

“It must be him!” Inhwan said in glory while Krystal remains quiet, “...I’ve never knew that he likes you this much,”


“Oh Sehun! Yeah, this is his handwriting, I knew it because he often asks me to teach him English when I’m here. And the code relates too! You see here UV, and his name is Oh Sehun which will make his initial is OS. Vocal first, consonant second, same case with UV,”

“Such a brain, Hwang Inhwan,” Krystal was amazed at his analysis and to be honest, she was more amused at his analysis than the identity of the writer’s.

“Bless my brain, Jung!”


“This handwriting is somehow like...,” Kyungsoo raised one of his eye brows, thinking,

“..Sehunnie’s?” he commented, innocently.



Today is the day of the date.

Oh Sehun?

She repeats the name on her mind. Impossible, she thought. That guy should’ve not done this if he still thinks of his career. He must’ve been out of his mind to ask her out like this. Krystal pouts at the mirror thinking of the bunch of his fangirls. She doesn’t want to come, she doesn’t want to attend the date, she still wants to live! And, hey, why did Sehun go all the way to her college instead of just giving her text. Is he trying to drive her nuts? Is he not having any other things to do than just delivering a very simple letter? Is he insane?

No, it’s not Oh Sehun, Krystal insisted.

Then who? She asks her mind again starts thinking that she is crazy.

Well, for now, she only wants to believe that it’s not Oh Sehun. It just doesn’t make sense if it is Sehun who writes the letter for her. No, no, it’s not Oh Sehun. She’s going to wait till tonight to see who the culprit is. She doesn’t want to build an awkwardness between Sehun and her, so she doesn’t want to bother if it is really Sehun.



From: Ethan Lee

For everything’s sake, Jung. Get down. I’m outside.


Krystal picks her bag quickly to go outside. Today is Saturday, there’s no class or practicum, but she has an appointment with Professor Park and other students whom listed as ‘outstandings’ to build  a research project. She’s locking the door when group of boys are going upstairs, heading off to her. Some are waving at her, some are calling her name playfully, while only one who talks to her brightly with a smile plastered on the latter’s face.

“Hey, not off for today?”

It’s Sehun. He was just going back from jogging around the neighbourhood with the other members.

Krystal starts feeling rushed and locks the door quickly. She puts a strange look in her face which all people she knew have never seen before.

“No, what about you?”

“I’m off. Need to prepare for tonight,”

TONIGHT? She’s busted. She can’t hide the pink tint which starts blooming on her cheeks. A blush of confuse. Yes, that girl is very easy to blush.

“Ya, Oh Sehun! Are you insane or what?!!” she shouts loudly then starts running down the stairs to reach outside of the apartment building. While Sehun, on the other hand, has his mouth gaping while pointing at himself, dumbfounded. He’s being confused with her sudden reaction.

“Did I say something wrong?” Sehun asks Tao who still stands beside him.

“Fool,” Tao said while leaving Sehun who still stands there like a dumb.




“What took you so long, Jung?” Ethan suddenly asks when Krystal is entering his car. She knows, she knows, Ethan doesn’t like people who are running late and do excuse for their late. She also admits that this time, it’s her fault to think of the letter and the date too much that she didn’t notice the texts which Ethan has sent from 15 minutes ago.

“Sorry,” she murmurs while resting her back on the seat.

“Are you feeling sick again?” his cold tone suddenly changes after seeing his bestfriend looks tired. He slows down the pace of the car’s move while looking at Krystal in worry.

“No. Lack of sleep?” she answers randomly.

“Told you not to think of assignments too much. It’s an easy thing and not that important, you know. No need to think of it that hard. Your health is what to think of. You also have me to help you finishing everything,” he said while still looking at the way in front of him.

