Kris Wu


Author's: Yeah, this is the special capter I promised. It features Kris here. Kris will not play a big role in this FF but he is my ultimate bias in EXO and I'll feel very bad if I didn't put him in my very first FF. The story was inspired by Roommate ep.8 when Jackson said that he missed his mom and wondered why he came all the way to South Korea. I'm sorry for keeping the pace of the story very slow, because I want you all to be able to see the chemistry between the characters. Real conflict soon! Enjoy!



It’s been a week since the accident of Sehun-Krystal walking together hand in hand before EXO’s stage was blown up. Almost all media are reporting them to be suspected as a couple. This case has got the leader, Suho, turned browned off for most of the time. The leader was nagging at the maknae all the time they’re together, clearing that he has to be very careful since EXO is still green in music industry, so everything can turn upside down once the media blows up such a hilarious news like dating. Media in South Korea can use all opportunities to make a breath taking headlines. Even being spotted together in an inconvenience store or unintentionally using the same stuffs between celebrity (known as couple things, though) can lead to a dating news. Sehun was really having hard time this week, he was being nagged by most of his hyungs and got warning from his manager. They’ve cleared up all the rumours, but still, the fans whom saw it in the spot cannot still take any reason as an excuse.

And there Krystal is, being dumb for a week because: 1. The members are still acting nice and not blaming her for the rumours, and 2. She was followed by media even at school, they asked for her clarification towards the issue. For the number 2, she can handle it because—yeah, thanks to Ethan and Inhwan whom protect her all the time and never let her alone even in one second. But for the number 1, well... she’ll say that it’s very complicated because the members all still treat Krystal like their little cute dongsaeng, joke with her and accompany her to do paper till midnight but pour all of their complaints about the rumour in their hearts to Sehun. She honestly feels uncomfortable toward the situation. There’s no awkward nor strange moments, but she can swear that she wants to be nagged and warned too by the members, just like Sehun. Yeah, all members are sttill acting the same toward her but one...


Kris Wu.


He is usually being a uiet guy who never talked anything useless, but Krystal can swear that this week, his silence is very different. He was usually being a silent guy who listened to all the arguments of members’ but this week, he’s the silent guy who was being all over himself and in a deep thinking of something only he and God knew. Krystal was thinking that maybe (just, maybe) Kris was disappointed at Sehun and also upset to Krystal because, however, he’s a leader too and sharing the same burden with Suho.

Krystal was feeling uncomfortable towards him, but unknowingly also feeling happy.

She just finished having dinner with EXO members in their dorm, as usual. The boys are getting back to do their own activities right now. Sehun, Baekhyun and Chanyeol are in Baekhyun’s room, Jongdae, Lay, Luhan, Kyungsoo, Tao and Minseok are watching TV while enjoying their own made desert and snacks, Suho is reading book in the other side of the living room, and Kai is going outside with Taemin for practicing.

While Kris?

He’s standing alone in balcony, not doing anything but stare at the view in front of him.

Krystal has not even been talking to him in a week, and she thought that it may be a perfect time to have little conversation with Kris. To be honest, out of all members in EXO, she will pick Kris as the one whom she likes to talked to because Kris can understand English and relate to her culture.


“Isn’t it beautiful?” his greeting as soon as Krystal placed herself beside him. She was doing the same thing in the way Kris did: holding onto the fence and stare blankly at the lights of Seoul.

“I think I can see the whole Seoul right from here,” she replied.

“So how is it?” a sudden question by the Chinese leader, leaving Krystal confused. She looks at Kris asking for a further explanation.

“You and Sehun,”

She sighs, of course.

“I have nothing to do with it,”

“But Sehun got something to do with it. He liked you that much,”

“Isn’t it just a common thing in a friendship? I can guarantee Ethan and Inhwan will ever do that if they’re in that position. But media just blows everything up like it was something meant to be,”

“Well, I think it is, and it’s okay. If that’s the only way or him to protect you, then it’s okay. We all are human after all, we can have limit when it comes to people we close to,”

“You are such a relieve to me, you know,”

He laughs a little, “ come?”

