lying but she can convence anyone 一But hear me out... There is a good reason. 一The girl took his arm 一She just wanted to say goodbye to her friends...

The way she said those words kind of got him. The Academy wasn't a regular high school and you had to give up on many important things in your life, especially if it means people you care about. Everyone here has gone through that.

He made her let go of his arm 一Ok I got it, but she better be back soon or I could get in trouble.

一Ow, aren't you worried about her 一Yoona teased.

He blushed 一N-No not at all... It's not that. Fine, I won't tell anyone about this but this is the last time. 一He tried to sound tough failing miserably.

一Haha sure. 



Meanwhile, Sooyoung kept running feeling more excited of seen her best friends and to finally tell them the truth.

Kai and Yuri were walking as they thought that she would be late so it was a surprise that the three of them got there at the same time.

They stood there looking at each other as if instead of being just days it has passed years.

But Sooyoung was just glad to see them once more.. because maybe she won't be able to see them again.

Her eyes got watery and her cheeks and nose got red 一GUYS!!! 一She ran towards them and give the two a hug (which looked more like a tackle lol) 一I missed you!

Kai and Yuri were kind of surprised, Sooyoung never liked to cry and worst in front of people 一H-Hey... We've missed you too. 一The one guy wasn't sure of how too react.

And the girl either 一What is this all about? Did something happen?

Sooyoung let go of them 一Yes, something pretty weird happen... but it's better that I show you.

Without waiting any longer she took off her cap showing both of them her cat ears.

一ARE YOU A FURY!? 一Both said it loud that the tall girl had to cover their mouths.

She put back her hat 一Why don't we enter and I'll explain it 一They all entered the empty park.


To be Continued...



Haaaiiii! Author from even further in the future and let me tell you that I had to repeat this chapter tons of times as I wasn't feeling it but now I think it is good lol Anyway thanks for voting and I would appreciate it if you share this story. That's all and without anything else see you in the next chapter!


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Ok this last chapter is really short in comparison to the others but I wanted to publish a chapter this week so that's the reason :3


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Gladly You Still continue this
Hwaiting ok ?
This is entertaining and so interesting
Chapter 12: soo is very funny xDD woah what is Sehun doing there o.O
Chapter 8: Woah interesting story!
Please continue, I look forward to it
Chapter 4: omggg this is so cuteeeee ><
Chapter 4: omg ! sooyoung has turned to be a CAT >0< update soon authornim ^0^