Krystal was suddenly getting entertained by his words. It’s not that she took his words seriously, she was only getting entertained by the advice he gave. It’s not everyday Ethan gave her such long advice for things which are out of ‘college thing’. Plus, those words are being packed by his thick British accent which she always longs for. She really loves to listen to his accent all day when Ethan starts lecturing her, then she usually starts thinking that it’s what makes all girls in her department fall so hard for this guy. Out of his personality, charisma, and brain, his accent is something to die for. His accent is not only covering his words when he talks in English, but also Korean. Even their professor admitted that when Ethan Lee spoke in Korean with such accent, it gave strong impression and more charisma in him.

Suddenly, Krystal feels a bit lucky for being known as his girlfriend now.


She slaps herself all of sudden from the thought. No! No! No!

“Why are you slapping yourself, huh?” he stopped the car suddenly, being worried. Krystal didn’t realize that he has her wrist in his grip right after she slapped herself. She starts feeling awkward until Ethan gets off of his hand from her.

“N-no, just....trying not to be sleepy,” she answers randomly again, then Ethan starts hitting the gas. She’s very embarassed to be caught beforehand by this guy. She really doesn’t understand nor realize what she did for the time being. God, can you make her be focus for only today?

“Aigoo, no need to do that, Jung-ah,” he said while ruffling the girl’s hair.

She’s being amused once again at his Korenglish. But then she shakes her head rejecting the amusement she had right now. Seriously, Ethan Lee, stop teasing!

“Have I told you that I brought something great today for you?” he suddenly asked when they have arrived at SNU. They just entered the gate while Ethan rolls down the window and give a polite nod to the Security Officer in front of the gate.

“No, what is it?”

“Really? I must be very mad when you were running late that I forgot important thing,” he chuckled at himself. They’ve been in their department’s park area right now and Ethan has parked his car, but he doesn’t turn off the engine.

Krystal looks at Ethan in confused when he suddenly grabs his bag and seeks for something.

“Nah!” he said when he got the thing in his hand. He takes out a small box which is being packaged in blue velveteen. Krystal gapes at the sudden view because she saw this kind of scene in romantic movies a lot. She knew what should be inside of the box, except if Ethan tricks him right now.

“What the hell,” she cursed at the wind while Ethan opening the box. Her prediction is right. It’s a couple ring. The boy is being confused at her curse, “..what?”

“What are you trying to do, huh? D-don’t be silly!” she said nervously while her cheeks start burning red.

“What do you think I’m trying to do?” Ethan, who seems to read the situation, asks her teasingly.

“...w-what? Ah no! I’m refusing! No I won’t! It’s such a waste to marry in young age Ethan Lee!”



“...marry?” Ethan holds himself to laugh but he cannot. He then starts laughing so hard like there’s no tomorrow, “..Jung! Are you thinking of proposal now? Do you want to marry me that bad?”


She widens her eyes in shock at Ethan’s sudden statement. She’s getting more and more embarassed. Gosh.. what the hell is happening to her today?


“Listen here, it wasn’t mine,” Ethan starts talking to break the ice inbetween them, “Look at those carefully, you may acknowledge it,”

She does what Ethan asks her to do. Those rings are having the same design, it’s plain and shiny, and when she touches, she swears that it’s real gold. The ring is quite familiar to her, she seems like having seen it somewhere, but she forgot where is that somewhere.

After beating around the bush with her mind, she suddenly clicks her tongue in glory, “Seems like Inhwan’s!” she said in confidence. She is sure, one hundred percents that it is his, since Inhwan always wears the ring anywhere he goes. She firstly thought that it’s like purity ring that the Jonas Brothers used to have, but now she knew that it has its twin.

“A+,” Ethan said while smiling at her answer, “He used to share these rings with your brother. Your brother bought them for being the sign of their real friendship. Keegan was very amused at Korean’s culture that commonly shares ring to seal a friendship or love, then he said that he wanted to tried it once, with Inhwan. Before he passed away, he was giving the ring back to Inhwan, he jokingly said that he needed to get engagement ring soon instead of friendship ring. Inhwan never knew that it was a presentiment, that he was going to leave us,”

Krystal exhales heavy breath right after listening to the explanation.

