Monster Inc.

Love in Despair [Discontinued]


Chapter Nine: Monsters Inc.


         Our outsides don't always reflect our insides.


         I saw a silhouette coming towards me. Queenka? I believe. She was quite pretty with her long hair and long legs. “I heard from rumours that you have been on a date with Doojoon oppa, is that true?” she questioned curtly with her hands on her hips. Her little posse then came behind her in the same position as she was. Her name was Miyoung Joo; lots of boys like her.


         Date? I tilted my head. Ah, our hang out. I shook my head. She suddenly glared at me yet she had a fake looking smile plastered on her face. “Oh, so going out for drinks and building bears is not a date?” she asked rudely. I shook my head quite vigorously. She was known to be fake. Pretty on the outside yet ugly on the inside. “Get her,” Miyoung sneered. All of a sudden, I was attacked by her group of friends. They were taunting me with their words. They were kicking me and grabbing my hair. I cried, “Please stop!” and “Help!” but no one seem to have heard me. They kept kicking me and hurting me.


         It seemed like they were beating me for a lifetime already. “Stop. What the hell do you think you're doing?” a male voice had said. Is he my angel? I couldn't tell. My head was spinning in circles. “O-oppa!” Miyoung had said in quite a high girly voice. “Move,” the voice had said. The girls had scrambled as I heard their footsteps starting to fade away.


         I looked up but only to see Junhyung. I didn't think he would save me. He is no angel. Not after all these years. He held out his hand and I grabbed onto it for dear life.


         “I didn't expect to see you here; getting beat up and all,” he said. I whispered, “Sorry.” He shook his head and replied, “There's no need to apologize for getting beaten up.” I looked down at my hands. He turned to leave and coldly said, “Bye.”


         “Wait!” I yelled loudly. He spun around and gave me a glare, “What?” I sighed, “You texted me the other day. Let's have our meeting now. What do you want?” He looked from side to side and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “How is she?”


         I tilted my head. He heavily sighed, “How's my mom?” “Yah! She's not just your mom! She's my mom too!” I bellowed. “Ever since you entered my life, it became a living hell. My parents adopted you. And then not too long, they splitted up. OUT OF NO WHERE. You think I'm going to treat you like family? After all these years? You're pathetic,” Junhyung crisply answered.


         “It's not like that. Your dad never told you, did he?” I asked sympathetically. “Oh now you're saying “Your dad”? What happened to “Our”? And tell me what?” He glared. I looked down at the palms of my hands. I really don't want to talk about this. My head hurts. I just want to skip school and go home.  I could feel steam coming out my ears.  I was going to blow up like a big bomb.  “He cheated on mom. Your step mother now is the woman who had an affair with a long time ago! Mom knew and took me away. Leaving you behind because she knew you didn't deserve to go through all this! She knew she wasn't going to make it! But instead, I was left alone! Alone to defend myself!” I shouted and pointing my finger at him, “And you! You! You! I was always jealous of you! You didn't have to work your off just to make money to pay for hospital bills!”




         I was hanging out with Beast down at the cafeteria since it was lunch. Yoseob got many confessions today. He is so lucky. I sighed. I wonder when I can confess to Chaeri. I sighed once more. “Where's Junhyung?” asked Dongwoon. We all looked around but not a single trace of Junhyung can be seen.


         I shrugged my head. I heard whispers behind me. “I heard she got beaten up. But then she was saved.” “Eh?” “By who? By who?” The first voice had happily cried, “Junhyung!” “Poor Chaeri.”


         I turned around and said, “Chaeri?” The group who were behind me nodded quickly. “Where is she now?” One girl just shrugged whilst a guy had replied, “Up on the roof; most likely.”


         I stood up from my chair. “Hyung?” Yoseob asked. “I got to go.” I ran and ran. I got to the rooftop. My hand was on the handle; ready to turn it. However, I heard shouting.


         “-Hospital bills!” I tilted my head at a questioning angle. Chaeri? It sounded like her. “I worked my off just so the house doesn't get taken away! That house is my only connection to her! And when she died-” however, she got interrupted by Junhyung. He whispered, “Die? Since when? And what do you mean by hospital bills?”


         She groaned, “Died of cancer two years ago. I invited you and your dad to go to her funeral. But you guys never came.” I peeked out of the door for a bit and I could see that his eyes had widen very largely. I have never seen this side of Junhyung before. He was always quiet and making little smirks at people. How strange.


          And then I heard a thud.

 "It scares little kids and little monsters." - Randall Boggs

Author's note: sorry, im so sorry for not updating this for quite some time.  Thank you for being patient.

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#foreveruglysobbing no one has ever told me that i inspired them!
thank you for loving my story format and diction :')
i have never published a book in my life either haha
keep on writing! hwaiting!
I really enjoyed this story. Your references from Disney movies were truly amazing and unique. No offense to some other authors on this website, but your story format and diction are just...the best I have ever seen. It might be a surprise but I just wanted to tell you that you have inspired me. You inspired me to write more! No, I am not an author here but I do write stories (no, I don't publish books i'm only 15 ^^").

I'm sorry that I never commented before, I truly am.
Hope you don't lose your motivation and continue to write! :)
thank you for understanding~ <3
thank you for being there by my side :)
:( /ugly sobs. But I completely understand. When the magic isn't there it isn't there. Thank you for sharing what you did. <3
thank you for willing to stick by me! <3
D: I will stick by you no matter how long it takes! <3
Thank you for updating!
Oh no no no! You do not sound stupid at all!
We all make silly mistakes~
syonghwa #8
woah, i just read my comment and that last line made no sence.
"i hope doojoon shes his queen." i sound stupid. i meant to say i hope
he shes his queen, something like that heh heh. :) and continue
writing! ^^
kekekee~ he'll see his queen soon ~
thank you so much for reading!

ahaha this story is inspired by the many movies that I have used!
i will try my very best to update as soon as possible ~ (:
syonghwa #10
aawwww. is so cool how you use movie quotes in your story!
:) i hope doojoon shes his queen :)
-update soon ir when possible! :)