The Hunchback of Notredame

Love in Despair [Discontinued]


Chapter Eight: The Hunchback of Notredame


Is it okay to fall for someone who is loved by many others?


       I kind of felt giddy inside. I wondered what he had in store for me today. I mean we are friends, right? He grabbed my hands and gave me a little twirl. He sure seems hyper today.


       He gave me such a large smile that reached his eyes. He started to drag me somewhere. “Ta-da!” he exclaimed, “This is my favourite spot in the whole wide world! None of the guys know about it!” I looked up to see a sign, “Bumblebee Tea.” I tilted my head. The building looked very ordinary. Brown, small like cafe.


       Doojoon held the door for me and it looks like such a cozy comfy place to relax in. “Ahjusshi!” Doojoon happily cried.


       “Ah, Doojoon-ah?” A man,wiping his hands on, came out of the back doors. “Omo, your girlfriend?” I shook my head rapidly at him. I felt blood rushing to my cheeks. Ah, I shouldn't be feeling this way!


       Doojoon placed his arm around my shoulders and said, “No way, Ahjusshi! This is my frined, Chaeri. Chaeri, meet Ahjusshi. Ahjusshi, meet Chaeri.” He gave me a look as if he was quite familiar with me and gave me a huge grin. His eyes even twinkled! Twinkled, I say! “It is quite the pleasure to meet you, dear Chaeri. Aish, this boy still calling me an ahjusshi! I am not that old!” He cried jokingly.


       He continued, “Would you like the usual?” I tilted my head. I wonder what his usual is. Doojoon gleefully nodded. We grabbed a seat at a booth in the back. Ahjusshi went to the back and I can hear a roaring sound. The sounds of a blender blending.


       Ahjusshi came back with two huge glasses of green tea? “Ginger lime iced green tea! It's on the house today,” he winked at me. I bit my lower lips and looked down. I felt like he knew something that I didn't know. Perhaps it was a good thing?


       Doojoon smiled and urged me to try it. I took a sip and was awed by how well the ginger and the lime contrasted each other. They worked very well for two opposing flavours. I was amazed and kept on sipping my drink. Doojoon chuckled at me, “Take your time.” I pouted, “But it's soo good! How could you keep this place to yourself and not tell anyone else?”


       He chuckled even more, “Because I'm y and I know it.” He even wiggled his eyebrows as if he was trying to look seductive. I giggled at his expression. We talked about some hobbies and a little bit about ourselves.


       After awhile, we left the tea shop. I felt very refreshed from the drink. Doojoon grabbed my hand and I gave him a questioning look. Ah, but his hand was warm and large compared to mine. I felt very protected by him.


       “W-w-we're going to the next place!” he excitedly stuttered. I smiled to myself. I kind of felt like this was more of a date than a hangout. Most people just stay indoors and watch movies but Doojoon was different.


       He then dragged me to a build a bear shop. “Ta dah! We are going to build a bear together!” He exclaimed. He seems so charismatic and cool on the outside yet I really think he is a child at heart. I giggled. Doojoon pouted, “Bwoh? What's so funny?”


       I shook my head and grinned, “Nothing is funny.” We went inside and saw lots of little children; smiling and giggling. They were so happy with their finalized bear.


       Having a happy sigh, I stated, “I feel like such a child being here.” “Good, because we are going to be awesome tall children building bears,” he waved his arms. I chuckled to myself at his funniness.


       I grabbed a stuffed penguin and started to put a baseball cap on him. “You like penguins?” Doojoon asked. I nodded my head quite rapidly. “We should build a bear couple!” Doojoon exclaimed happily.


       “EH?” I loudly said. He scratched my head and his face turned the other way. He started to say, “I-I-I mean a-a-a,” but I interrupted him, “two bears that are best friends?” He nodded quite sheepishly. “We'll build a bear for each other.” For each other.. his words kind of made my heart tingle for a moment there. I agreed with him.


       We went to different sides of the room and started creating our animals. I placed a blue tee shirt on him with a peace sign on top, a pair of short jeans and black shiny shoes. Satisfied with the bear, I went to look for him.


       I found him but when I tapped him on the shoulders, he said, “Ah, I'm not done! Please wait a bit.” I smiled, “Sure, Doojoon.”


       I sat on a blue bench next to this boy. He said, “Hello, are you waiting for your brother?” He gave me such a cute little grin but I shook my head and stated. “I'm waiting for my friend right there.” “Ah, that guy?” He tilted his head in such a cute manner. He had such big eyes and such a cute nose. I nodded. “I think you'll look cute together!” he exclaimed. I blushed to myself. Me and Doojoon? Ah, but we are just good friends.. I think. “Andwae,” I said quietly, “We are just really good friends.”


       The little boy scoffed, “Please, I know when I see such a good couple. Trust me, you both will end up together.” I blushed even harder at his comment. I don't think he likes me like that. The boy sighed, “Ah, I better get going now! Bye noona!” I waved bye to him as I saw him leave the shop with his mother. Me and him.. good together? I shook my head trying to shake these thoughts away.