“Because you’re being the one who scold me,  I think. While the others are trying their best to make me comfortable by showing nice manner,”

“Me? Scold you?” Kris gets confused or some moments then clicked his tounge, “..ah! Aigoo, because of the rumour? How can you think so low of me? I didn’t even nag Sehun at all,”

“Yeah, you seem to be very quiet and not talking to me after the rumour,”

He laughs again, he somehow finds that Krystal is really a cute little dongsaeng. He couldn’t agree more with Jongdae and Chanyeol, “..if you look closely, in fact, I’m not talking as much as I used to since comeback,”

Krystal was surprised at his answer and think again of when actually did the guy start to be very quiet, but she cannot find any answer because she’s not that close to Kris all this time.

“Then what is bothering your mind?”

“A simple thing, that I always think and think again, even now,”

“What is it?”

Kris sighs deeply and put a little smile, he suddenly faces Krystal and laughs at himself, “..why, of all the members, you’re being the one who asks me this?”

“Is it wrong?”

“Not at all,”

“Then you mind to explain what thing is bothering you?”

He smiles again, “I think we’re just in the same stage so you’ll say that I’m immature enough for that,”

“What is it? Explain me,” Krystal gets impatient and curious of what Kris will say.

“I’m missing my family,”


Suddenly, silence  fills the air. Krystal was being with Kris’ sudden words. She is also having family which are far away from her, an of coure she misses them to death. Maybe this is why Kris said that they are just in the same stage.


“Maybe not family, but only my mother. I miss her so much, Jung-ah.. I sometimes wonder why I should be in Korea, why I’m not just staying at home and accompany my mother,”

He sighs deeply, before continuing to speak.

“I feel very sorry for my mother. She divorced with my father when I’m in young age, then we were moving to Canada to seek for better life. We could barely eat, my mother’s wage could not pay for school, we really live our life poorly. She said to me that everything will be alright, as long as I’m with her, but look at me now. I was leaving her since I decided to do audition and joined the other trainees. I can say that I was very happy at that time, because I thought I can change me and my mother’ life. I can get money for us. But then I think, what’s the use of the money if I cannot be with my mother. If she can only see me in TV even when I’m going back to China. If I can’t even take care of her when she’s sick...,”


“My mother was calling me some days ago, she said she only wanted to hear my voice because she mised me so much. She said she has been sick for days and my brother is still not coming back from Canada, because he’s working there too. Then what should I do, Jung-ah? What should I do when she said that she was sick? I can only tell her to be patient, eat well, see the doctor, and wish her well, but that’s not the important point, right? I want to be the one who took her to the doctor and feed her, just like her taking care of me when I was sick,”


“And then, I was thinking a lot since EXO come back, because it will mean that I’ll spend most of my time living in Korea, because it’s EXO comeback, not EXO-M. Then I think about my contract, the 12 years contract.. the contract that seem very easy when I signed it, now it feels so hard. I cannot wait until 12 years later. Everything I got here feels so luxurious and great, but I cannot feel any good of it at all. I sometimes just think, should I nullify the contract? Should I betray this company? Not because of money or stuffs, it simply because I want to come back home,”





“Jung-ah, is it just me or don’t you also miss your family?”


Krystal was being mute for some minutes, listening to Kris’ story. It somehow reminds her of his father in US. Her hardworking father who always works day and night to get his daughter in the best school. Her father is also being all alone in US because Krystal’s mother has passed away since she was 13.  He didn’t mind sending his daughter to a country which miles and miles away from him, because he trust his daughter will study hard and be a better person than him in future.


“Of course, I miss my family so much...,” she said then suddenly sheds a tear.


Kris looks at her, and somehow smiling because there’s another person who get along with him. He taps Krystal’s shoulder, asking her to be strong. They were looking at the lights of Seoul’s again, with no sound, thinking of their mothers tonight.