“Inhwan always takes the ring with him everyday, everytime, everywhere, because he misses your brother so much. But this morning, he said to me that those rings should be returned. It was afforded by Keegan’s dollar so it must’ve been back to you. He cannot wear this ring alone, while the other one is getting lonely in its box. He wants these rings are used by you, and that you can share it with someone that’s worth Keegan for you,” Ethan then opens Krystal’s palm and put it on hers. He smiled satisfiedly after doing his job well, “..don’t look so sad, Jung-ah,” he pats Krystal’s shoulder before turning off the engine, ready to get out of the car.

“Wait!” Krystal pulls Ethan’s hand, makes him going back to his seat.

“What?” he looks at her, demands an explanation.

She doesn’t say anything but opens the box, and places one of the rings in her finger. She takes out the other one and places it in Ethan’s finger. She wears Keegan’s which is carved by initial of KJ inside of its, and Ethan has Inhwan’s which is carved by initial of IH. Ethan is surprised at her sudden action.

“I trust the ring to you, then,” she said in a bright smile, while Ethan remains speechless, “Let’s have an eternal friendship like them. You’re my bestfriend,”

“Plus, it can be used as trick that we’re an item, right?” she chuckles then puts her ransel on, and get out of Ethan’s car.

Ethan only nods at her statement while staying still stiffly on his seat. Krystal has made her way out of the car, but Ethan is still there, his heart thumps.

“What is that?” he asks to himself then looks down to the ring.




The lecture has just been over, when all of the ‘outstanding students’ in Department of Engineering, SNU are going out of  Professor Park’s room. No one there has a soulful eyes after the meeting. No one but Krystal Jung and Ethan Lee. They’re indeed most of the most outstanding student in the department. For Krystal, the research project is just like usual assignment given by her professor in MIT. While for Ethan, it’s just common thing to have such project when he’s helping his brother who’s a student of Oxford University.

“How can you put a calm face like that, huh?” Jang Wooyoung asked Ethan after going out of the room, “..seriously, man! That’s just insane!”

“I don’t know, just a good feeling that I can do,” he said calmly, which get a ‘Whoooo’ by all the students.

“Then teach me how to do it, will you?” Son Naeun asks him cutely, with her twinkle eyes.

“We all are going to do it together, anyway,” he said without looking at her.

“Then, we’ll have so much time for you to teach me right?” she insisted to talk to him.

He nods and smiles at her to drive her off of the conversation. To be honest, Ethan gets very disturbed at her not-so-cute nasal voice.

“Waaah, gomawo Ethan-ah!” she said then circling her hand in Ethan’s. Ethan is being surprised at her sudden action and only let out a heavy sigh. He, once again, only smiles.

While Krystal, who is on the other side of Ethan’s is burning red with anger. She was trying not to see the two of them but she failed. She ends up clearing her throats loudly but it’s no use. The two of them still seem like do lovey dovey in front of her. She’s getting annoyed by Ethan’s calm words and smile at Naeun everytime she asks. Does he need to be THAT polite? No, polite has its own limit. It’s not polite, it’s caring.

She is very fed up tat she clenches her fist.

“Ya, Son Naeun! You circled your hand on his, you must’ve put a good attention at his hand,” she said coldly, holding all the anger in her chest which is ready to burst out everytime. While Ethan smiles, holding his chuckles, at her words and burning red face.

Son Naeun is being confused with her sudden statement then looks at Ethan’s hand. There’s nothing wrong but...ah—yes, the couple ring. Naeun is gaping feeling embarassed at Krystal’s sudden attack. She’s annoyed at the Jung girl’s statement and shoots a death glare to her.

“O—oh, have you engaged? Should’ve not common to have this in England, right?”

“Yes,” he said shortly.