       Doojoon walked up to me and then sat in the empty spot next to me. “Ta laaaa~” He showed him the animal he has created for me. It was a stuffed panda. I'm going to assume the panda was a she because she wore such a pink frilly dress and black ballet flats with a headband that had a big fuzzy pom pom on top. “ADORABLE!” I cried. “Kekeke, I knew you would like it,” he stated. He saw my bear and asked, “Is that for me?” I nodded. “How'd you know my favourite colour was blue?” he asked smiling. “Eh? I didn't know it was your favourite colour,” I muttered.


       We went to the cashier and he paid for them both. He wouldn't let me pay for the penguin that I have made for him. Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate. A text message?


       Can we meet sometime soon?





       I paid for both animals because I wanted to be very gentleman like on this hangout. Besides, who lets a girl pay for stuff?


       I saw her take her phone out of her cardigan pocket. Her eyebrows furrowed and her lips turned into a frown. Something bad happen? I looked at the ground. Maybe she's going to leave me?


       “Let's go to the next place!” she cried happily. Eh? I thought something bad has happened. I stuffed my hands in my jean pockets. I nodded, “Mmm, I was wondering if you would like to go to my house?”


       “Of course!” She cried happily. Perhaps.. too happily? We went to my apartment building where me and Yoseob shared a place. I unlocked the door and saw clothes splattered on the floor. Aish, I shook my head in frustration.


       “Something wrong?” Chaeri asked quietly. I shook my head and replied, “Nah. Just that Yoseob left his clothes all over the place.” She smiled and said, “That's okay!” We walked in and I started to pick up all the clothes. Ah, he even left his boxers on the floor.


       How embarassing! I thought. Dang dang, I told him to clean up before I left. He must have forgotten. I led her into the kitchen and stated, “I'm going to make us dinner.”


       I started getting some ingredients to make pasta for the both of us. I placed the pasta noodles in the hot bowling water. In another pot, I had the tomato sauce and spices mixed together. I made this once before... it should turn out right again, right? I turned around and saw her looking at the posters we had around in the living room and kitchen. Ah, she's so adorable and cute. I would love to pinch her cheeks.


       I turned around to face the stove once again but only to see the pasta noodles burning. Uh-oh! They burnt up! Oh snap! What am I going to do? “Doojoon-ah? Is something wrong?” she asked softly. I turned off the stove and sadly let my head droop to the ground. “Sadly, I burnt the pasta noodles. They just tend to cook up really fast!” I cried.


       My cheeks started to feel soft hands. Then I lifted my head up and saw Chaeri holding my cheeks and suggested, “it's okay. We can make something else?” Omo, I can feel my heart beating so fast. She's so close to me. I can blood rushing to my cheeks.


       “We only have ramen left..” I quietly said. She let go of my cheeks and stated, “That seems good enough for me.” I took a huge deep breath to gain back my normal heartbeat.


       I grabbed some instant ramen and placed them in a pot with hot sizzling water. After a while, it cooked up nice and softly. I placed it on the dinner table and Chaeri took a seat in front of me. “Waaah!” she exclaimed, “It's looks so good.” I smiled, “Sorry, it's not the greatest thing we have here.” She shook her head, “Ani, it's been so long since i've had ramen.”


       The sky turned quite dark after we finished eating. “Let me walk you home,” I demanded. She nodded noticing the darkened sky. We walked side by side but none of us said anything. It was silent but it was a comfortable silence.


       We got to her door and she turned around. She gave a sparkling smile, “I had lots of fun today. Let's hang out some other time.” I stuffed my hands into my pockets. “I'm glad you had a great time.” She bit her bottom lips, looking ever so cute. “I guess this is bye then,” she whispered as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. I nodded. I leaned forward and moved her bangs to the side.


       My lips left a quick peck on her forehead. I smiled blushingly, “Bye.” I quickly walked away and didn't even look back to see her reaction.


 "It looks so nice, being with someone who loves you. I guess I’m just wondering if maybe someone could love me." - Quasimodo

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#foreveruglysobbing no one has ever told me that i inspired them!
thank you for loving my story format and diction :')
i have never published a book in my life either haha
keep on writing! hwaiting!
I really enjoyed this story. Your references from Disney movies were truly amazing and unique. No offense to some other authors on this website, but your story format and diction are just...the best I have ever seen. It might be a surprise but I just wanted to tell you that you have inspired me. You inspired me to write more! No, I am not an author here but I do write stories (no, I don't publish books i'm only 15 ^^").

I'm sorry that I never commented before, I truly am.
Hope you don't lose your motivation and continue to write! :)
thank you for understanding~ <3
thank you for being there by my side :)
:( /ugly sobs. But I completely understand. When the magic isn't there it isn't there. Thank you for sharing what you did. <3
thank you for willing to stick by me! <3
D: I will stick by you no matter how long it takes! <3
Thank you for updating!
Oh no no no! You do not sound stupid at all!
We all make silly mistakes~
syonghwa #8
woah, i just read my comment and that last line made no sence.
"i hope doojoon shes his queen." i sound stupid. i meant to say i hope
he shes his queen, something like that heh heh. :) and continue
writing! ^^
kekekee~ he'll see his queen soon ~
thank you so much for reading!

ahaha this story is inspired by the many movies that I have used!
i will try my very best to update as soon as possible ~ (:
syonghwa #10
aawwww. is so cool how you use movie quotes in your story!
:) i hope doojoon shes his queen :)
-update soon ir when possible! :)