“Sehun ah, don’t lie,” Chanyeol still forced him to admit the truth. He, along with Baekhyun are interogating the maknae about his feeling toward Krystal Jung, and to be honest, Sehun starts getting tired with this.

“Hyung, you’ve asked me for thousand even million times. Even tomorrow my answer will still be the same. I do not fall for her, she’s just friend, that’s all,”

“You know we can keep your secret,” Baekhyun said, and somehow, in an instant Sehun wants to laugh listening to Baekhyun’s statement. He’s saying that he can keep Sehun’s secret while he was always telling others’ secret to another like a blabber mouth.

“I seriously don’t, hyung!”




“Seriously hyung!”


“...hyung I’m tired. When will you stop it? We’ve been going through a week like this,”

“Until you admit,”


Sehun take a deep breathe. He seriously should be awarding this two hyungs an achievement for being so persistent like this. No matter how many times he said ‘no’, seems like this hyungs wouldn’t stop until get a yes. To be honest, Sehun is completely blind with his feeling too. He loves being around Krystal, protecting her, making her happy, and little stuffs like that, but Suho keeps saying tht it is the signs of being in love. Sehun said it was not, and Suho persists that it’s because he never fall in love with the others before, so he never knew his own feeling. He is being confused with his feeling.


“Hyung, how should I know if I’m in love with Krystal Jung or not?”

Chanyeol and Baekhyun take a deep sigh due to maknae’s quetion. They found it somehow very innocent, annoying, but cute in a different way.

“How dare you answer ‘no’, when you’re not even sure of your own feeling?” Baekhyun said.

“Hyung, just tell me how..,”

“I can tell that you’re in love with her,”

“Hyung, I told you I’m not. I just try protecting her as friend,”

“But look at her right now. Is it really protecting? Do you know that she is being followed by media all the time because they want clarification from Krystal Jung? She was supposed to study at school but she cannot concentrate at all because of the media bothering her, and is it because of her? No, it’s because of you Sehun-ah.. admit it that we’ll always fail in protecting someone we love. You know how all hyungs broke up with their girlfriends because they do not want to see their loved ones get hurt. Tell me now, Sehun-ah, is it still protecting? ..or your selfish self told you to always involve yourself around her so Krystal will not forget you?”

Sehun felt like an electrized caable is tying him and being without his permision. He was indeed in a huge shock listening to Baekhyun’s explanation. His heart’s pounding is so fast thinking of how Krystal suffered at school because of him, or how if Baekhyun is right, that his selfish soul lead him to always be around Krystal. He suddenly is being hurt by hearing Baekhyun’s words, at how he can lead everything into disaster for Krystal. He also didn’t know why he asked Krystal to cheer him on stage like she was cheering for Ethan on field. He couldn’t say that he got jealous because he is still unsure about himself.


“Is my words hurting you?” Baekhyun asked.


..and there’ no reply from Sehun. He’s fighting with himself in his mind, and yes, actually, yes, his words are damn hurting him so much.

He then nods all of sudden.


“Then it’s real. You’re in love with her,” Chanyeol said.

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Exose7en #1
Wait.... It's Ethan or sehun
Sestal pleaseeee. If Jung will be with Ethan (I don't even know, no offense) that is,totally s**t
84 streak #2
Chapter 2: Ethan more fitted to be with her
kusumaningtyas #3
Chapter 13: sestal please author-nim
Chapter 13: So adorable moment in the end of this chap..i want sestal for ending authornim.. they seems cute and perfect together.. sehun love her so much.. ♥♥
Sestal sestal... *^O^*
devushka #5
Chapter 13: Ethan with krystal pleaseeeee ;-;
Chapter 13: O.M.G. BEAUTIFUL!!!
Chapter 12: Sestal juseyo~
tarquin #8
Chapter 12: Ethan and krystal please please!!!
tarquin #9
Chapter 12: Update soon, who os krystal date??
shimar #10
Chapter 12: awww~~ really krystal and ethan are so freaking cute together i love them they are perfect. i like sehun too but ethan is arggg~~
to much for me to take. update soon autor