“What? Really? You’re enganged? To whom?” Nichkhun Horvejkul and Wang Jackson suddenly bombarded him with hundred questions.

“Isn’t it obvious?” he places his hand around Krystal’s waist, “ her,”

“DDDDDDDAEEEEEEBAKKK!” as usual, Wang Jackson is getting hyper at Ethan’s confession. While Krystal is drooping her shoulders and shooting an intimidating glare to the one who holds her now.




“What was that for!” Krystal shouts at him when they’re being left by the others.

“Then, what was that for?” he said with his playful smile.

“What? What are you trying to say, Ethan Lee? I’m seriously not understanding you, AT ALL!” Krystal pants as she keeps shouting while Ethan can’t hide his smile because he found that it was cute.

“The jealousy. What was it for?”




“WHAT? Are you even thinking that I was jealous? Heol, Ethan Lee!! Heol!” she said getting frustrated while rubbing her own temple.

“No need to hide it. Then why did you do that to Son Naeun?”

“Because...because...,” damn, she cannot find a better word to answer. She herself didn’t know why she hould act like that. All she knew is that she didn’t like to see Son Naeum holding on Ethan. It’s only her who can hold on, but wait! What kind of reason is that! It’s not scientifically explaining at all!

“Because you need to keep up a good act if you still think of me as your fake girlfriend!” she said non-sensely, think of how dumb she is to seek for a reason! She keeps blaming herself for uncontrolling her emotion.

As predicted, Ethan smiles again while patting Krystal’s back, “, ahjumma. I’ll put a good act for this,”

Krystal is going to burst out again at the word ahjumma, when suddenly her phone rang.


From: Park Chanyeol

Jung, we’re gonna have a party tonight at dorm for celebrating our 1st position in all chart! You should come!


Krystal lets out a heavy sigh at the text Chanyeol sent to her. She badly wants to come but tonight...ah tonight, there’s that date. She even forgets because of being stuck at Ethan Lee today. Ah, that date, who is the sender, seriously?



That night has come.

Krystal steps at her living room back and forth waiting for the sender of the letter. She’s nervous to death that she cannot properly breathe right now. She’s not dressed well as ordered in the letter. She only has her skinny jeans, dark blue sweater and sneakers on. She’s waiting for the door bell to ring.

Who are you?


She thinks of it deeply when finally her doorbell rang. She takes a peek from the door and seeing the familiar figure with a neat wears standing there.


She opens the door impatiently and shouts out at her guest, “What are you doing her—“

“Congratulations, Jung. I’m your date,” he smiled playfully in glory while Krystal is still gaping in shock, ready to slap the guy.







It’s him.


Author's: Surprise! Hehe, thank you for all your comments. It gives me strength to continue writing the story! Hehe, I see some of you love Sehun while some of you also love Ethan. Seriously, I love them both too! We'll know later with whom Krystal will end up. Once again, thank you for subscribing! Comment juseyooo~~

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Exose7en #1
Wait.... It's Ethan or sehun
Sestal pleaseeee. If Jung will be with Ethan (I don't even know, no offense) that is,totally s**t
84 streak #2
Chapter 2: Ethan more fitted to be with her
kusumaningtyas #3
Chapter 13: sestal please author-nim
Chapter 13: So adorable moment in the end of this chap..i want sestal for ending authornim.. they seems cute and perfect together.. sehun love her so much.. ♥♥
Sestal sestal... *^O^*
devushka #5
Chapter 13: Ethan with krystal pleaseeeee ;-;
Chapter 13: O.M.G. BEAUTIFUL!!!
Chapter 12: Sestal juseyo~
tarquin #8
Chapter 12: Ethan and krystal please please!!!
tarquin #9
Chapter 12: Update soon, who os krystal date??
shimar #10
Chapter 12: awww~~ really krystal and ethan are so freaking cute together i love them they are perfect. i like sehun too but ethan is arggg~~
to much for me to take. update soon autor